Breaking News. Palin abuse of power.



  • fugawzifugawzi Posts: 879
    Pats54 wrote:
    Not to mention 20+ years with Mr. Goddam America himself The Wright Reverend and Obama supposedly a very smart person says "I never heard him speak like that in all the time I was in the church" his voters really are pretty stupid and uninformed.

    20+ years huh? Funny because he completely severed ties from what I heard. Show me the proof Obama was there when Wright was spouting off. No wait don't because it's not even an issue. It's just something McCain and his supporters are clinging to because they can't win on the real issues like the economy, war, health care and so on. If you wanna bring up religious figures tied to the candidates let's talk about McCain's buddy Pastor Hagee and Palin's buddy Thomas Muthee. It's not just one sided. Oh and a little off topic but the Patriots suck and so does Bruschi. See their game against the Dolphins this year? Slaughtered.
    West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    I would think an abuse of power would be not firing a police officer who used a stun gun on a 10 year-old kid. Seems common sense to me, but evidently not to this public safety chief. Now I guess Palin takes the fall for making sure a stun gun happy police officer is off the streets.
  • fugawzifugawzi Posts: 879
    I would think an abuse of power would be not firing a police officer who used a stun gun on a 10 year-old kid. Seems common sense to me, but evidently not to this public safety chief. Now I guess Palin takes the fall for making sure a stun gun happy police officer is off the streets.

    Excuse me, but that's not the issue at all. That's hearsay. Palin wanted him fired for her and her sister's PERSONAL reasons. Which in itself is verging on breaking the law. If he stun guns a 10 year old it's not the governors job to make sure he's fired. It's the local law enforcement's job to arrest him if he abused a child. Then it would be his superior's job to fire him. So if someone stun guns a child who IS NOT the husband of the governor's sister, it's the job of the Governor to make sure that person is fired? Is that what you're saying? If you are the answer is no. You're missing the point that Sarah Palin as governor has no business trying to get her sister's husband or ex-husband fired. Nice try at twisting the issue though. Try again. Better yet, don't.
    West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
  • WobbieWobbie Posts: 30,662
    McCAIN just got booed at his own rally and now this news it makes for a terrible night for his campaign ....

    I'm not a McCain guy, but his idiot supporters were booing because he was doing the first decent thing he has done in weeks - he was acting them to respect Obama :eek:.
    If I had known then what I know now...

    Vegas 93, Vegas 98, Vegas 00 (10 year show), Vegas 03, Vegas 06
    VIC 07
    EV LA1 08
    Seattle1 09, Seattle2 09, Salt Lake 09, LA4 09
    Columbus 10
    EV LA 11
    Vancouver 11
    Missoula 12
    Portland 13, Spokane 13
    St. Paul 14, Denver 14
    Philly I & II, 16
    Denver 22
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    fugawzi wrote:
    Excuse me, but that's not the issue at all. That's hearsay. Palin wanted him fired for her and her sister's PERSONAL reasons. Which in itself is verging on breaking the law. If he stun guns a 10 year old it's not the governors job to make sure he's fired. It's the local law enforcement's job to arrest him if he abused a child. Then it would be his superior's job to fire him. So if someone stun guns a child who IS NOT the husband of the governor's sister, it's the job of the Governor to make sure that person is fired? Is that what you're saying? If you are the answer is no. You're missing the point that Sarah Palin as governor has no business trying to get her sister's husband or ex-husband fired. Nice try at twisting the issue though. Try again. Better yet, don't.

    Oh the hatred spewed from the left. If a policeman uses a stun gun on an innocent 10 year old kid (one that is not at risk of harming anyone), then YES, he should be fired. And guess what, if the guy in position to fire him doesn't, then there is someone higher who should fire that person too. And that is how we get to Palin.

    And welcome to earth if you didn't know that having ties to a powerful politician can have bad effects too. If you were a CEO of a company, with an office in New York City, and an employee of one of your 25 manufacturing locations (lets say this one is in North Carolina) treats your daughter badly (maybe slaps her a couple times), then you would want that individual fired from your company. Even though you are 15 steps in the chain above that individual, you will tell whoever the person is who is in the position to fire this guy, to fire him. And if that person doesn't listen, then you'll probably fire him too. And you know what, if it wasn't personal, you might not have fired the employee. Its just the way the world works.

