Anyone work out at Ballys?

I have a question for anyone who goes to Yoga at Ballys... so I got a whole Yoga mat/bag/block thinger for Christmas, and tomorrow will be my first Yoga class. I was wondering if any of you go to Ballys for Yoga, do you bring your own mats? I think that they told me that they use their own mats there, but I don't know if they just have them incase you don't bring one, or if I will look like a tool if I show up with my mat and my pretty bag and crap. I totally get scared of group work out classes because I don't like to be in crowds and I already don't know what I am doing when it comes to Yoga, so I am trying to save some embarrassment in the beginning because I'm sure I'll look stupid enough during the class 
Oh, and if you do work out there, will someone who knows nothing about Yoga be able to follow the class?
Do help me!

Oh, and if you do work out there, will someone who knows nothing about Yoga be able to follow the class?
Do help me!
Post edited by Unknown User on
Once I get out of this town
har har....
and this is why you didn't make my friendliest jammer list
i always get super nervous in classes. i have taken a couple of pilates classes, which were pretty simple to follow. but, i'm easily embarassed...i'm not the most flexible person in the world (i can't even touch my toes!!).
have fun in your's not the bikram (sp?) yoga where it's crazy hot? i've always wanted to try that...not sure why
Once I get out of this town
done with you! brat!
Once I get out of this town
No, its not the crazy hot yoga.. My boss is always begging me to go with her to that, but I am scared I will pass out or something.. I think I need to make sure I can get through a normal class before I agree to do it during heat stroke..
have a nice night too.. grrrr.. (if you hadn't turned blue recently, I'd be tougher on you!)
I, personally, had a bad experience with yoga. I was really excited to try a yoga class. Being a beginner I wasn't nearly as graceful as the others in the class (it was a class with everyone from beginners to advanced). Well, the chicks in the class weren't exactly sweet to me considering I wasn't as balanced or flexible as they were. I ended up dropping it. I've been too intimidated to go back. :(
ew! I was so nervous about being being yoga snobs. And no one talked to me, or anything, and everyone looked like they were 85 or less pounds, but hey.. thats fine.. Turns out this was power yoga so it was a little crazy for my first time, but the instructor was really nice. It kinda sucks because my normal Ballys offers Yoga at like 8am, and I don't even get up that early for work, so I have to go a to a different Ballys that is further from me. But I'll go back, it was very relaxing. I do hope someone speaks to me in the future though.. I was lonely.. everyone seemed to have a pal there.
It really wasn't one of those yuppy classes, most of the women looked older.. so maybe that cut down on the snobness..