Two of the Jena six present BET award
Posts: 849
i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
Post edited by Unknown User on
why do you say that?
only white people deserved to be beat down...load of shit...
if it was reversed, we would hear about it forever......
no excuse for what they did, big difference between screwing with someone and a gang kick ass.
I mean, they wrestle the gun away from the kid, turn it into the police, and get arrested for robbery? Come on.
The way I see it, it was a fight. Ya, someone got beat up. Was it attempted murder? FUCK no.
The whole noose thing was terrible. If you think that's 'just a harmless prank' than wow. How would you like a burning cross on your yard? I don't see a big difference.
where did i say "harmless prank"????????
it's a load of crap from the git go alright
You're at a bar with your buddies and your girl friend. Some asshole is giving your girlfriend a hard time. He grabs her in a sexual manner and harasses her. Words are exchanged between you and the agressor and a fight breaks out. You and you buddies kick the crap out of the guy in the parking lot. He get a much deserved ass whoopin, but will recover..
After the fight, you and your buddies get arrested and face 20 years in jail.
Is that fair?
raise some press. the dudes got hassled for sitting under "the white tree" and kicked some ass as high school kids are wont to do to solve problems. since when did a high school brawl become felony attempted murder? yeah, they were fuckin stupid to do it, but it hardly merits the punishment being thrown their way.
NPR (I think it was NPR) ran a story re: the millions of public misconceptions re: this story. One of them was about the so-called "white tree". Teachers, both black & white, claimed there was never such a thing as a "white tree". That plently of black kids sat under that tree; that it was a 50/50 split in fact. They said it wasn't until after the noose was hung from it that it got dubbed "the white tree". Just made me wonder how many of these facts have been altered...from both sides.
fair doesn't have a thing to do with it.
i understand what yr saying though. but it's not the old days anymore. you kick someone's ass, they put the screws to you.
there is no way to take race out of this though. if it was black kids that got a ass whoopin from some good ol white boys, this would never die.
the fact they are making the black kids heroes for kicking some white dudes ass is racist as it comes.
you can't praise the klan. i bet once or twice the beat the shit outta some black guy that deserved it.
Wait a minute, there isn't a television station dedicated to only white people.
can't have an all white country club or college either
this stuff really started bugging the crap out of me when i saw a ice t (maybe) video with white guys strung upside down from trees, like in the movie "predator"
if a white guy put that out, the shit would hit the fan.
Having said that, I still think that at most, the black kids should have gotten a charge on assault, or something.
And your point on the KKK, sure sometimes people deserve things, but I gaurantee you the Klan didn't do it BECAUSE they deserved it. They did it because they were black.
Had the Jena six chose to use their voice to retaliate rather than their fists, then yes, they should be given the royal treatment. They chose violence rather than legal means. They chose ganglike activity rather than educating and rallying the public. They have created their own misery and to glamorize that is wrong on so many levels.