    Pick and choose what you want. Anyway, the report didn't say any criminal action or censure was necessary. Non-issue. You should try again (maybe not).
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,095
    imalive wrote:
    I'm not a McCain guy, but his idiot supporters were booing because he was doing the first decent thing he has done in weeks - he was acting them to respect Obama :eek:.

    That is disgusting.

    Don't discount the liberals' blind hatred either though. Joe Lieberman, four years from being a Democratic VP candidate, is blackballed for only voting down the Democratic party line 95% of the time. Not a lot of tolerance on either side (although, too much tolerance is a very bad thing).
  • fugawzifugawzi Posts: 879
    Oh the hatred spewed from the left. If a policeman uses a stun gun on an innocent 10 year old kid (one that is not at risk of harming anyone), then YES, he should be fired. And guess what, if the guy in position to fire him doesn't, then there is someone higher who should fire that person too. And that is how we get to Palin.

    And welcome to earth if you didn't know that having ties to a powerful politician can have bad effects too. If you were a CEO of a company, with an office in New York City, and an employee of one of your 25 manufacturing locations (lets say this one is in North Carolina) treats your daughter badly (maybe slaps her a couple times), then you would want that individual fired from your company. Even though you are 15 steps in the chain above that individual, you will tell whoever the person is who is in the position to fire this guy, to fire him. And if that person doesn't listen, then you'll probably fire him too. And you know what, if it wasn't personal, you might not have fired the employee. Its just the way the world works.

    Pick and choose what you want. Anyway, the report didn't say any criminal action or censure was necessary. Non-issue. You should try again (maybe not).

    HAHA...where do I start?

    1) I don't follow left or right guidelines or partisanship as you suggest. That's part of the problem today. If you don't line yourself up with someone you consider to be on the opposite side, then that person is automatically wrong?

    2) What hate are you referring to? Because I disagreed with you or Palin or whoever? Please show me the example of my "hate" to which you are referring.

    3) Thanks for the welcome to Earth, nice planet you have here. I'm fully aware of the negative effects of being close to a politician. How does that excuse Palin's behavior? Does it make it right? No.

    4) I'm sorry but your analogy is severely flawed. That's NOT really how the world works actually. Just because it does in SOME cases doesn't make it right. I didn't say someone who abuses a child should not be fired. Again you're missing the issue at hand. That's not the allegation here.

    It doesn't go from the officer in question, his superior, and then the governor. If the officer was found guilty of child abuse I'm sure his superior would have fired him, and if not his superior's superior could fire him. The governor has nothing to do with it, except in this case because it was her SISTER'S HUSBAND OR EX-HUSBAND.

    You avoided my question maybe because you didn't understand. So I'll ask again. If it wasn't Palin's sister's hubby or ex hubby, should Palin see to it that the person was fired? No. That's the issue. She has no business trying to fire someone for personal reasons. And obviously the panel who concluded that she abused her authority agrees. Keep in mind the panel was comprised of 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats, hardly a "left" panel.

    Oh and it IS an issue. Palin abused her authority according to the panel and report to which you refer. Not to mention she wasn't honest about it, including her campaign's spin they put on the report yesterday.
    West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    MrSmith wrote:
    its ok to abuse power as long as your preacher isn't a nutjob.
    Yep this is true, but the abuse of power is the persecution of the American society It makes me want to just way lay the whole bunch of these idiots that sit on there thumbs collecting taxes at the expense of the American people?
    What right do they have to do their dirty deeds look at the issue with ENRON ?/ so the guy takes his severance pay in the millions and the PEOPLE are left with NO retirement? NO MORE LIES NO MORE MONO PLOYS?? It is a SCAM A PLOY to take the dollars from the sweat and tears of the back breaking laborers that work their butts off and lose the ability to use their lower backs after so many years paying into the COMA based government who is deaf eared to the plight of the regular American,, Hey kids lean over we have a new world for you and you are to be screwed because your parents were too lazy or too tired to fight a battle against the golden machine.. welcome to HELL// one day HONOR and dignity will be restored and reconstructed GET OUR BOYZ OUT OF IRAQ for the love of money to the higher mucky mucks and they wonder why? Go see the boys in the V.A> hospitals we treat the vets as if they are scum at times// The men who fought for our freedoms? to see them standing on the street corner with GOD looking down too ashamed to show his face of what we have become as a nation of fools and of plastic fantastic drones to the gold the money and the greed. What ever happened to our world where are the dreamers where did they go ..
  • That is disgusting.

