Green Living

hey everyone,
if anyone is interested in learning more about environmental issues and learning to live a life simple & "green", i've found a great website...
it's called, it's basically a central database where anyone who signs up as a member can post products that are "greener" versions than the alternative. there are also monthly blogs written by the creator of the site & related news articles dealing with all aspects of greener living. It's very informative website & has some cool products on it as well.
i also noticed links to & idea as greenerversion...just cheaper & healthier products.
hope this might be beneficial to anyone who is interested...feel free to pass any more along my way...i'm also looking for more to check out!
if anyone is interested in learning more about environmental issues and learning to live a life simple & "green", i've found a great website...
it's called, it's basically a central database where anyone who signs up as a member can post products that are "greener" versions than the alternative. there are also monthly blogs written by the creator of the site & related news articles dealing with all aspects of greener living. It's very informative website & has some cool products on it as well.
i also noticed links to & idea as greenerversion...just cheaper & healthier products.
hope this might be beneficial to anyone who is interested...feel free to pass any more along my way...i'm also looking for more to check out!