A "what if" question..

So.. lets say that Monday morning we wake up to hear news that John McCain has sucumbed to the stress of this election and he has had a stroke and has died.
Is Sarah Palin now #1 on the GOP ticket?
If she is ~ how do you think that will play out?
Is Sarah Palin now #1 on the GOP ticket?
If she is ~ how do you think that will play out?
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
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So.. how would it work? Huckabee? Since he was the last man standing in the primary?
Huckabee and Palin? That is the Christian Right's wet dream.. and America's NIGHTMARE!!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
...and Dave.
"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." -- John Stuart Mill
"Mongo just a pawn in game of life." -- Mongo
I don't think the answer to this question is easily found.
But what I do know is that the real "election" occurs on December 15. That's when the electoral college votes.
I believe, I may be wrong, those guys can vote for whomever they like: Palin, Huckabee, Al Gore...
"He who knows only his own side of the case, knows little of that." -- John Stuart Mill
"Mongo just a pawn in game of life." -- Mongo
She's opposed to sex education in schools and believes in promoting sexual abstinence among the unmarried. Mmm hmm. Sarah Palin wants to control the way any children i may have, receive sex ed., and wants to take away our reproductive rights so that there are no "choices" to make. Why is it i read post after post of people saying her private life and that of her family should stay removed from politics, but no criticizm from those same people that she should keep her nose out of my private life? So how can she then request that we do not discuss the choices her own family has made? If these are private matters for her family, what gives her the right to think she can control any decision i may make for my family?
She's a warmonger who can't find 'overseas' in the atlas and she's all apple pie and moose burgers. She's a living, breathing caricature, who btw McCain had only met once before
Seriously, if death does befall McCain, this woman could be the freakin president of the US.
This woman is pretty stupid and pretty and stupid. For god sakes Sarah Palin, piss off back to Alaska where there's no place like Nome.
and loved this too:)
i thought ron paul was the last man standing??
Great post!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
Actually, Barack is America's nightmare.
Wow. You sure do claim to know someone that you hadn't even heard of 3 weeks ago. Thank god the DailyKos does your thinking for you.
Exactly what was "claimed" that is untrue?
The truth hurts when it is laid out one right after the other of horrendous things she stands for.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
ah, you're from indianapolis. this explains much.
Palin is a terrible candidate. how can anyone like her?
If the candidate dies before the general election, the party's national committee votes on a new candidate in much the same manner as the convention, but without all the fanfare. IOW, there would be a representative from each state with the same number of votes as his state had delegates to the convention. Hopefully, ballots for the general election have not already been printed, or the new candidate's name may not appear on the ballot.
If the candidate dies after the election, but before the Electoral College, electors committed to that candidate are free to elect someone else.
If the candidate dies after the electoral college, but before the inauguration, the VP elect becomes the president elect according to the 20th amendment to the Constitution.