    Don't discount the liberals' blind hatred either though. Joe Lieberman, four years from being a Democratic VP candidate, is blackballed for only voting down the Democratic party line 95% of the time. Not a lot of tolerance on either side (although, too much tolerance is a very bad thing). know he asked Obama to help him raise funds in 06, when he lost the primary and was running as an Independent. Obama was the hottest Democrat, so Lieberman used him in 2006, and knifed him in the back in 2008. Maybe that's why he's a man without an Island in the Senate. you want a real laugh, watch him try and defend Palin, who believes in just about everything Lieberman opposes. So far his best defense has been: Let's hope McCain lives 4 years
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    g under p wrote:
    Time for her to be on the down low now.

    Cal Ripken Jr. has developed a lucrative, baseball-centered career that
    > includes stints as a television analyst, co-owner of a minor league team
    > and a long list of other business interests since retiring from the
    > Baltimore Orioles in 2002. But when he boards a plane at Washington Dulles
    > International Airport today for his latest venture, he'll be carrying a
    > batch of newly printed business cards.
    > The complete article can be viewed at:
    > Visit at
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    pjalive21 wrote:
    this is old news....being brought up again to take away from Obama's relationship with William Ayers and the ACORN debacle with voter fraud
    Cal Ripken Jr. has developed a lucrative, baseball-centered career that
    > includes stints as a television analyst, co-owner of a minor league team
    > and a long list of other business interests since retiring from the
    > Baltimore Orioles in 2002. But when he boards a plane at Washington Dulles
    > International Airport today for his latest venture, he'll be carrying a
    > batch of newly printed business cards.
    > The complete article can be viewed at:
    > Visit at
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    Memorial for longtime state worker at Capitol
    Saturday, August 30, 2008
    The Oregonian
    SALEM -- A public memorial service for Marc "Ted" Winters, an aide to two
    governors and husband of state Sen. Jackie Winters, will be at 2 p.m.
    Friday, Sept. 5, in the Senate chambers at the Oregon Capitol.

    Winters died Tuesday at age 84.

    Winters worked for state government for 15 years, including seven years as
    staff to former Govs. Tom McCall and Bob Straub.


    During the McCall administration, he served as director of the state
    Economic Opportunity Office. He helped to establish the Housing Division,
    which later became the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department.

    As a private citizen, he founded MAJAC Institute and New Life Christian
    Network Inc., a post-prison ministry. Along with his wife, Winters fed
    "Jackie's Ribs" in their restaurants and at cook-offs.

    In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Family Building Blocks
    or the Yatima Group Fund, both nonprofits in Salem.

    -- Michelle Cole
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    he he he old news yeah the report was just released tonight ha ha ha ha your funny :D ...McCAIN just got booed at his own rally and now this news it makes for a terrible night for his campaign ....
    Memorial for longtime state worker at Capitol
    Saturday, August 30, 2008
    The Oregonian
    SALEM -- A public memorial service for Marc "Ted" Winters, an aide to two
    governors and husband of state Sen. Jackie Winters, will be at 2 p.m.
    Friday, Sept. 5, in the Senate chambers at the Oregon Capitol.

    Winters died Tuesday at age 84.

    Winters worked for state government for 15 years, including seven years as
    staff to former Govs. Tom McCall and Bob Straub.


    During the McCall administration, he served as director of the state
    Economic Opportunity Office. He helped to establish the Housing Division,
    which later became the Oregon Housing and Community Services Department.

    As a private citizen, he founded MAJAC Institute and New Life Christian
    Network Inc., a post-prison ministry. Along with his wife, Winters fed
    "Jackie's Ribs" in their restaurants and at cook-offs.

    In lieu of flowers, the family requests donations to Family Building Blocks
    or the Yatima Group Fund, both nonprofits in Salem.

