US Dollar on the comeback

its nice to see...
gold has also fallen below $800 today. if we can just shake out all the bad mortgages and home prices stabilize, we might be ok.
gold has also fallen below $800 today. if we can just shake out all the bad mortgages and home prices stabilize, we might be ok.
Post edited by Unknown User on
If we could stop the Federal Reserve from constantly fucking with the dollar it probably wouldn't have fallen so low.
which started the week that last months call options came due,
and the large banks shorted the hell out of gold around $970 in order to stop massive pay outs on in-the-money calls.
If believing that gold is being manipulated is too hard to grasp,
try thinking about the dollar.
US Dollar Index
and explain how the dollar could reverse 4+ cents almost overnight on news of massive inflation due to Federal bail out of Freddie \ Fannie and essentialy the market in total.
Why would that send the dollar UP?
It wouldn't, and it shouldn't.
The only real market force that is at play for the dollar is most likely just the economic impact of oil.
Speculators are hoping that the great fall in oil from $150 to $115 will hold, and this would be beneficial for the US economy, and thus the dollar.
I'm calling dead cat bounce here.
There is a lot of resistance to be had in the 76-77 are on the USDX,
and it will be helluva tough for the big boys to muscle through such an obvious sell point.
We'll see though. God knows they've faked their way out of worse.
And there are lots of us who are just sitting around waiting for gold to totally decouple from oil and head to the stars as oil drops to the floor under the pressures of super-massive manipulation.
Since i started studying markets hard in the last few years, it has become painful to watch just how far from "free" they really are. They move them whichever way they want, seemingly at will. Scary.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
this statement doesnt make much sense.
markets dont always work the way you want or expect. its a bitch isnt it? :rolleyes:
Wasn't that January or so?
Just beware the new bubble.
No the markets don't always work the way we would like them to, but the market has a way of self correcting itself. The whole housing bubble could effectively be blamed, in part, on the Federal Reserve. Back after the dot com bubble burst the Federal Reserve immediately began lowering interest rates to help the market. This created a large reserve of cash for banks who started lending it out at lower interest. Individuals who had no business being approved for such large loans where getting them and buying homes that they would not be able to afford once the rates started to creep back up. There are other factors but the Fed lowering rates is one of them. Now had the Fed not lowered interest rates and just allowed the market to adjust for the recent down turn we may have avoided the mortgage crash we have today.
eh yea. I put more blame on ignorant (flat out stupid) people and sleezy scum mortgage brokers. but yes, the fed didnt help
(saw this in a link driftin posted...don't remember if this cartoon - the Subprime Primer was ever actually's cute)
As for gold...I read a quote a long time ago...something like: in may go away, come september, must remember...doesn't it have a history of lows in the summer, with a fall run?
the movement of the market is like the rush to war..
There are natural forces
but the greater forces are born from well backed misinformation.