CBS News has learned U.S. officials will officially declare California's Santiago Fire an arson and offer a $50,000 reward to find the arsonist... Developing...
CBS News has learned U.S. officials will officially declare California's Santiago Fire an arson and offer a $50,000 reward to find the arsonist... Developing...
You do realize that story from the USA Today was from July 11, 2003 right?
I don't think anyone in any official capacity is blaming terrorism on these fires.
if "it" will happen again, I have to ask, again, how is the war in Irak helping...?
If "it" is going to happen, wouldn't our time and resources be better spent in securing our nation...?
look, i follow you...
but the fact that we haven't since 9/11 means something. i only think we will because it's almost impossible to stop people when they are hell bent on doing something.
i agree about securing our nation...but if you just search middle easterners at airports it's profiling. so you gotta search grandma too. if you build a fence at the border, it's too harsh or inhumane. if you deport illegals, we're shits...when by their very definition, they should be gone. if you clap down on airports like israel, people will go nutty.
americans want it both ways, it ain't gonna happen
but the fact that we haven't since 9/11 means something. i only think we will because it's almost impossible to stop people when they are hell bent on doing something.
i agree about securing our nation...but if you just search middle easterners at airports it's profiling. so you gotta search grandma too. if you build a fence at the border, it's too harsh or inhumane. if you deport illegals, we're shits...when by their very definition, they should be gone. if you clap down on airports like israel, people will go nutty.
americans want it both ways, it ain't gonna happen
I follow you, as well....but you're talking about several different things...many of which have nothing to do with the notion of "fighting them there blah, blah, blah"....
for me, the occupation of Irak is hurting our efforts to keep the US safe...and since you and many others seem to feel another attack can not be stopped, the belief that the efforts in Irak is keeping us safe is just plain wrong...
I follow you, as well....but you're talking about several different things...many of which have nothing to do with the notion of "fighting them there blah, blah, blah"....
for me, the occupation of Irak is hurting our efforts to keep the US safe...and since you and many others seem to feel another attack can not be stopped, the belief that the efforts in Irak is keeping us safe is just plain wrong...
whatever you believe is fine by me, i disagree
edit - i'm not talking several different secure the nation you have to do stuff....waterways, airports, borders etc.
how about some fighter jets next to our nuke plants? tanks by our damns? when we try to do something, all this shit pops up. either do it or don't...we ain't
edit - i'm not talking several different secure the nation you have to do stuff....waterways, airports, borders etc.
how about some fighter jets next to our nuke plants? tanks by our damns? when we try to do something, all this shit pops up. either do it or don't...we ain't
you can disagree all day long...but he fact is you can not show any proof the occupation is keeping us safe...a fact you choose to ignore...
you can disagree all day long...but he fact is you can not show any proof the occupation is keeping us safe...a fact you choose to ignore...
same to you...prove that is has made us unsafer here.
the fact that we have been hit again so far is proof enough.
but if and when it happens again, you'll be the first to say, "see, it hasn't helped" bush should have done more....but everything we try to do, the libs find something wrong with it.
same to you...prove that is has made us unsafer here.
the fact that we have been hit again so far is proof enough.
but if and when it happens again, you'll be the first to say, "see, it hasn't helped" bush should have done more....but everything we try to do, the libs find something wrong with it.
sometimes, you go bomb some bitches're the one saying "it" will happen again...not me...try to keep it straight...
furthermore, you're one saying the occupation is "helping", yet you offer nothing...
all I know is, someone said Al-qaeada started the California fires...which means the occupation is not keeping us safe...
I heard a rumor....just a rumor, that it was four Blackwater soldiers dressed in a stunning Shora and colorful Egal. Simply lovely.
Time to check my tinfoil stocks!
You do realize that story from the USA Today was from July 11, 2003 right?
I don't think anyone in any official capacity is blaming terrorism on these fires.
- 8/28/98
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i do realize that - drudge brought it up because it had been talked was under "flashback" or something like that
how so...?
as far as attacks here...but it will happen again
if "it" will happen again, I have to ask, again, how is the war in Irak helping...?
If "it" is going to happen, wouldn't our time and resources be better spent in securing our nation...?
look, i follow you...
but the fact that we haven't since 9/11 means something. i only think we will because it's almost impossible to stop people when they are hell bent on doing something.
i agree about securing our nation...but if you just search middle easterners at airports it's profiling. so you gotta search grandma too. if you build a fence at the border, it's too harsh or inhumane. if you deport illegals, we're shits...when by their very definition, they should be gone. if you clap down on airports like israel, people will go nutty.
americans want it both ways, it ain't gonna happen
I follow you, as well....but you're talking about several different things...many of which have nothing to do with the notion of "fighting them there blah, blah, blah"....
for me, the occupation of Irak is hurting our efforts to keep the US safe...and since you and many others seem to feel another attack can not be stopped, the belief that the efforts in Irak is keeping us safe is just plain wrong...
whatever you believe is fine by me, i disagree
edit - i'm not talking several different secure the nation you have to do stuff....waterways, airports, borders etc.
how about some fighter jets next to our nuke plants? tanks by our damns? when we try to do something, all this shit pops up. either do it or don't...we ain't
you can disagree all day long...but he fact is you can not show any proof the occupation is keeping us safe...a fact you choose to ignore...
same to you...prove that is has made us unsafer here.
the fact that we have been hit again so far is proof enough.
but if and when it happens again, you'll be the first to say, "see, it hasn't helped" bush should have done more....but everything we try to do, the libs find something wrong with it.
sometimes, you go bomb some bitches're the one saying "it" will happen again...not me...try to keep it straight...
furthermore, you're one saying the occupation is "helping", yet you offer nothing...
all I know is, someone said Al-qaeada started the California fires...which means the occupation is not keeping us safe...
i'm straight - i explained why i thought it was working
no one said they started the fires, but you proved my point...if and when it does happen, it's bush's fault
ha ha ha...where did I say it was "bush's fault"....? let me us small words for you:
it's hard to read when you type down like that...
where's yr proof that we are not safer?
you told me...
left that part out
I feel like I'm in some sort of Abbott and Costello routine...
Who's on First...?
(some old timers may get the reference...)
3rd base, dude
No, I'm on third.:D