    -- Michelle Cole
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    the wolf wrote:
    the probe just decided she did abuse her power getting her brother in law, but she did not break any laws.

    just saw it on the news. will post link when one becomes available.
    Sir John Hope (4th Earl of Hopetoun) His statue outside The Royal Bank of
    Scoland office, Dundas Street,
    1765 - 1823 Soldier. Born at Hopetoun House near Edinburgh. Hope served at
    the Battle of Alexandria (1801) and led the First Division in Spain during
    the Peninsular War (1808 - 14). Under the command of General Sir John Moore
    (1761 - 1809), the British Army was faced with defeat in 1808 with the
    French having taken Madrid and advanced towards them. The British executed a
    winter retreat under terrible conditions across the mountains from Astorga
    to the coast at Corunna, with the intention of escaping by sea. However, the
    French attacked with greatly superior numbers and a desperate battle
    ensured, but the British were eventually triumphant and the French suffered
    massive casualties. Hope distinguished himself in this battle and, when
    Moore was killed, Hope heroically took command of the British Army. Sir
    David Baird of Newbyth (1757 - 1829) was severely injured in the same
    battle. Hope's successful evacuation of his army earned him a knighthood in
    his own right from King George III. The Peninsular War ended with the
    capture and isolation of Napoleon on the Island of Elba.
    Hope died in Paris and is remembered by various monuments, including large
    Hopetoun Monuments in Fife and East Lothian. His statue is to be found in
    front of Dundas House in Edinburgh's St Andrew's Square, Hope having been a
    governor of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    g under p wrote:
    Time for her to be on the down low now.

    Sir John Hope (4th Earl of Hopetoun) His statue outside The Royal Bank of
    Scoland office, Dundas Street,
    1765 - 1823 Soldier. Born at Hopetoun House near Edinburgh. Hope served at
    the Battle of Alexandria (1801) and led the First Division in Spain during
    the Peninsular War (1808 - 14). Under the command of General Sir John Moore
    (1761 - 1809), the British Army was faced with defeat in 1808 with the
    French having taken Madrid and advanced towards them. The British executed a
    winter retreat under terrible conditions across the mountains from Astorga
    to the coast at Corunna, with the intention of escaping by sea. However, the
    French attacked with greatly superior numbers and a desperate battle
    ensured, but the British were eventually triumphant and the French suffered
    massive casualties. Hope distinguished himself in this battle and, when
    Moore was killed, Hope heroically took command of the British Army. Sir
    David Baird of Newbyth (1757 - 1829) was severely injured in the same
    battle. Hope's successful evacuation of his army earned him a knighthood in
    his own right from King George III. The Peninsular War ended with the
    capture and isolation of Napoleon on the Island of Elba.
    Hope died in Paris and is remembered by various monuments, including large
    Hopetoun Monuments in Fife and East Lothian. His statue is to be found in
    front of Dundas House in Edinburgh's St Andrew's Square, Hope having been a
    governor of the Royal Bank of Scotland.
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    Did you notice this story has dropped off the front page of CNN already, while other stories that were there before it are still there?

    Can you imagine what the McCain side would do with a story like this if it was someone from the Obama side in question? We'd be hearing about it for days at every rally.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    Troopergate, "case closed", says CNBC.
    Secretary said Harriman had pointed out he was speaking personally and as
    old well-known friend of France. Secretary would now speak officially.
    Recognition will increase the prestige of Peiping. Since Korean war no
    country comparing in prestige to France has recognized Communist China.
    France must consider the effect of its action. If France finds American
    people react strongly, France must realize we are taking casualties every
    day. Just a short time ago we found 7 tons of Chinese Communist made arms
    south of Saigon. We are spitting blood.

    Secretary continued we do not believe agreement can be reached with China
    through means adopted by France. Communist China does not respect its
    agreements. President Kennedy felt we took French views into full account
    over Laos. We expect our views to be considered by France now.

    Secretary said Alphand had claimed recognition does not mean approval but it
    will be so interpreted. He had reviewed with Alphand many times our views on
    Communist China. US is aiding India resist Chinese Communist aggression.
    Chicoms are active in subversion in Latin America. Secretary pointed out if
    French action leads to Chinese Communist subversive centers in Africa, this
    will be more of problem for France than for US.

