McCain's camp has their work cut out for them..

Just my opinion here.. but that interview tonight Palin did with Charlie Gibson proves how totally unqualified she is to be vice-president..
Apparently they have not been able to do "Government for Dummies" courses with her from all those campaigns he has to have her attend with him to get an audience full of Wal-Mart moms that can "relate to her so much".
Also, very glad that Charlie Gibson did not go soft on the questions to her.
Can't wait for part 2!
Apparently they have not been able to do "Government for Dummies" courses with her from all those campaigns he has to have her attend with him to get an audience full of Wal-Mart moms that can "relate to her so much".
Also, very glad that Charlie Gibson did not go soft on the questions to her.
Can't wait for part 2!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
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That being said, the "Bush Doctrine" thing was a big problem for her. You could see on Charlie Gibson's face that he expected to be moving straight on to the next question. I was watching it with my dad, a staunch conservative, and his first thought was that she had absolutely no idea what the Bush Doctrine did, and she was not able to cover it up well.
Wait, what do you mean? I thought the liberals were running around like chickens with their heads cut off because they are so scared of her? LOL What a joke she is. I'm sure Putin would sh*t himself laughing if she showed up to a negotiation.
my favorite part of the excepts (other than the deer in the headlights look she gave about the bush doctrine) was at the end when they were talking about invading pakistan and she completely sidestepped his question TWICE and then gibson said something to the effect of "hold on, all i'm hearing is a blizzard of words, if that a yes...?" and then she went on to say essentially the same non-answer she had alread said two times.
I know. It was so obvious that she didn't want to say the wrong thing, so she was just reciting the canned answer she had practiced, even though it didn't fit the question.
My favorite part that aired last night, though, was when he was pressing her about foreign policy experience and she mentioned that you can actually see parts of Russia from Alaska.
Maybe if he asked her about space exploration she'd mention that parts of outer space are visible from Alaska as well.
Did you just call the VP nominee of the GOP a "deer". You sexist bastard. Stick to the issues.
I too did enjoy this exchange:
GIBSON: What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?
PALIN: They're our next door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska, from an island in Alaska.
GIBSON: What insight does that give you into what they're doing in Georgia?
for some reason, this russia thing make me think of this as a possible Palin response to Gibsons questions:
I run my unit how I run my unit. You want to investigate me, roll the dice and take your chances. I eat breakfast 300 yards from 4000 "Russions" who are trained to kill me, so don't think for one second that you can come down here, flash a badge, and make me nervous.
She continues to come off as likeable, which is severely underrated by liberals.
She didn't seem to have straight shooting answers for a few of the questions, which is underrated by conservatives.
I think she'll come out of the interview with no change in her approval rating or popularity. She didn't hit it out of the park, but didn't strike out either. She has poise, but needs practice. If I were Biden, I would not be overly confident going into the debates at all. I really think she'll surprise people and probably win the VP debates, not because of her answers but because people trust her. It's the "Bush" factor, that's often discounted.
Here's the bottom line. Idiosynatic qualities of candidates are available very early on. People either like em or not. She seems real, which is why she's so popular. She's not a John Kerry/robot and I think people can see that. It's not always good to be too polished. That said, it's also not good to not know certain answers.
Got to admit, that made me laugh.
Actually, Bush probably doesn't know what the "bush factor" is?
I agree with most of what you said. She didn't do anything to hurt herself, so that's gotta be a win for the McCain camp overall.
However, I do want to see her do some more interviews, and maybe even a press conference (not likely), and then the debate to see if she really can answer questions. She really stuck to the script & talking points, and at least to me did sort of come off as a robot. Not emotionless like Kerry, but full of "programmed" answers, even if they didn't apply to the question asked.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
she better be careful about that. look how it worked out for this girl:
sad thing is, i'm willing to bet that would help them out in the polls.
I guess I understand where you are coming from.
It's interesting,... go to They have a poll. Here it is...
How would you rate Sarah Palin's overall performance during the interview?
Excellent 40%
Poor 22%
Good 20%
Fair 18%
Total Votes: 156,071
Note on Poll Results
Scientific? No. But, interesting nonetheless. This is what I was talking about. 60% of those who watched (who use aol) thought she did an above average job. 18% thought ok. 22% thought poor. That's telling. According to this, she did very very well. Now are the people who answered this at a political forum like us? No. But, they still have a vote.
