Spring is coming....birds are tweeting....

Ok, in Chicago, we just got about 8-10 inches of snow friday, then about 5 more yesterday.
Its still February, and we have AT LEAST one more month of winter.
I have been living in a cave, living off of my own body fat, sleeping.....actually more of a dormant-like state.
But that being said....with the recent tweet from our favorite Kat.....I will be coing out of my hibernation and spending more time here waiting for some announcements.
So, I am definitely looking forward to the spring and summer, regardless of PJ's plans.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE winter. I LOVE the snow and cold.
But right around February 15-20 I start to get a little edgy. I cant wait to start running again. Hopefully some shows, hopefully some other fun stuff awaits me this year.
What are you looking forward to once the deep freeze of winter is over?
Its still February, and we have AT LEAST one more month of winter.
I have been living in a cave, living off of my own body fat, sleeping.....actually more of a dormant-like state.
But that being said....with the recent tweet from our favorite Kat.....I will be coing out of my hibernation and spending more time here waiting for some announcements.
So, I am definitely looking forward to the spring and summer, regardless of PJ's plans.
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE winter. I LOVE the snow and cold.
But right around February 15-20 I start to get a little edgy. I cant wait to start running again. Hopefully some shows, hopefully some other fun stuff awaits me this year.
What are you looking forward to once the deep freeze of winter is over?
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ughhh makes me so sad! I keep digging my poor car out for no reason it seems!
Oh, and I am looking forward to not having A/C and sweating my ass off, instead of being freezing..
sorry I am having a debbie downer moment.
No matter how cold the winter.....there is a blazing hot summer ahead, eh?
Wow, I didnt realize we were getting another snowstorm.
Nuclear fission
tis true my friend.. brace yourself.. seems we are getting slammed this winter.
yeah, definitely one of the snowiest winters on record.
Nuclear fission
Sounds good to me.
I cant wait to go camping again.
Nuclear fission
yeah looking forward to possible tour news as well......
Miss 'incolor, you have missed quite a winter!
Perhaps its on its way!!!
Nuclear fission
It sounds like you've got our snow. :( We were promised some this weekend but no. Just wind and rain. :(
i'm glad someone else is missing out!!!
and mr. hedd i am trying to be positve just wishing everytime my michigan and my sister get snow that it stays cold and strong enough to make it all the way over here........wishful thinking!!!
i even really want to shovel!!!!
What do you do with your lil squirt when you're trapped inside all day?! I would go nuts with the kidlets...gotta get out to the park, or a walk at least!
Two words for you:
Laser Pointer.
Im sure its just as good for kids.
Nuclear fission
I wish!!!! They don't have the attention spans that pups do.
M, I kid you not, I am going insane! My boss doesn't let me take prestyn outside of the house because its "cold"... Oh my god, its been like 3 months since I have seen outside of their house. Its driving me up the F-ING wall. Not to mention she went on some weird ass power trip and is being SUPER weird. Oh, and now prestyn is all clingy to her after the aruba trip and he won't go to anyone but her.. and if he cant see her, he cries, and she is there all day, so he cries and cries and she comes running and she spends all day with him and I sit there like a total moron. Now she is taking him to gymboree twice a week and told me I could wait at home because she wanted to go with him.. WHAT IS THE POINT of me being there?!?!
but it was windy and sunny.
so I think if it does rain it wont do so for long.
our birds tweet all the time.
So I guess the wife divulging to you that her husband was uncut wasn't a hint enough?
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
That bloody sucks!! I didn't want to work for an "at-home" mom for that exact reason. Is she the kind of person that's easy to talk to?? Could you tell her maybe that you need to spend more one-on-one time with him so he stops freaking out on you? I'm sorry to hear that mom is acting weird...ugh...time for a new job???
I think next time they go on vacation they need to take you with.
Isn't it like 2 degrees there? I wouldn't want to be out in that...let alone bring a baby outside.
hahaha oh my god.. don't remind me!
And, M,.. she works, but she works from home.. only she is always there, and she just hangs out with us. I'm like.. please kill me. When I was hired, its in my contracts that she might be home once in a while.. too bad thats every day!
I understand and HIGHLY condone parents being with their children, thats awesome. I've worked for people who have written their children off to me.. BUTTTTTT.. why pay someone as much as I make to sit around and watch you play with your child? I would NEVER be able to spend that kind of money and not use it. Its a huge waste. And I feel useless. I could really use my teaching skills somewhere and I am beginning to feel very unused and bored. I think I'd like to work with slightly older children. This position is not challenging me in the slightest.
Vedd, I'm sorry to have gotten off topic. I look forward to up coming chances to advance my career, and school starting in the fall
Take care of 3 kids under the age of 4....that'll challenge the hell out of you.
Ok, sorry for hijacking...back to the glories of Spring.
haha, not at all.
I cant stand parents who wont let their kids go outside and play in the snow. WTF?
Besides....is 43 degrees out! It's shorts weather.
Nuclear fission
He's only 8 months old.. he's not a big snow player in-er yet.
OK, I know I don't exactly live in cold weather so I really can't talk...but if he was 8 years old, I'd say wrap that kid up and have a snowball fight. 8 months...not so much.
Old enough to go out for a walk. Take him to a hockey game.
Nuclear fission
I never experience snow during winter (at least not normally), but I am waiting to hear for the news from Kat!!
But I totally dig it!
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
Come visit Chicago sometime! You will get more than your share of snow!
Nuclear fission