What are you allergic too?

I should have gone to the emergency room earlier, but opted to use it as a last resort because I live literally one block away from a hospital..
I'm generally a healthy eating person. I eat everything that is good for you except seafood and vegetables. So today I decided to pick up some fish from the grocery store. I hadn't eaten it since I was a little kid because I had an allergic reaction to it. I figured I'd probably be fine this time around.. WRONG.
After a few bites I felt a tingling on the back of my throat and tongue. My ears and neck began to swell as I turned bright red with hives. I had trouble breathing it was so bad and probably should have gone to the ER, but stayed still and waited for my mom to come over to my place with some benedryl.
I'm not allergic to anything else, but fish! I can eat shrimp with no problem, but there is something about fish. The whole reaction lasted a little over an hour and now I'm back to hating seafood again.
I'm generally a healthy eating person. I eat everything that is good for you except seafood and vegetables. So today I decided to pick up some fish from the grocery store. I hadn't eaten it since I was a little kid because I had an allergic reaction to it. I figured I'd probably be fine this time around.. WRONG.
After a few bites I felt a tingling on the back of my throat and tongue. My ears and neck began to swell as I turned bright red with hives. I had trouble breathing it was so bad and probably should have gone to the ER, but stayed still and waited for my mom to come over to my place with some benedryl.
I'm not allergic to anything else, but fish! I can eat shrimp with no problem, but there is something about fish. The whole reaction lasted a little over an hour and now I'm back to hating seafood again.
Post edited by Unknown User on
i'm allergic to xmas trees. well rather the fire retardant they spray on them. i spent a few years as a kid miserably sick for xmas until it was finally figured out that the xmas tree was the culprit.
It is funny that when I eat raspberries I almost literally turn into one; covered in red bumps.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
i don't like them near me, so it works out.
I've never been stung by a bee, but when they are near me I get scared because I think "what if I am allergic??" :eek:
I am not allergic to any food, but any kind of pollen does it for me, and dust. I used to have to get allergy shots when I was a child. And freshly cut grass gives me the WORST head and throat ache, as well as make my eyes itch! :mad:
Strong sensitivities to perfumes/colognes and onions.
Tree nuts (pecans, almonds, etc.)
Airborne allergies:
pollen from most hardwood trees
mold (really severe)
mildew (a real killer)
dust mites
most man-made scents/scented products
grass (the kind you plant on the lawn)
grass (the shit that you smoke...yes, it kills me to smell it)
That's all I can remember at the moment.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
you're just a picky eater. :P
When she said to me, do u know im alergic to latex? I said how did u find out?;) it is a funny story but not as exciting as i thought it would be because she is a hottie.
Sydney 14/02/2003
Sydney 07/11/2006
Sydney 18/11/2006
Sydney 22/11/2009
EV Sydney 18/03/2011
EV Sydney 19/03/2011
EV Sydney 20/03/2011
Melbourne 24/01/2014
Sydney 26/01/2014
EV Sydney 13/02/2014
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I should not post this late. I'm sorry I can't sleep yet.
The grass, Bees, beef, pork, pollen, dust mites, fleas, most plants, dairy, detergents, cleaning products, dust, cats, dogs, birds, eggs, steroids, etc. My next bee sting will be life threatening, and that is my only fear besides grass.
Most people think I'm nuts until they witness the reactions.
Ya know, the usual. :thumbup:
Forgot: tourists.
There is a huge difference in raw vs cooked. In many cases the stuff that causes the allergy vanishes when you heat the food up. I used to be extremely allergic to apples, only raw ones, I could eat them in a pie and such. But now that allergy is no more and I'm so happy it's gone and I eat lots and lots of apples. Raw. Mmmmmmmm