Monster Giant Rat Discovered In Indonesia

Giant Rat Found in Indonesia

The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Researchers in a remote jungle in Indonesia have discovered a giant rat and a tiny possum that are apparently new to science, underscoring the stunning biodiversity of the Southeast Asian nation, scientists said Monday.
Unearthing new species of mammals in the 21st century is considered very rare. The discoveries by a team of American and Indonesian scientists are being studied further to confirm their status.
The animals were found in the Foja mountains rainforest in eastern Papua province in a June expedition, said U.S.-based Conservation International, which organized the trip along with the Indonesian Institute of Science.
"The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat," said Kristofer Helgen, a scientist with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. "With no fear of humans, it apparently came into the camp several times during the trip."
The possum was described as "one of the worlds smallest marsupials."
A 2006 expedition to the same stretch of jungle -- dubbed by Conservation International as a "Lost World" because until then humans had rarely visited it -- unearthed scores of exotic new species of palms and butterflies.
Papua has some of the world's largest tracts of rainforest, but like elsewhere in Indonesia they are being ravaged by illegal logging. Scientists said last year that the Foja area was not under immediate threat, largely because it was so remote.
"It's comforting to know that there is a place on Earth so isolated that it remains the absolute realm of wild nature," said expedition leader Bruce Beehler. "We were pleased to see that this little piece of Eden remains as pristine and enchanting as it was when we first visited." E-mail to a friend
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast

The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat.
JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) -- Researchers in a remote jungle in Indonesia have discovered a giant rat and a tiny possum that are apparently new to science, underscoring the stunning biodiversity of the Southeast Asian nation, scientists said Monday.
Unearthing new species of mammals in the 21st century is considered very rare. The discoveries by a team of American and Indonesian scientists are being studied further to confirm their status.
The animals were found in the Foja mountains rainforest in eastern Papua province in a June expedition, said U.S.-based Conservation International, which organized the trip along with the Indonesian Institute of Science.
"The giant rat is about five times the size of a typical city rat," said Kristofer Helgen, a scientist with the Smithsonian Institution in Washington. "With no fear of humans, it apparently came into the camp several times during the trip."
The possum was described as "one of the worlds smallest marsupials."
A 2006 expedition to the same stretch of jungle -- dubbed by Conservation International as a "Lost World" because until then humans had rarely visited it -- unearthed scores of exotic new species of palms and butterflies.
Papua has some of the world's largest tracts of rainforest, but like elsewhere in Indonesia they are being ravaged by illegal logging. Scientists said last year that the Foja area was not under immediate threat, largely because it was so remote.
"It's comforting to know that there is a place on Earth so isolated that it remains the absolute realm of wild nature," said expedition leader Bruce Beehler. "We were pleased to see that this little piece of Eden remains as pristine and enchanting as it was when we first visited." E-mail to a friend
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

Donate Organs and Save a Life
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

Donate Organs and Save a Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
FUCK IT you beat me to it!
Arrgh FUCK
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I saw one like that in Sri Lanka. 'No biggy'.
I want to own that rat! He looks so cool!
~Wild is my love~
I don't know why.
"rodents of unusual size? i dont think they exist."
Edit: Not that I condone something like that.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
1,000 cool points for the Princess Bride reference.
kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
world fucking champs!!!
Camden Cheese Steak!
i had a criminal law professor who always posed hypotheticals when talking about murders to see how our views would change if the victim were only mostly dead
world fucking champs!!!
NYCs biggest rat isnt that big.
even the bigger ones that dwell around the great jamaica bay ( some call them cat szed rats ) but still they arent as big as that one .
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
HOLY MOLY!~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS A RAT
i wish i could of brought u to the fish market when it was open
the water rats that were around weren't that much smaller ,,we used to shoot them with zip guns lol oh the joy
the vic ~ 8.2.07
eV at The Ryman ~ 6.18.09
st. louis ~ 5.4.10
If we all did a little, together we could make a BIG difference....wanna help us?
Then visit
Anyone else here having Princess Bride flash backs?
Guess those scientists found the fire swamp lol.
Butt-head: This guy makes faces like Eddie Vedder.
Beavis: No, Eddie Vedder makes faces like this guy.
Butt-head: I heard these guys, like, came first and Pearl Jam ripped them off.
Beavis: No, Pearl Jam came first.
Butt-head: Well, they both suck.