Great article on Chris M (Into the wild)

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My brother lives in Fairbanks and I have visited the area. In fact, I read the book long before there were any plans for a movie. I am a reclusive person who feels at home in the mountains and I always felt a kindred spirit with Chris and always will despite the naysayers.
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Having traveled Alaska, I think that Alaskans are more annoyed by the fact that people do this type of adventure with success every year. However, only the ones who die are celebrated.
Chris was naive and ill prepared to a fatal fault. He didn't seems to respect the wild he was so passionate about. If he would have respected the wild he would still be alive.
I really think the story is metaphor to live your life by. These critics look at the literal events and say he was stupid. A lot of people who have seen the movie don't get the metaphor for life.
Yeah I found that odd as well....
However, part of running away was to get away from his home life.
That's just it. You can't apply the paradigm of your family relationship to another person's relationship with their family. That doesn't make any sense. There will always be vast differences. And I'm sure he would have said goodbye if he had known it was going to be the last time he ever saw them.
Some of us have had bad parents or parents we didn't relate to at all.
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Agree on these points, but from my understanding he adored his sister. He perhaps hated his father, but I thought it was quite clear that he liked his sister.
To be gone for months like a missing person does not sit well with me. I realize everyone is different.
I can only relate to his story and how I feel.
Like I said, you can't take his story and break the facts down. He made question!
All you can do is take the spirit he had and apply it to your own life.
For me it's inspirational because I would love to walk away from my job and my bills to live free and happy in the wild. However, I deal in reality and that just won't satisfy me for the next 60 years.
I will just take his spirit and apply it where I can.
I thought this note was an interesting tragic.
"There's additional evidence McCandless needn't have wasted away. In July, a month before his death, he attempted to hike out of the bush, only to be turned away trying to cross the Teklanika. He failed to anticipate the change in water levels as the summer progressed and snowmelt increased. But as Krakauer noted -- and a 9,000-word piece by Chip Brown in a February 1993 New Yorker made clear -- had McCandless searched a bit farther downstream he would have discovered a manual tram over the river less than a mile from where he tried to cross, a detail missing from the film"
Celebration, the ball's in play
The book is a way more balanced account of his travels.
The movie seems to gloss over his mistakes a bit more.
Interesting. I have never second guessed Chris' decision to do what he did but I don't know that I would say his "parents" deserved the horrible feelngs they must still be stuck with. They probably should have made a better effort to understand their son and he should have made a better effort to understand them. I believe the whole family would have worked things out eventually had he not died.
I don't really think blame serves any purpose in a scenario like this...
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Gambling=a taxation on stupidity.
Remember, you can walk anywhere, as long as you have the time.
he probably didnt think he was going to die.
Exactly my point....
The movie cast him in a light that the book never did. The book recogonized his faults. The movie glorified his heroism