Have the terrorists won?

This topic was brought up last night on Bill Maher.. one of the panelist talked about how the financial crisis we are facing is EXACTLY what the terrorists had intended to do.. and to me it looks like they achieved that goal. According to what we are told we were basically like two days away from bankruptcy..
It seems as though Bin Laden is laughing his ass off knowing he achieved exactly what was intended..
Do you agree or diagree?
It seems as though Bin Laden is laughing his ass off knowing he achieved exactly what was intended..
Do you agree or diagree?
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Post edited by Unknown User on
I watched this, too, and I do agree.
But, I also think that the terrorists are winning every time the Republican party employs terrorism by using the idea of "TERROR" to scare the American people away from voting for Democrats who "can't" or "won't" protect them.
I agree, look at the USSR's demise. Our infrastructure is falling apart, our military is a mess, equipment broken not being fixed, recruiting down significantly, economy is a disaster, and no end in site to any of this.
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9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
all this did in the long run was put of the crash.
we were going to have a crash sooner or later.
the terrorist however did win because what they actualy wanted to achive was a war between religions.
Find be yourself.
Don't follow the herd.
Don't repeat in spite of the encores.
Be yourself.
Otherwise you'll bore us.
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It is interesting how now looking back seven years ago what has really changed and what we have done as a response.
All the responsives have been excellent reads.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
BUT the American people helped them by putting that idiot in the White House TWICE!!! May still be helping them by putting McClain in there now. They WANT someone quick on the draw in the White House so that they can easily goat the US into wars you all CAN'T afford and knowing it will take away attention from the economy more...allowing for a crash to hit sooner or later.
Flame away Republicans...
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
Starting out with war in Afghanistan then Iraq which some have NOW claimed victory * Mission Accomplished*. Now we're pulling troops from Iraq to go back to Afghanistan to hopefully finish what we started there. All along many, many innocent lives and troops lost in both countries and now seeking War with Iran.
Still some say we're doing a great job in this region yet Bin Laden for some reason goes uncaptured. I said this 5 years ago they are not going to get this guy cause it serves a better purpose to have him go uncaptured. Better to keep the atmosphere of FEAR alive and well.
Bin Laden in a million years couldn't have dreamed up of a way of destroying our financial system yet we've created a way to almost destroy it ourselves. Well at least temporarily, just like the S & L fiasco in a year or two we will be right back in our face once again but at a trillion and Half dollars to save ourselves then.
So sadly yes in a sense they have won.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Hail, Hail!!!
All the terrorists have to do is SAY they are going to attack us from now on. We will spend Billions or Trillions on 'Keeping us Safe' from a future attack... that may or may not ever come. And in the meantime, we remain scared... because we are fed FEAR to justify the spending.
The best way to 'Win'... it to take the target off our backs. We can do this by ending our foriegn policies that creates the hatred towards us. Mainly, quit meddling in Middle Eastern political affairs and call Isreal an ass... whenever Israel acts like an ass (instead of supporting them on every single thing they do over there). Sometimes, Israel does some pretty shitty things, too. It's not just the Arabs (Palestinians). They are both dicks.
If our foriegn policy was spent to help the everyday Arab over there, instead of lining the already full pockets of corrupt Arab Leaders and oil shieks over there... then, we wouldn't be the target of their rage.
Hail, Hail!!!
Totally agree with you here Cosmo.. spot on.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I see what you're saying, but I think part of the original point was something like: If we hadn't spent a trillion dollars in Iraq (which some estimate the true cost being as high as three trillion overall), we might have the money necessary to fade the housing market, provide health care for the forty-five million people who are uninsured, hire millions of teachers, or repair all of the nation's roads and highways or some combination of these things. So, it's not so much that there is a direct line between airplanes into the WTC and the housing market crisis. Instead, it's more of an opportunity cost analysis.
Which, of course, is not a perfect argument. But it does make phrases like, "the surge is working," seem kind of suspect. Is there really anyone left who feel that the war to this point has worked better than any of those other things mentioned? I don't know.
