i've turned into a cynic

I've turned into a cynical fucker lately. Outside of my friends, and they know who they are, I believe everyone in this world has ulterior motives for their actions. I understand everyone has to look out for their own well-being, but if that comes at the expense of making someone else look like a fool or tossing someone under the bus, those that lead people on for their own gain are absolutely useless to me. The easiest way to go about something is by being honest, no matter how brutal it may be. There is no need to drag someone along and play stupid games. Bottom line...say what you mean, and mean what you say.
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take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I try to be honest. I fight against dualism because dualism is against my philosophy. I fight for compassion so that people will have compassion for me too. Everything I do is ultimately selfish, it's the only way to motivate such an organism as a human being. But I enjoy the illusion that it's actual altruism and it feels like I geniunely care about others. That's the reward for being a selfish fucker.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
See These Bones
i always looked for the best in people and given the benefit of the doubt more times than not. but i've been fucked over too many times.
when you realize who someone really is, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I agree with that except I personally was BORN a cynic. I'm trying to train myself not to be.
i very much doubt that, its just too hard to believe!
Not sure what you meant by that. *Scatches head*.
I must be being cynical because I can't tell if you're taking the piss or not!
From what I know about you, compare the shit I come out with daily with some of the stuff you've said to make me see sense, and you haven't got a cynical bone in your body.
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
Thanks! I'm bleedin' fantastic, I am!
P.S. Are you trying to start a fight with me?
Yeah I FUCKIN am, you got a problem with that missy?
- the great Sir Leo Harrison
I also believe that you get back what you put out there. I realize my motives for wanting to befriend certain people as more being "what can we do for each other" rather than "what can this person do for me".
Or what can I do to make that person's life easier or happier?
I have mellowed out so much...lol.
And I don't feel right when you're gone away
i have NEVER in my life had a problem saying what is on my mind.....i have also NEVER had a problem confronting people who i feel are lying pieces of shit......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
it's better to be cynical, at least when someone is being honest and doing something good for you, you can really appreciate it.
i don't know whether i'm cynical, or a fuck up or just totally of my rocker today, but it does amazes me when people ( especially strangers ) are good & respectful towards me
eh, you're not a cynic. once you realize that your friends also have ulterior motives and so does anyone who claims to love you aside from maybe your parents (maybe), then you've become a cynic. though i think the proper term is realism.
of course, it's like my directing manager, i spoke with him about quiting my job, and he said not to do any rush decisions, he said he will speak to me first......he also added that "you're part of our family now, and i love you"
btw....he's a Christian...but i know he's saving his own ass....because if i go that will mean that as a directing manager he didn't do his job properly by employing someone like me.
whatever he said to me is pure bollocks
Quite a statement. You should really get over yourself.
what a way to make someone less paranoid :rolleyes:
I prefer people to be direct and honest too, but the world is filled with complexity.
There are people you run across in jobs and other situations that do have ulterior motives and manipulative ways of doing things and you can't avoid them. (I have recently had a taste of back-stabbing from an unlikely source.) It does not feel good...my conclusion about this tendency in people, after much thought-pounding is that people do whatever they can to get what they need or want. Sometimes they're truthfull, sometimes they lie, sometimes they don't even know they are flopping and flipping their opinions and loyalties in the wind!!!
I think you just have to choose your friends wisely and be wary of other people until they start to let their tendencies to be honest or manipulative emerge. Then you'll know whether to trust them or not...or whether you want to deal with the fact that sometimes you can trust the person, other times you can't....
Dealing with people is complicated!!
This is excellent. It also helps to try and understand why some people are so shitty to begin with. It's easier to forgive and/or overlook when you know where they are coming from and why they act the way they do.
But no matter how many times I get royally screwed - most recently was about a month and a half ago - by my business partner/friend - I refuse to become cynical.
I always try and see the best in people. Even if I'm warned (which I was in that particular case).
About 6 years ago I watched my dad go through a massive cerebral aneurysm and I learned so much - about life, myself, friends, family, love, ect. And no matter what happens, I always want to reflect back to the lessons I learned during that time.
So now I just proceed with caution. And it sucks, but it is what it is. And if I get hurt again, at least I have not stooped down to other peoples levels. I always operate with integrity and the best intentions. And due to that, I will always come out on top.
That, and "what goes around comes around". That helps.
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)
I saw Hard To Imagine LIVE at MSG!
im come to realize this as well. everyone is a selfish fucker ultimately. even those who "love" you. sad but true...realism...i like that.
To find an approach and a way to live
Are we getting something out of this
all-encompassing trip?
I don't agree it's better to be cynical... I've been there... it's no fun and it gets ya nowhere. Sure people always WILL fuck others over but I truly believe these people are the minority or at least HALF. I make an effort to trust people until they show me they shouldn't be trusted. I'm not going to let fuckheads make ME one of them or change the way I look at people. Yep, people still tend to disappoint me but more often than not, they surprise me in a good way. If you just take people as they come (neither in a positive nor a negative way) you're gonna find out one way or another... but I'd like people to take me as I come across... cos that's generally how I am. If they don't, well what am I supposed to do with that?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
That's a great thing to say. Sometimes I feel the same way... most of the time, I'm just cynical.
Actually, I'm getting better as I get older.
Thanks. That's an important bit of something I've learned over the years!
Sammi: Wanna just break up?