    Secretary said Alphand had mentioned no conditions imposed on France by
    Peiping. He emphasized there were also no conditions imposed by France on
    Peiping, such as even minimum requirement for Chinese Communists to honor
    commitments in Southeast Asia.
    U-knighted We are there to fight the WAr against wars of theEVIL POWER OF THE ALUMINAUGHTY THEY RAPE OUR CHILDREN THEY RAPE OUR WORLD
    in the early 1920's what the fuck over?
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    JaneNY wrote:
    Did you notice this story has dropped off the front page of CNN already, while other stories that were there before it are still there?

    Can you imagine what the McCain side would do with a story like this if it was someone from the Obama side in question? We'd be hearing about it for days at every rally.

    it's still on the front page of the politics tab.
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    the wolf wrote:
    the probe just decided she did abuse her power getting her brother in law, but she did not break any laws.

    just saw it on the news. will post link when one becomes available.
    The writ of habeas corpus is one of what are called the "extraordinary,"
    "common law," or "prerogative writs," which were historically issued by the
    courts in the name of the monarch to control inferior courts and public
    authorities within the kingdom. The most common of the other such
    prerogative writs are quo warranto, prohibito, mandamus, procedendo, and
    certiorari. When the original 13 American Colonies declared independence and
    became a constitutional republic in which the people are the sovereign, any
    person, in the name of the people, acquired authority to initiate such

    The due process for such petitions is not simply civil or criminal, because
    they incorporate the presumption of nonauthority. The official who is the
    respondent has the burden to prove his authority to do or not do something.
    Failing this, the court must decide for the petitioner, who may be any
    person, not just an interested party. This differs from a motion in a civil
    process in which the movant must have standing, and bears the burden of
    Randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicenter comparison of the
    cognitive effects of ziprasidone versus olanzapine in acutely ill inpatients
    with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
    Journal Psychopharmacology
    Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
    ISSN 0033-3158 (Print) 1432-2072 (Online)
    Issue Volume 172, Number 3 / March, 2004
    Category Original Investigation
    DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1652-2
    Pages 324-332
    Subject Collection Biomedical and Life Sciences
    SpringerLink Date Thursday, February 19, 2004Jackie Speier
    Member of Congress
    Mailing Address:
    P.O. Box 112
    Burlingame, CA 94010
    (650) 347-4370
  • ccRyderzzccRyderzz Posts: 163
    chopitdown wrote:
    it's still on the front page of the politics tab.
    Randomized, controlled, double-blind, multicenter comparison of the
    cognitive effects of ziprasidone versus olanzapine in acutely ill inpatients
    with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder
    Journal Psychopharmacology
    Publisher Springer Berlin / Heidelberg
    ISSN 0033-3158 (Print) 1432-2072 (Online)
    Issue Volume 172, Number 3 / March, 2004
    Category Original Investigation
    DOI 10.1007/s00213-003-1652-2
    Pages 324-332
    Subject Collection Biomedical and Life Sciences
    SpringerLink Date Thursday, February 19, 2004
    The writ of habeas corpus is one of what are called the "extraordinary,"
    "common law," or "prerogative writs," which were historically issued by the
    courts in the name of the monarch to control inferior courts and public
    authorities within the kingdom. The most common of the other such
    prerogative writs are quo warranto, prohibito, mandamus, procedendo, and
    certiorari. When the original 13 American Colonies declared independence and
    became a constitutional republic in which the people are the sovereign, any
    person, in the name of the people, acquired authority to initiate such

    The due process for such petitions is not simply civil or criminal, because
    they incorporate the presumption of nonauthority. The official who is the
    respondent has the burden to prove his authority to do or not do something.
    Failing this, the court must decide for the petitioner, who may be any
    person, not just an interested party. This differs from a motion in a civil
    process in which the movant must have standing, and bears the burden of
    A Dead Statesman (1924)

    I could not dig; I dare not rob;
    Therefore I lied to please the mob.
    Now all my lies are proved untrue
    And I must face the men I slew.
    What tale shall serve me here among
    Mine young and defrauded young
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