Ever get tired of being stupid?

I'm not accusing anyone, i'm talking about myself. It's usually just little things, and they don't bother me that much. Like earlier this afternoon, i photocopied some pages of a book i needed at the university library and then went home to realise i'd left the pages on the photocopy machine. So, i had to go back and get them.
A couple of weeks ago, i tried to refreeze chicken until my housemates nicely pointed out that you can't really do that because you run the risk of, ya know, dying.
But, just now i've done something that tops it all. I've been bidding on the WWE Royal Rumble Anthology vol. 3 DVD set. It's £40 in HMV, and it's 5 discs. I just got an email saying i'd won it on ebay for only £10.24. So i pay through paypal, thinking it's a steal at that price. I go to the ebay page to confirm that i've paid, re-read the description to find that if i'd taken the time to properly read everything in the description it said that there were no dvds and that i was just bidding on the frickin' box. So, i've paid over £10 for a cardboard box.
So, i'm feeling stupid and utterly depressed now. Does it ever end??
A couple of weeks ago, i tried to refreeze chicken until my housemates nicely pointed out that you can't really do that because you run the risk of, ya know, dying.
But, just now i've done something that tops it all. I've been bidding on the WWE Royal Rumble Anthology vol. 3 DVD set. It's £40 in HMV, and it's 5 discs. I just got an email saying i'd won it on ebay for only £10.24. So i pay through paypal, thinking it's a steal at that price. I go to the ebay page to confirm that i've paid, re-read the description to find that if i'd taken the time to properly read everything in the description it said that there were no dvds and that i was just bidding on the frickin' box. So, i've paid over £10 for a cardboard box.
So, i'm feeling stupid and utterly depressed now. Does it ever end??
"This town deserves a better class of criminal... and I'm gonna give it to them."
Post edited by Unknown User on
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Cheer up dude, you are all right!!
"What a stupid lamb."
"What a sick, masochistic lion."
All you can do is laugh about it bud.
I've always wanted an empty Moonstruck case
Most things don't bother me, and i laugh at myself when i do stupid things. For some reason this one bothered me, felt like the culmination of my stupidity!
I have to agree with you ...........the fact you would pay for any wrestling product period is proof of sub standard intelligence!
Ha! This particular DVD set takes me back to my favourite time of wrestling, back when i became a fan again in 1999. So it has special significance for me!
napbl I probe hatlie ja thiem hts .
I am sure there are more than a few of us, myself included, who have purchased things on Ebay, thought we got a good deal, then realized we did not read the item description properly. I have gone as far as sending messages to seller bitching about said item, then realized I was the one who made the mistake. Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone does stupid things...some just do more than others.
I often would like to ask this question of some of my co-workers though. I wonder how some of them function in the "real" world.
Finally got that "One for the Thumb"!!! Got the "Six Pack". Now we're on a "Stairway to Seven"
Some words when spoken...can't be taken back.
"Seeing a brick wall straight ahead and stepping on the gas." Eddie...Pittsburgh 6/23/06
i know they were supposed to cut down on those.
otherwise you could just not pay and get a new account cause they will trash that one.
or send them a photocopy of the money. (actually i think photocopy of money might be illeagal)
eh dont listen to me i'm stopid
but nice people sw****w
Or send them an empty wallet
i was feeling down until i read that
you should give that box to a homeless midget.. it'll make you feel good about yourself, and the wrestling dvd's were pointless anyway... eh the big muscley fucker wins and all the kiddies love him.
i just saved you a fortune.
I've survived 24 years being this stoopid, it ain't gonna change now!
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
I was just feelig sorry for myself i think, but today i can see the funny side of it. Although, i still don't know how i've survived 22 years of living on this planet without falling down more.
I've got some bad news. Turns out my Moonstruck case is missing. But I do have a Thomas The Tank empty VHS box if you're still open to a trade!
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
We all do very stupid things sometimes. It's best to learn from the stupid things we do so we don't do them again. It's better to laugh about it than stress!
:( i went to sleep looking forward to it. I guess the Thomas the Tank box will be ok, it was my favourite show as a teeny tiny little boy!
chicken mistake was just lack of knowledge it's ok, we cannot know everything
the other two however are lack of your attention, you've got to somehow pay more attention to what you're doing and be "with it" so to speak. but don't ask me how, cause i don't know how to do so.
ignorance is bliss after all
You're right, i can let the chicken thing slide because it was just an honest mistake. But i really need to open my eyes or i know i'm just going to get dumber and dumber and then end up drooling out of the side of my mouth and falling down all the time.
Someone once asked me if I wanted to bet on the Grand National and I said 'No thanks. I hate football'.
1. Don't smoke pot.
2. Quit drinking diet drinks or eating anything with artificial sweeteners.
Do these two things and your brain power will improve within the next 6 months.