29 in October...need to get in shape.

"Heard you're bummed about that gut."
"unless you're under the age of 23 or a professional athlete...six pack probably isn't going to happen"
"buy bigger shirts"
man do i love that commercial. anyway, i'm a little behind. i don't care so much about the six pack...i know it's down there somewhere. i just want to get in shape. i'm 6'2, 213 lbs...i guess i should be around 185/190.
my biggest thing is eating late and not exercising...although i do have a fairly physical job. where to start? i'm trying to cut out the fast food although i find myself going to it at least once a month. just give some suggestions please. i don't want to hit 30 and be in the shape i am now.
"unless you're under the age of 23 or a professional athlete...six pack probably isn't going to happen"
"buy bigger shirts"
man do i love that commercial. anyway, i'm a little behind. i don't care so much about the six pack...i know it's down there somewhere. i just want to get in shape. i'm 6'2, 213 lbs...i guess i should be around 185/190.
my biggest thing is eating late and not exercising...although i do have a fairly physical job. where to start? i'm trying to cut out the fast food although i find myself going to it at least once a month. just give some suggestions please. i don't want to hit 30 and be in the shape i am now.
Esther's here and she's sick?
hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
Post edited by Unknown User on
The easiest thing right off the bat is to just eliminate sugar and processed white flour. See how that goes at first.
Genetics suck.
And at 29, give me two weeks of laying off the nachos and beer and I'll show you a six pack.
Show off.
First suggestion is to have the right attitude to want to do it - seems like you have.
Second - commit for at least 2 months. Exercise 3 days a week for 2 months and I can NEARLY guarantee you'll be addicted. Get over the initial hump!!!
Maybe a suggestion is to hire a PT for a few months and pay upfront so you cant pull out.
Go no matter how tired/hungover you feel. The extra oxygen into your system after training is a natural high.
I even found this thread in here the other day
which may help you
It becomes a lifestyle and not a chore - thats what you want. I get grumpy, tired, slumped in the shoulders etc if I dont go within 3-4 days
Each to their own it really is but the main thing Id say is get thru that initial stage and make it a habit.
A healthy mind starts with a healthy body. Good luck
EDIT: Oh and a six pack is only possible if your diet is good (or 21 years of age). A when I say good I mean no Chew and Spew!!!! The diet should be the easy part. Besides the beer maybe....mmmmm beer
question for you.
Can you recommend a good workout for me? Don't really want to build more bulk but a good toning regiment.
Right now, due to my work schedule I work out an hour a day for 7 days in a row. On my off week I work out every other day.
You can say genetics suck to show off all you like. Time will catch up with you, your metabolism will change before you know it and middle age spread will take over, you mark my words...
brainofPJ, here's my advice in regards to weight loss -
* I think it was South of Seattle said about cutting out sugar and processed white flour? Certainly try that. I know if I want to get back into the weight loss frame of mind I do that. Within days it can make you feel better.
* Try not to drink too many fizzy drinks, they can bloat you, make you feel big and thus making you feel like your fighting a losing battle.
* I now it may sound obvious but eat plenty of fresh, whole foods. Raw veg is brilliant for snacks.
* Fruit is great for digestion but don't eat too much as natural sugar can make you gain weight as any other sugar. Things like nuts and seeds are great in moderation as they contain oils, vitamins and minerals essential for you body.
* Try to substitute large portions of meat with things like white, non oily fish. Great for the body and brain and low in fat.
* Things like pasta are good but not too much. Try to eat wholewheat/brown pasta and rice.
* Remember that your stomach is naturally the size of your fist when empty and has to stretch to accomodate large portions. It take 20 mins for your brain to register that it's full so take your time and have a break from eating if necessary.
* Try too eat little and often but not too late at night.
* Keep yourself busy so you won't be bored and feel the need to eat.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Even if it means walking to work one day, change your exercise routine a little. Your body gets used to the amount you do daily and stops losing weight.
* Try to keep a record of how you're doing. Take measurements and write down how your weight is decreasing, that way, should you have a bad day, you can look back and see how well you've done.
* Make yourself feel better and healthy by eating the right foods first, and weight loss will naturally follow
And that's about it really... I've lost nearly 6 stone (82lbs) in just over 2 years now so I know how hard it can be. Good luck
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
I haven't touched red meat or pork in almost 13 years.
I don't eat sweets and when I (rarely) do it's only natural sources...non-processed.
I rarely eat anything that isn't natural.
I eat lots of fruit and veggies.
I love to run.
Six pack, and in perfect shape at the age of 27.
It's really not that hard. I stopped eating red meat (due mostly to a family history of heart disease) and I thought it would be harder than it was...
It was not.
If you start eating healthy and working out, you're life will change! The feeling you get is unreal. You see things clearly, think clearly, and have soooo much energy!
Live life, but live for a better life because it really is easy.
Fuck man training everyday you should have a 28 pack!! If doing heavy lifting (you suggest you're not tho) be very careful training that often - your muscles have no time to repair.
If doing cardio then 7 days a week in fine but you should throw in the odd rest day - or hit the pub
No probs re the workout. In fact Ive got a whole heap save on my computer so Ill just send you one of those BUT Ill have to do it tomorrow if you dont mind as Ive got some urgent crap to get in the mail before 6.
So you just wanna tone up a bit?
How fit are you?? And compare that to gym people not the average Joe Blow?
Can you handle short breaks and super sets?
Any particular part of the body or all over??
Is your core strength good?
