Watch Stone change diapers

Has anyone seen this?? Opie and Anthony's couch, but no sex.
Our musical heroes are good peeps.
Our musical heroes are good peeps.
HOB 10.05.2005, E Rutherford 06.03.2006, The Gorge 07.22.2006, Lolla 08.05.2007, West Palm 06.11.2008, Tampa 06.12.2008, Columbia 06.16.2008, EV Memphis 06.20.2009, New Orleans 05.01.2010, Kansas City 05.03.2010
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"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
I know that was hilarious.
For whatever it's worth
Comes with being a parent. Called juggling
I think there is a political statement aspect to it, and I admire Stone for doing this
although that's his first kid...i can change a diaper in half the time.
atta boy stone!!!
it did take him quite a long time.
I'll bet that filthy couch is TONS cleaner than the "changing tables" in bathrooms.
I thought it was great to see. Who knows where Mama was. Maybe she had a meeting with the HDSA people at the same time. Always gotta revert to the Mom, huh?
That's how it goes when you have a baby. And....sometimes it's easier for everyone (especially the baby!) if Mom or Dad just cares for the kid instead of leaving her with someone else.
Made Stone even more likeable than he already was.
it was pretty unprofessional...he started baby talking to the kid in the middle of discussing the brad album. I'm sure "the mrs." was probably busy with work too or whatever but I still don't think that it's acceptable to bring babies certain places, and to change their diapers while you're supposed to be answering questions about a benefit is just kind of rude.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
Well, babies are born. And now that mommies are not locked up in houses caring for them you are just bound to see a lot more of this "unprofessional" behavior :rolleyes:
"Well....I can do the interview if you really want me too...but due to circumstances...if I do it...I'll have to bring along my baby."
And they may have said....."Whatever! Bring the baby. We here at K-Rock... We looove babies!"
I'll bet most people discussing his lack of "professionalism" don't have a baby.
I never really got into Stone, i always felt that he had a problem with Ed or something, Not sure why, But..........
After watching that interview....I really like him. I see him in a whole new way now. I also just listened to a Brad song on youtube also and i loved it. First time I heard them. Nice sound.
Which album should I but from Brad?
Which is the favorite?
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
god I hope not.
I hope no one I have to work with is as distracted as stone was during that interview (or starts talking baby talk in the middle of a meeting).
Lighten up will ya? Wait until you have a situation where you need to bring your child with you someday to place where you normally would not.
I know I have been there many times. Its a part of being a good parent.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
Let me guess.....SWF? and Happy right?
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
He's a fucking rock star! That was waaaay professional compared to what many do. Holy crap. This was no presidential debate. It was a somewhat impromptu interview in a studio where other rock stars drink jack daniels, do drugs, smoke cigarettes and fondle multiple 19 year old chicks.
Damn, people.
I thought it was funny- and really an interview like that is puff anyway. they always are.
The fact that he was changing the kids diaper was kinda cool.
and the asscrax was funny too.
made me like him a lil bit more.
Hahahaha, the ass crack was funny, pointing it right to the DJ.
After all people.........he is just a freaking DJ.
Sweep the Leg Johnny.
he's a rock star who was discussing a benefit for huntington's disease run by a professional organization, at a place of a business, a radio station. some situations are for kids, some situations are not. And even if you argue that it was ok to bring the kid, fine, but he let himself get distracted by it, and as I listener, I found that annoying. simple as that.
not everyone has children you know.
You must annoy easily, huh?
Personally...I found it a little endearing.
But I guess I "endear" easily.
I'm sorry, but that's a ridiculous statement. Want proof? Now many people who had never heard about KRock New York or Huntington Disease and the Professional Organization fundraising for it watched this video and know about both. All courtesy of Stone's baby and his public diaper changing.
Also, for those making erroneous assumptions about Stone's wife lack of a career, she is an environment consultant.
So sad to see people annoyed by the mixing of children and profession. Especially women.