Fucking earthquake

Woke me up at 4:30 this morning. What's my first decision when I realize we're having an earthquake you might ask? To go hold the TV on top of the armoir (sp?) in our bedroom so it doesn't rattle off---THEN tell my pregnant wife to stand under the doorframe as I stand and hold the TV (which was never in any danger of falling off). Thank God I have a wife with a sense of humor and understands she married a moron who doesn't think clearly when awaken at 4:30am.
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LOL! I'm from Australia and we don't get many earthquakes here. Definitely not in northern Australia where I am. I take it the door frames are the strongest parts of the house?
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
and still jonesing for another show....
"the waiting drove me mad..."
I actually felt it in Atlanta, GA. Albeit very small. It kind of felt like a train was passing by and rattled things a little, except i don't live near a railroad track
I thought nothing of it at the time i was half awake and half asleep. i got to work and read the news and was like shit i bet that is what that rattling was this morning!
Charlotte 03
Asheville 04
Atlanta 12
Greenville 16, Columbia 16
Seattle 18
Nashville 22
Ohana Festival 24 x2
Hah, protect the tv
Living in earthquake country - my first thought is generally to get into the door frame and/or duck & cover! However, I've never been woken up by one, they've always been during the day. The last big one here I was in the bottom story of a three story building and very close to the front door...so I was out that door in seconds. Yah, I know you're not supposed to go outside, but all I could think of was I don't want a 3 story building on top of me!
I'd be good in a real emergency.
We've very close to the New Madrid fault which has been responsible for some violent earthquakes. They are predicting a big one from that fault at some point in our lifetime.
last week we had a fire alarm in my apartment complex, and my girlfriend had to literally talk me out of unplugging/disconnecting the TV and carrying it outside with me.
brand new LCD, must protect at all costs!
That said, I missed it. I was drunk and asleep.
They have me scared to death right now. I am here alone with 4 of my kids and that includes my 2 year old twins and one of them is severely disabled. What the heck am I supposed to do if we have a big one?
I don't think they ever taught us anything about earthquakes here except in elementary school where we are supposed to curl up into a ball in the hallway.
Whenever one hits just stand in a doorframe. That's the safest place to be.
I need a plan, I am a planner.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
There is a giant fault running under that whole section of the country. The last devastating major earthquake they had was in 1803, I think. Scientists have been saying they are due for another big one.
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
My Etch-a-sketch Gallery!
That was funny!!
close, 1812 ...
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
That is funny. I know you are from California. I remember when I first moved to CA, every little earthquake used to make me jump out of my skin. After 5 years of living in SF, the only earthquake that would wake me up was the one that threw me out of bed. If you really want to have fun, be in tall building during an earthquake. I worked in an office in downtown SF on the 34th floor. One day we had a 5.2 quake. Earthquake resistant buildings sway to absorb the shock. The building I was in would sway 7 feet off its vertical axis in one direction for total motion of 14 feet in both directions. It was quite a ride. You could not stand up. My mom was still living in SF during the 89 quake. The day after the quake I went down to help her. She lived in the Marina in SF. A few blocks from her house, an apartment complex with 7 garages collapsed. The building fell on the cars in the garage, which were all mercedes, porches, etc. About half a milliion in automobiles squashed.
But mr. justam
is who I am
"That's a repulsive combination of horrible information and bad breath."-Pickles
"Remember, death is a natural part of the workplace. So, when you see a dead body at work, don't freak out, just ring your death bell." "ting"-Toki Wartooth
I've lived in San Diego all my life...and the truth is, I'm petrified of earthquakes. They still freak me out to the point where I can't sleep for days afterwards. :eek:
Sounds like what I did in our last big one--
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
I'm an east coast boy now living in SF ... been here 3.5 years.
The first few I felt, it was kind of cool ... a little wobbling ... rolling ... ha ha, laugh it off. Feels like a large truck rolling by your house.
A few months ago I felt a 5.6 I think it was ... that caught my attention. Wasn't scared, but, it was enough to get me to take notice of shit shaking and rattling.
So ... yeah ... the stuff greater than 6.0 ... no thanks, I'm all set with that.
What's the statistic? California has a 97% chance of a major (6.7 or greater) earthquake before 2037?
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Although the most dangerous fault line in this area is the New Madrid fault which is New Madrid, Missouri, this was the Wabash fault line centered at West Salem, Illinois - about a 1.5- 2hr. drive north of where we live.
The worst earthquake from the New Madrid fault was in 1812. There were very few Europeans living here then so written reports are sparse, but supposedly the Mississippi river ran backwards for a while. It was a devastating earthquake. It would kill a bunch of people if that same magnitude earthquake happened now.
does this mean that all the chickens that moved to the midwest from california after the northridge quake are gonna move back? :eek:
And then the midwest has one. How funny is that.
seriously I love earthquakes...though not big destructive ones. I just love that feeling of the ground rolling underneath my feet.
among a few that I've felt we had a 5.4 in 1996 that seconds after the ground and everything stopped shaking we could hear the earth loudly groaning ....that was most definitely the creepiest sound ever....it was still awesome though
angels share laughter