Answer those Ill and get it done tomorrow for ya
Really well said mate.
Training is a lifestyle not a chore - simple as that
I'd have a 28 pack, but I like to eat and drink, and that's my problem.
I basically feel like my workouts just allow me to maintain what I have now. I'm 5'8" 190lbs. But when I tell people how much I weight they don't believe me. They all think I look like I'm about 160
All of my fat does settle in my midsection. It's pretty weird, Stomach and above by tone and muscle definition is good, as well as the legs. I grew up playing Soccer, Football, Baseball, Basketball, Tennis and Skateboarding.
I'm fit, I can handle physical activity pretty well. My core strength is decent, but I've been trying to ramp that up.
As far as sports go, all I really do now is shoots some hoops occasionally, bike occasionally, golf, and Snowboard all winter.
It basically consists of this:
Eat several small meals a day.
Eat healthy food - whole grains, low fat, etc.
Drink tons of water.
Work out 6 days/week, alternating between cardio & weights.
One day/week, don't work out and eat whatever crap you want.
Of course there's more to it, but these are the main points.
I tried it and did a really shitty job and still got in much better shape. Even when I stopped the program entirely and went back to my old, evil ways, I still kept losing weight!
Whatever you do, good luck! I think just working up the discipline to make a change is the hardest part.
Damn! Impressive!
It's the white powdery shit used to make most baked goods.
It's been processed so much that there is literally NO health benefit at all from consuming it and it is loaded with carbs (where if you are lazy and don't work out) will turn to fat.
I buy organic whole wheat flour.
There's so much to say on this, but seriously...it's just a matter of eating right and exercising. That's it. Just get in the mindset of eating enough to support your health, and BURNING the fat off with exercise. Don't get into the mindset of STARVING the fat off by heavily restricting calories. That doesn't work in the long term.
we're all different.
and under the age of 30, i could've said something very similar. i nevr had weight issues. such is life.
btw - there are loads of people just like you, so don't feel too smug...and as you say, it's genetics, not anything you do to 'deserve' it. just sayin'.
as to the OP...i hear ya! i've been saying for far too long the same thing. i did get myself right back where i wanted to be in 2004. first/only time i've ever done anything for my diet, etc.....first time i realized i ever had to! however, right back where i was before! ack! and 29 in october? try 40 in november.
good luck to us all!
i plan on welcoming in my 40s smokin'.....and i don't mean ciggies.
i haven't made any progress as of yet and amazingly am having the hardest time motivating myself. my birthday usually does the trick, especially a biggie as this year. i am trying to kick myself in the ass to get going. i WAS....and then i had a fall and on crutches, ankle still not 100%. eh well. i've got 4 months, exactly from yesterday....time to get moving!
i find small changes help enormously, mostly in my food choices. not so much aviodance, but portions...and sure BETTER choices overall. small changes can yield big results. the main issue is consistency, at least for me.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
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sounds good!
for some of tho, impractical overall. some of us live in/near the concrete jungle...so ain't so easy there. and for me, between my 8 hour day and my commute....that's 11 hours out of my schedule M-F. not an excuse, just sayin'. however, i walk to/from work a good distance train to office, but while i think overall it's got to be good for my health....it hasn't done much to my ass.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
I understand it isn't easy for everyone but so much of it is just making a decision and sticking wth it. During the big cold Idaho winters, I snowshoe, snowboard, snow camp, etc. Weather shouldn't stop anyone, just dress warmer.
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i agree absolutely.
also the hardest part.
was just sayin'. however, the only reason the weather ever stops me is being too farking HOT!!! the cold is fine! that's why i said, treadmill now, outside when it gets cooler.....WAY too hot/humid here at the moment for anything else. and sure, the fact that i have perfected the art form of relaxing.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
Got'cha. I'm with you now. Yes, the heat can be brutal. During July and August in Boise the day time highs are always around 100. I used to play street basketball on asphalt courts for hours after work and almost every day. On the court it was often times 110 degrees. I would suffer from heat stroke pretty much every time I played. Get home, throw up, be dizzy, drink water, lay motionless on the couch for an hour or so... Brutal. Now, I tend to find a body of water and just go swimming or kayaking or something.
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ugh, I was in shape UNTIL I was 29 and then all of a sudden I lost control of my body!!
fast food is NEVER a good idea.
eating late is generally ok as long as it's healthy and it's not mindless snacking. if you're hungry, it's fine.
to start exercising- go out and run as far as you can and then walk until you feel like you can run again. Repeat for at least 3 miles. In about 3 weeks you'll be able to run the whole 3 miles, and once you can run 3 miles, you can increase distance easily. Then do push ups. I think this is THE best way to start exercising. If you join a gym get a few sessions with a trainer to learn to lift properly.
sounds worse than NYC/long island. when i am finished with work, all i want to do is relaaaaxxxxxx.
seriously, though...you are RIGHT, absolutely! you need to find activities you enjoy and thus will WANT to do...and WILL do. i'm working on finding mine. i was never a very 'active' person. sure as a kid i lived in the pool, did the usual kid activities but overall, not very active. i also was such a skinny kid, no worries.
lifetimes are catching up with me.......;)
i really need to find something FUN i like and enjoy to do and be active.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
...or will turn to fat if your body doesn't process carbohydrates the right way (no matter how much you work out)
white processed flour pretty much is in any type of breads or cereals or pastas or (pastries or breading on fried foods) that aren't made of whole grains (i.e. brownish).
Still want some programs mate?