Pole Dancers- on the Local NYC Subways

how did NYPJ1 not post about this ?
Subway pole dancers enrage MTA
Monday, December 10th 2007, 4:00 AM http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/12/10/2007-12-10_subway_pole_dancers_enrage_mta.html
The N train may need to be changed to the NC-17 and the L could be dubbed the lap dance express.
That's because commuters on the lines got their two bucks worth - and then some - when four leggy New Yorkers set out to turn the subway cars into strip-club Champagne lounges.
On a dare from a Web site promising $10,000 for the best pole dancing in public, the quartet took a ride on the wild side and their winning video has become a rage on the Internet.
"It was literally get on the train and go," said Laura Lee Anderson, 24, of Queens, one of the vivacious vixens videotaped performing Scores-type moves on a Manhattan-bound N train.
Gal pals Jessica Wu, Marissa Lupp and Isis Masoud joined Anderson for the hip-grinding stunt that had male riders ogling and skipping their stops, females smirking - and the MTA fuming.
"The last thing we want is for anyone to turn our subways into roving burlesque stages for crude exhibitionists," said NYC Transit spokesman Paul Fleuranges.
"While the rules don't specifically state lap or pole dancing ... what is depicted here is disorderly conduct," Fleuranges added.
The N train divas had no regrets and saw their cleavage-baring act as a golden opportunity.
"Strip dancing in public can be a little nerve racking, but we were all broke and in between jobs and it seemed like a good way to make some cash," said Masoud, an aspiring actress and choreographer.
Armed with a boom-box blasting Prince's "Erotic City" and bolstered by shots of vodka, the self-described "Pole-ite" foursome stood clear of the closing doors March 1, stripped off their coats and got jiggy with metal aisle poles.
Dressed in a skimpy mini dress and leotard, Lupp, 20, a New York University theater student, gave new meaning to the word straphanger.
Dangling from overhead handrails, she lowered herself on a male rider, who eagerly accepted a lap dance.
Dangling from overhead handrails, she lowered herself on a male rider, who eagerly accepted a lap dance.
In a midriff-revealing blouse and short plaid skirt, Wu, 25, of Queens, punctuated her acrobatics with a leg split. "Don't tell my mom," the NYU grad said.
Filmed with a Sony Handycam and edited by Masoud, the women submitted their video to Darejunkies.com and collected the grand prize.
When it was downloaded on YouTube, the four-minute clip - titled "Sexy Pole Dance Girls in NYC Subway" - became a four-star hit, attracting more than 61,000 views.
"They won because sex in a public place always sells," said Darren Niermerow, 29, co-founder of the Web site.
But Lupp's parents said they never dreamed their daughter's celebrity would hinge on her subway pole dexterity.
"We're traditional conservative people and I was a little chagrined when I saw her do a lap dance on that guy," said Marshall Lupp from his Essexville, Mich., home.
Subway pole dancers enrage MTA
Monday, December 10th 2007, 4:00 AM http://www.nydailynews.com/news/2007/12/10/2007-12-10_subway_pole_dancers_enrage_mta.html
The N train may need to be changed to the NC-17 and the L could be dubbed the lap dance express.
That's because commuters on the lines got their two bucks worth - and then some - when four leggy New Yorkers set out to turn the subway cars into strip-club Champagne lounges.
On a dare from a Web site promising $10,000 for the best pole dancing in public, the quartet took a ride on the wild side and their winning video has become a rage on the Internet.
"It was literally get on the train and go," said Laura Lee Anderson, 24, of Queens, one of the vivacious vixens videotaped performing Scores-type moves on a Manhattan-bound N train.
Gal pals Jessica Wu, Marissa Lupp and Isis Masoud joined Anderson for the hip-grinding stunt that had male riders ogling and skipping their stops, females smirking - and the MTA fuming.
"The last thing we want is for anyone to turn our subways into roving burlesque stages for crude exhibitionists," said NYC Transit spokesman Paul Fleuranges.
"While the rules don't specifically state lap or pole dancing ... what is depicted here is disorderly conduct," Fleuranges added.
The N train divas had no regrets and saw their cleavage-baring act as a golden opportunity.
"Strip dancing in public can be a little nerve racking, but we were all broke and in between jobs and it seemed like a good way to make some cash," said Masoud, an aspiring actress and choreographer.
Armed with a boom-box blasting Prince's "Erotic City" and bolstered by shots of vodka, the self-described "Pole-ite" foursome stood clear of the closing doors March 1, stripped off their coats and got jiggy with metal aisle poles.
Dressed in a skimpy mini dress and leotard, Lupp, 20, a New York University theater student, gave new meaning to the word straphanger.
Dangling from overhead handrails, she lowered herself on a male rider, who eagerly accepted a lap dance.
Dangling from overhead handrails, she lowered herself on a male rider, who eagerly accepted a lap dance.
In a midriff-revealing blouse and short plaid skirt, Wu, 25, of Queens, punctuated her acrobatics with a leg split. "Don't tell my mom," the NYU grad said.
Filmed with a Sony Handycam and edited by Masoud, the women submitted their video to Darejunkies.com and collected the grand prize.
When it was downloaded on YouTube, the four-minute clip - titled "Sexy Pole Dance Girls in NYC Subway" - became a four-star hit, attracting more than 61,000 views.
"They won because sex in a public place always sells," said Darren Niermerow, 29, co-founder of the Web site.
But Lupp's parents said they never dreamed their daughter's celebrity would hinge on her subway pole dexterity.
"We're traditional conservative people and I was a little chagrined when I saw her do a lap dance on that guy," said Marshall Lupp from his Essexville, Mich., home.
For the ones who had a notion, a notion deep inside
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

Donate Organs and Save a Life
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

Donate Organs and Save a Life
Post edited by Unknown User on
but maybe ill take the train ....
Yeah, a one time lap dance is far worse than guys whose house burned down three times in the last year while burying his daughter the week prior and contracting aids in the coming weeks who only wants a sandwich. :rolleyes:
Damn, I need to ride the N train more often
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
I'm so proud to call that city my home.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
well, here you go
( caution - this may not be suitable for work )
That it ain't no sin to be glad you're alive
Donate Organs and Save a Life
hahahaha....i love new york....:D
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
And maybe a few more on them after those girls got through with them
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
just don't ride the 7 train with the crack whores, welfare mothers and whatever else John Rocker said.
Just kidding but thought it would be funny to say that.
Ha, but unfortunately i'm a dumb fucking Met fan, thus very familiar with the 7 train..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
wow your life must have sucked this fall - having to ride the 7 train to watch the biggest collapse in baseball history. also isn't 'dumb fucking met fan' redundant? sorry just trying to funny on a gloomy monday
You're right, it was pretty fucking tough, but I started feeling better right about the time the Phills and Yanks collapsed..
put on a slow, dumb show for you
and crack you up
so you can put a blue ribbon on my brain
god I'm very, very frightening
and I'll overdo it'
well hell for the Phils it only took like 4 days for that to happen so thats not too bad for you.