Of course, that's not to say we should be trading our broken war for a broken economic plan--namely, the bailout. It's just an illustration of how intertwined all of these seemingly unrelated government actions and policies are.
I agree with you.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
By Terrorists do you mean the wealthiest bankers?
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a law-breaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy. - Louis Brandeis
and 9/11 was not an inside job...
hey hey kids!
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
We're scared and We're lost.
It's the bottom of the 9th.
The other day, I was arguing with someone about the Patriot Act, I was of course against it, he was for it. This guy really trusts Bush, and his intentions-- sad, I know. I said to him, "You do realize that this law (The Patriot Act) doesn't just apply to this administration, right? When Barack HUSSEIN Obama gets in to office, you do realize that he's going to have all the power in the world over the people because of this law, right?"
It got him thinking about how unconstitutional and dangerous this law actually is in the "wrong hands." George W. may not be the "wrong hands" to a lot of people, but they'd have to be really short-sighted to think that we could NEVER have a president that was truly capable of abusing this law.
Keep in mind, I don't think Obama is a closet Muslim. However, I think I figured out how to convert people with that "Red State mentality," who are totally in favor of the Patriot Act, against it. "I can see how you'd want W. to have this power-- since he's such an awesome turrrurist fighting cowboy, but would you want someone like OBAMA to have this power? Or any other democrat?"
Try it out on someone... I'd like to see if it had the same effect that it did for me.
It said "Life is nothing but a dream."
I've spent so many years in question
To find I'd known this all along.
IMHO the only tie to terrorism right now is interest rates. Greenspan lowered them substantially after 9/11 and kept them too low... that created the bubble in housing. That's what burst recently and that's why we are where we are.
In that line of thinking, yes, I think the terrorists were responsible. However, I do not think they imagined this scenario. I think they thought we'd crumble right away. They were wrong.
Hopefully, we won't crumble at all.... but, it sure does not look good.... especially today.
Actually Bin Laden and he followers said before 9/11 and I quote "We cannot take down a economic superpower but we can cause them to bring themselves down." This was repeated by his captured "high in commands" well after the fact.
They have done just that. They knew our response well before we initiated it. They knew the instant gut/military reaction (which is what we are pre-determined to do given certain political power) would lead us down a road of no end and endless financial disturbance. Upwards of a trillion dollars spent on a war of a handful of guys who crashed planes into buildings may lead to the crash of one of the greatest superpowers in history.
On the most positive note, this will take 10-15 years to get out of and after that point if you don't think "they" won...you are a fool!
They inserted that giant Trojan horse into our system, and the gut reaction of ignorant fools didn't see pass the facade and we are hear to suffer because of a group of rogues could think beyond our leaders in our so called superpower.
They won, and it is now our time to re-shift our goals, our intentions and focus on the problem at hand.
What has been spent on the war in Iraq could have covered health insurance of every man, woman and child in America (look it up) and paid for all new roads, bridges and a ton of schools.
Way to go America! Congratulations, you lost.
You could not be more correct on this one.. this is excatly what I meant when the question was asked.. this is exactly what the terrorist predicted we would do and we did it.. hook, line and sinker.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Yeah, and it's hard for me to say "We lost" or the terrorists are smarter than us, but they played their cards perfectly for this. You know that Bin Laden and others are sitting around right now laughing it up as they see the news of our economic collapse. One thing terrorists, Al Queda excels well at is waiting. They knew full well that we'd react in the way we did, they knew it would cause a great disturbance in our economic system as resources were diverted away from an already fragile system.
They got exactly what they wanted from us. It's crazy to think that their plans were not just to kill innocent people, or bring down a couple of buildings...but to bring down the entire infrastructure by a single event.
What have they done since? Absolutely NOTHING. That has nothing to do with security, homeland security, the patriot act...they haven't tried because they don't need to.
They were playing a simple game of chess with us, and one simple moved caused us to show our hand and make poor judgments and bad moves causing us to put ourselves in a situation that allowed them to sit and their caves and call out "checkmate".
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