Has the truth brought the end?

Today under the Supreme Court (the Egyptian Ennead) an opening definition by Roman Korvinus, he stated that a Pharisee according to the KJ Bible, was a group of Jews who strictly followed the Laws of Moses. The Laws of Moses being the Ten Commandments. He went on to state that when Jesus walked into the synagogues and spoke against the Pharisees he was actually preaching against the very people who defended the Ten Commandments and the teachings of Moses; todays church, our new millenia Pharisees'. He followed with the comment that to follow Moses and Jesus not only makes the Bible lukewarm, but it also makes the people who follow the bible luke warm as well. He justified that this revealing truth proves that all Christians have not one but two masters making them demon and anti-christ as they are the third of the stars that fell from heaven; Christianity covers a third of the worlds population.
Religious leaders are yet to reply. Avoidance has been the chief response to what could be considered the death blow to Christianity.
Roman later stated that the reason for his statements today were brought on by the 1997 ruling against the Pagan Worship (Religious Freedom Restoration Act;Employment Division v. Smith) and the complete violation to the first ammendment that this denial represented to free will.
Religious leaders are yet to reply. Avoidance has been the chief response to what could be considered the death blow to Christianity.
Roman later stated that the reason for his statements today were brought on by the 1997 ruling against the Pagan Worship (Religious Freedom Restoration Act;Employment Division v. Smith) and the complete violation to the first ammendment that this denial represented to free will.
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