Friends that can't handle being high.



  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    There were a few times that someone would freak out, but nothing was too major. Most of it probably stemmed from smoking pot on campus at college and them being paranoid about someone busting us. Most of the time you just had to remind them that we covered up the smell and everything was fine.

    I freaked out once, but that was due to the pot being laced with PCP. Didn't find out about that until the next day, but it explained the fucked up hallucinations I had that night....
  • MrBrianMrBrian Posts: 2,672
    I freaked out once, but that was due to the pot being laced with PCP. Didn't find out about that until the next day, but it explained the fucked up hallucinations I had that night....

    Oh shit! lmao! crazy trip....
  • markymark550markymark550 Columbia, SC Posts: 5,179
    MrBrian wrote:
    Oh shit! lmao! crazy trip....
    yeah, it was fucked up....

    that was the last time I bought from the person who sold it to me....had to go to someone that I knew wouldn't lace it
  • stu geestu gee Posts: 1,174
    I dont know what this guy is on but its pretty funny, filmed by a street cleaner in my home town early on a monday morning a couple weeks ago. You meet some fuck ups in Glasgow but even this guy's special, looks like he's coming back from an all weekend party and he's taken a bit too much of whatever it is he has taken!! The faces he is pulling are pretty mad!!
    People say im paranoid. Well, they dont say it, but i know that's what they are thinking.
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