I totally disagree with you, but that is not suprising.. I think that yes, of course.. the "Wal-Mart" hockey/soccer moms are not going to care that she had no idea what the Bush Doctrine was.. side note, my 20 yr old receptionist, who really does not follow politics ~ EVEN SHE knew what it was! It was obvious she had no idea what it was Charlie was asking.
I think to people who are "riding the fence" and are undecided are going to see that and be quite concerned. They are going to question her qualifications, especially considering this is the FIRST we have been allowed to hear her open her mouth for the last two weeks, without her having a telepromter or a detailed speech to read to the "followers".
If I were Joe Biden I would be feeling pretty confident that his knowledge and experience is truly going to make her look even more unqualified.
Plus, I do feel it says alot about a person who has less world travel than my 14 yr. old daughter. There is a HUGE world outside of America, Canada and Mexico. I dont feel this is a matter of money either.. if I, a single mom who makes an "average" salary can send my daughter, my son and I to places outside of America than I am sure she could as well. I think this also will be viewed as very ODD from people who are riding the fence..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Look at the poll above. I'd say the majority are explaining that your opinion on their assessment of Palin's performance is wrong.
I could go searching for polls all morning, but I am not.. if you want to consider 156,000 AOL polsters a true glance into the mind of America you keep on thinking that.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Tremendously unscientific poll. People who thought she did well are much more likely to go on an AOL poll about the interview. People who thought she did horrible were too busy laughing to do that.
Could not agree more with you..
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
But just now, I watched the whole interview on youtube, and she really did look out of her league with not being able to answer direct questions, even when Gibson called her out on it.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Which is more of a "true glance into the mind of America":
156,000 people who posted in a poll that was contained in a link to's home page
about 20 people on a rock and roll band's message board?
Did I once say this message board was a glance into the mind of America?
That is just absurd.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
I've been quietly participating (ok, sometimes provoking on this board for conservative moms. They know very little about the actual policies of McCain or Obama, but can recite "facts" campaign ads and talking points fed to them by Fox News (who, in their opinion, is the only non-biased option for news...LOL). As soon as McCain picked Sarah Palin, the consensus was "This is so exciting, I have never heard of her before, but she is a woman who will take away the Hillary supporters!" As soon as the McCain campaign cried "sexism", so did they. And last night, they were all congratulating Palin for doing such an outstanding job in the interview, despite how sexist Charlie Gibson appeared to be as he was "quizzing" her, lol.
Short of feeding one of her own children to a moose, Sarah Palin will do no wrong in these women's eyes.
I just hope that voters will be willing to see through the outer shell and ask themselves if they are comfortable voting for her. I don't know if that will happen, because that takes effort on the part of the voter. (And intelligence...)
I don't get it either... One of the women that I work with, is the anti-republican demographic (mid 20's, arts background - Berklee educated, socially liberal, etc.). The monday after the Palin selection, she was in love with her and actually was filling out a voter registration form.
I asked her why she liked her so much if she agreed with her politically, and she couldn't really answer the question at all.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
How could anyone after seeing this interview think that Palin proved that she has the experience needed to take office.
I'll obviously have to see the rest of the interview, but from my vantage point Palin looked completly lost, indecisive, and utterly overwellmed by Gibsons questions.
The fact that she couldn't even knock a a throw-away pitch by Gibson on the "Bush Doctorine" out of the park, was hilarious.
What a Joke.
Biden will no doubt destroy this hack in the Vice Presidential Debates.
Palin makes Dan Quale look like a genius.
Great post and I totally agree.. I too have spoken to women just like who you speak of and they are sold ~ hook, line and sinker on her. They feel they can "relate" to her so much, but ask what she stands for and could not give you one example, other than her relatability and how of her accomplishments as a woman. There is not one thing that will change their mind, even if she comes across looking like an idiot who in no way shape or form is ready to be commander-in-chief. These votes are lost.. I get that and know that ~ thankfully ~ these women do not represent the entire country.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
If it's going to come down to people voting for who they want to be BFF's with, then *they* deserve what they get.
But I feel like we deserve better. My kid deserves better than that.
I think we all know some of these people. And I think this is an accurate description of what is going on. I know a woman in Ohio (a key battleground state) who goes to all the rallies with her two kids. She is in the latest Time photo shaking Palin's hand with tears in her eyes. The kids make signs for Palin, and they're all very excited. These people will not watch an interview like the one yesterday and see anything negative.
I believe McCain - Palin will probably win, and at the same time, that amazes me. And if it happens, I think we'll see lots more of these underqualified American Idol type VP selections in elections to come.
In fairness, a lot of criticism from the right is the same about the people who were smitten by Obama.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln