No more

I just watched the video No More and was thinking as intelligence and sensitivity, together, become a powerful weapon. I know, and many had sung, that everything that you need is love, but the love only survives where the base well is formed by these things. When you dont have these, the world can become in a worst place to live. I love to see how Ed puts his love and faith in the better form to may the right thing. Tks for more this.
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As for intelligence, I think we all become educated on the things we seek to learn. So intelligence can mean different things to different people. Some will automatically call you unintelligent if you don't know all that they happen to know. I think true intelligence lies in using your intuition to balance out what you have learned and what you know from experience plus listening to your inner voice....then applying it to your life.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
You are wright, i defines intelligence as the form of looking at the world, not necessarily means knowledge and education. Some people does not see nothing and does not believe in nothing, only in the best form to keep its power on other people. They can be knowledge, but not intelligence. And othe, in the other way, have a simple form to see the world, and is the best.
I agree. I find it sad when people don't trust and believe in themselves and all the things in this world that can't be always be seen and can't be found in books or proven facts. Some of the most basic truths in this life come from within.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
If I opened it now would you not understand?
It takes a lot of courage, a lot of determination, a lot of dedication and tears, too...
Where do people learn to distrust? How does this happen? This characterisitc does not come with nature; moreso, distrust is a product of environmental nurturing..
We like to blame others for thing that happen to us..(and wow, do you ever know I am the captain of the team), but when we look at ourselves and especially using cyberspace as a social setting, we can not blame others...We, choose to sit in front of compu and interact with others. We take a risk, by this choice alone...Did someone put you in front of the compu?
Did someone coerce you to go to that site where you may not have had the greatest experiences? And did someone else force you to react in the manner that makes you second guess yourself? NO no. no.
The more we look inside ourselves and really know this word emptiness, we can begin to fill our Selves with tools that allow us a better experience.
In order to begin to trust the music within, humans have to learn how to forgive themselves for their own violations inflicted against the will never manifest if there is not forgiveness. And like the ol' saying goes,
Charity begins at HOME....
how does one learn to forgive the Self...I can rationalize this but have yet to find the tools to do this job....can someone please help?
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light
Makes much more sense to live in the present tense, right Mel?
Hello! Happy Spring!
a derivitive of nature.
nature is god
god is love
love is light