Obama's $500 tax plan to fixed incomes.

If you are on a fixed income, i urge you to read this carefully, then you decide on what to do..I worked many years as a social worker and i know the laws on fixed income resources.. If you are on a fixed income and get other resources like help with heating bills or property tax credit, or even things like sec.8 or independence card or medical help..A $500 credit will hurt you more than help you. Your resources according to welfare or state agency's, can change every 3 months.. So if you receive a $500 one time reward, this $500 reward can actually cost you a few thousand dollars especially if your medical is cut off, even temporarily. And what about your prescription plan if its through the state or other fixed income companies that are there to help you with your special needs.. It could and would affect these things.. if obama is elected, as hard as this is, do not accept this $$$ at all or better yet, vote McCain and get a $5000 write off every year on your taxes for health benefits.. My own daughter pays over $500 a month on health care with a $10k yearly deductible..She is struggling like everyone else in todays economy and she has to limit her groceries and other necessities like clothes, utility costs etc just to pay for health insurance that has skyrocketed.. ..
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So I should have to pay taxes on my healthcare coverage so someone else can get a break?