*** AET: Additional Rules

SeaSea Posts: 3,020
edited November 2005 in All Encompassing Trip
This forum is for Message Pit users who on occasion would like to post
about non-Pearl Jam related topics that are not already covered by
existing forums such as A Moving Train, Other Music, etc. Please see
the Message Pit home page for a description of each forum to be sure
you are posting in the appropriate area and be sure to read the Posting
Guidelines you agreed to when you registered for the bbs.

We received so many complaints about the AET forum that it became
necessary to make a few changes. One thing that did not change is that
this forum, and the others, is not available for use as a chat room. It
isn't an an exclusive hang-out for any single group who wish to
separate themselves from the other forums; it's all one bbs, all Pearl
Jam fans. We were surprised to find a post by someone on AET saying
their group was "taking over" and the old group better get used to it.
Something like that is definitely not ok. Cliques are usually for high
school and consistently end up causing hurt feelings and arguments.
It's happened many times before as people come and go, so cliques are
not ok here. If that's your thing, that's fine...please feel free to
set up your own exclusive forum off-site, maybe on http://www.proboards.com.
We want you to be happy even if it's not here and we sincerely wish you
the best. You can always drop in for a visit.

Also not ok, and these things have happened: Hijacking threads by
changing the subject of the original poster...please keep topic
integrity. Do not post multiple spoof threads of another's thread. The
original was probably better anyway and it isn't nice to steal someone
else's thunder to ridicule them. It's ok to appreciate someone's post;
it's not ok to start an entire thread dedicated to them, it comes
across as cliquish and only leads to alienating others. Gossiping about
your coworkers' or others bathroom habits is not ok. Please save that
and similar topics for a more appropriate forum - we don't have one,
nor will we ever.

There are plenty of places on the internet, many of which are free,
with the ability to accommodate chat rooms and a broad range of
off-topic discussions. We're just a l'il message board and will never
have the resources of AOL, Yahoo, MSN, etc. Please respect our limited
resources by not abusing the intent of this or any other forum.

Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.