Mumbai, India - who and why?

almost 200 innocent civilians targeted and executed. some reports had the gunmen laughing while they were killing.
they specifically targeted Americans and Jews.
who did this?
are people still going to argue that terrorist do not exist?
they specifically targeted Americans and Jews.
who did this?
are people still going to argue that terrorist do not exist?
Post edited by Unknown User on
maybe their werent many around. besides what the fuck is your point?
It was part of their goal, apparently. They also intended to kill about 5,000 people, so it sounds like they 'failed' all across the board.
And I'm sure people will start accusing the US of being involved in planning the attacks soon enough. The conspiracy theorists are foaming at the mouth.
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
witness were interviewed saying they were asking for people with american and jewish passports. maybe the american media paid them to say that? yea you certainly dont have a fucking point. how worthless
NEW DELHI (Reuters) - A witness told Indian television that gunmen in Mumbai looked for British and U.S. passport holders.
"They wanted anyone with British or American passports," a witness at the Taj Hotel, who said he was from London and was in India on business, told the NDTV news channel. He had smoke stains all over his face. "They wanted foreigners."
there are no contradicting news reports.
more teenages in this forum? immaturity seems to be a disease around here sometimes
yes really. what a fucking waste. I start a thread to have an open discussion about one of the worst terrorist attacks in India's history. and just my luck, another 17 year old with a chip on his shoulder to come in and give mindless one liners. this forum should have a age limit. or in your case a height limit.
As with 9/11, and the Spanish train attacks, and the Indonesian hotel attacks, and the USS Cole attack, etc, there are always conflicting reports out of the gate because not only are the media trying to sort mass amounts of information out, but the witnesses are confused and sometimes in shock.
What is contradictory about what you are hearing in regards to the Mumbai attacks? What makes you think this whole event is anything different than what the media is reporting?
Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
I've reported this post to the moderators. I hope you are removed from this forum.
I have heard nothing contradictory expect for exactly who did this. I don't even think its fully known at this point.
as for what Nevermind said, he has a point. It is strange that they targeted Americans but only killed two. Still, this is a sad event, but no one ever denied there being terrorists - just look at Israel and the U.S.
disagree? I never said he disagreed with me. or you for that matter. I can only assume the young age of the likes of you and him based on your debating skills. you are a teenager correct?
my apologies. they targeted foreigners...and were asking for British and American passports. this is coming directly from witnesses on the ground. thankfully, maybe not many were around.
At the Oberoi, Britisher Alex Chamberlain — who works for the Indian Premier League cricket website — told how he managed to slip away as up to 40 guests were herded up 18 flights of stairs at gunpoint. He said: “They (the terrorists) told everybody to put their hands up if there were any British or Americans.
“My friend said to me, don’t be a hero, don’t say you are British. I am sure that is what this is all about. They were talking about British and Americans specifically. There was an Italian guy. They said, ‘Where are you from?’. He said he was from Italy and they said ‘fine’ and they left him alone.
“I thought, ‘Fine, they’re going to shoot me if they ask me anything — and thank God they didn’t.”
Fellow Brit Rakesh Patel confirmed: “They wanted anyone with British or American passports.”
well in my opinon, debating skills has alot to do with maturity. most adults are able to have a rational discussion, have an open mind to an opposing point of view, and accept opposing point of views.
you are incapable of doing no of those. as soon as someone has a different opinion then you, you immediately follow it up with personal attacks and insults.
thats a clear sign of immaturity.
I only say maybe because I wasnt there. but there are many witnesses who say the terrorists were asking for British and American passports. not sure what else you are looking for.
o and a jewish center was one of the places attacked. so its easy to see they targeting jews as well.
what is questionable about it?
and why would you wait for some "official" report to tell you they targeted foreigners, as opposed to actual witnesses.
But what do I know? I'm the only sane one here - everyone else is completely mad.