universal healthcare

If its so great in europe why did gwyneth paltrow fly back to the states to have her 2nd baby? and why do most europeans have such messed up teeth?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Maybe she wanted to be close to her family at such a special time? Besides, Gwyneth Paltrow is wealthy enough that she could have her kid anywhere in the world and still access top health care.
As for the teeth thing, is orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry covered by health insurance in the US?
Perhaps the brits just aren't as hung up on having a perfect hollywood smile like everyone else in america. *shrugs*
As for the teeth thing, is orthodontic and cosmetic dentistry covered by health insurance in the US? quote"]
Not all of it is but some of it. I know I just had some work done( I have a gov job). However, it would have been nice if it ws free but that will never happen. I am on the fence with Universal Healthcare.
Over here, we have a mix of both universal health care and private. I am pretty sure neither of them cover much in the way of dental. Basic cleaning, maintenance and emergency care with public, and some orthodontic with private. I am pretty sure full ortho cover, or cover for ceramic veneers and the like are not covered.