Being sick SUCKS.

GraySaturdayGraySaturday Posts: 2,878
edited September 2008 in All Encompassing Trip
Oh man, so I haven't had a cold in well over a year. It was great. Everyone around me would get sick, but never me.

So Friday I was totally fine, no hint of illness, all was well. I wake up Saturday, and I'm sick as fuck. My throat is nearly swollen shut, my head is pounding like a bass drum, I can't breathe, I ache all over.. and now its Sunday, and I'm way worse. I have a 101.1 fever, worst headache ever, can hardly breathe.

I must have gotten this horribleness from being in an Elementary school. They say first year teachers are sick all year. When I become a full time teacher, if I'm sick like this all year, I'll never make it!

Maybe this cold is worse then normal because I haven't had one in a while? Christ, I'm popping tylenol PM like candy. ughhhhh.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • The more ur around those sick little bastards the more immune u'll get. I worked at a pharmacy for 8 yrs and in the beginning I was sick a lot (first few months) after that I swear I wasn't sick a day. A year after I quit I got every illness known to man (or so it felt)!
    Good luck and I hope u feel better soon! :)
    "I'm not present, I'm a drug that makes you dream"
  • pretextpretext Posts: 1,294
    I did a year-long social work internship in a middle school a few years ago. I had colds all the freaking time, and I never get sick. Sucked ass. Maybe that's why they have all summer off. ;)
    Only thing worse I've experienced is surgery, which I'm recovering from now. Spent the first 5 days thinking I'd never feel normal again, and that was with the painkillers. My first day off the couch/bed consisted of walking up and down the driveway for 5 minutes and a trip to the post office (so I could send a money order for a PJ poster). It's better now, but I still have to watch my incision for infection. Never thought I'd get so comfortable with puss. Too much info?
    Anyway, I feel for you, dude. Feel better.
  • WhizbangWhizbang Posts: 1,314
    I thnk changing jobs in general will affect how much you get sick. New job, new germs. I left my old job after 13 years, was barely sick but once a year. I got 3 colds in the span of 6 months at the new job. I haven't been sick since. Being around little kids will definitely get you sick more often!

    get well soon!
    believe it or not, we don't "need" anything. that is only the spoiled brat in us trying to fill some temporary solution to an emptyness that does not exist.

    I have eaten so much gold I crapped excellence - drtyfrnk29

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!
  • Aww feel batter Sarah. My daughter keeps getting colds since she started daycare twice a week. Poor thing..."I got a told daddy. A tad told".
    Get em a Body Bag Yeeeeeaaaaa!
    Sweep the Leg Johnny.
  • Feel better, GS. Being sick sucks. Such a waste of time.
  • chadwickchadwick up my ass Posts: 21,157
    i feel for you teachers.
    it seems every flu/cold thingy out there is generated by kids.

    right now i am suffering from a chest cold.
    i cough and i cough, yet i still light up cigarettes, cigars, and other quite regularly.

    i guess i am a glutton for punishment.
    for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7

    "Hear me, my chiefs!
    I am tired; my heart is
    sick and sad. From where
    the sun stands I will fight
    no more forever."

    Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
  • IT's a World Wide Sui.......oops....cold virus ! suffering here to in ireland . gotta soldier on though.
    I plan to live far so good !
  • "get well get well soon. we want you to get well. get well get well soon. we want you to get well."

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