what a party in iran!!!!!!!!!

read this shit to see who you are taking up for....
get a haircut hippie!
wear what we tell you!
men and women don't mix!
edit - don't fuckin drink either!
get a haircut hippie!
wear what we tell you!
men and women don't mix!
edit - don't fuckin drink either!
i'm the meat, yer not...signed Capt Asshat
Post edited by Unknown User on
Why should this bother us? Live and let live.
it doesn't bother me at all...speaking of those who come to the defense of iran at every turn. it's an oppressive place, all the freedoms they take for granted here, aren't in place there.
Do you feel the same way about Saudi Arabia as you do Iran? They are way more fucking oppressive there than in Iran.
That is why I find it laughable when I here some politicians criticize the Iranian government for the way it treats it's citizens but will not say a single word about Saudi Arabia.
Freedoms like bringing a gun to school and killing your class mates? You don't have a lot to crow about in the land of the free either.
great!!!! but thats not true in Iran. and many places around the world.
thank you for yr input dudley dooright
more bacon?
I don't like it either but it is not our say how leaders should run their country. As I also mentioned, our government constantly criticizes Iran because of this but what about our friend Saudi Arabia.
i'm pretty sure thats illegal in the U.S. i'll have to check with my lawyer to be sure.
not my problem. it's their problem. i've never defended iran. i've just said i see no reason for us to go over there and kill people. they're perfectly keen on doing it to each other and themselves. let em.
ps. i've a feeling if you and some of your christian brethren had your way, we'd be doing the same thing over here.
I agree. I am no more disgusted with Iran then I am Saudi, or North Korea, or Myanmar, or almost any country in Africa. I cringe when human beings are not given the right to live a life as they see fit.
yr wrong..i can speak only for myself
It would be great if all people lived in a free society, but it is not our job to make that happen. We can encourage it and provide support but using force to make that change is not our job. I also wish we where more consistant with how we deal with such regimes.
seems to me were not even allowed to support or encourage it without being called warmongering meddlers.
smithy is right. I'm in no way suggesting force. I'm suggesting freedom for all.
Well that maybe because more often that not we have intervened in the affairs of foreign nations just for our benefit. Had we not done that we may have a better reputation around the globe.
I'm on board with that.
Don't you know that bacon contributes to all the over weight diseases taking over in the gluttonous land of the free. You do pay attention to your own country and actually speak to your friends and colleagues when they come back from a visit to Iran, where they were not detained and were allowed to visit where they wanted, right. Even take pictures. Thought as much from you!
hahhahahahaah, yr a funny commie!
It's like a Cracker Jack box. You never know what the prize inside is till you open it up.
Sometimes we have a say...Like helping pave the way for a dictator (Pinochet) in Chile. I realize it was 35 years ago, but it serves as a reminder about or motives for eliminiating, ignoring, or even installing a bad leader.
question: what's your (or yr) point...?
so let me guess miller8966
we should bomb them right? :rolleyes:
are you knew to the fact that iran is oppresive? just pick this up with all the war propoganda about iran paitning them to tbe the worlds largest menace?
no wonder this propoganda shit works, people are fucking morons
wow...somehow i think you called me a fuckin moron!?!
this miller dude must really have turned yr worm
If Iran was a Christian Nation.. the fucking place would be the Neo-Conservative/Religious Right's wet dream Utopia...
I mean think about it...
Religion is at the forefront... any attempt to seperate religion from public schools or courthouses and the Atheist mother fucker gets his head chopped off. Laws come from the Holy scripture, i.e. God Himself.
No Liberals saying bad shit about the government because anyone with liberal views on Civil Rights ia either locked up for life or stoned to death in the public square. No Liberal (a.k.a. JEW) news outlets badmouthing the President... only good thing are written or spoken about the leadership and the nation.
Fucking Women know where their place is... in a subservient role to men.
and Justice is swift. If you look like you did something wrong... you probably did something wrong. And there wouldn't be any complaints about the Death Penalty... the guilty parties are hung in the courthouse parking lot. None of those expensive 'Appeals' and those cushy prisons they get to live in for free.
Sounds like a dream country created by the Pat Robertson/Jerry Falwell/George W. Bush.
Hail, Hail!!!
saudi arabia is our "friend in the war on terrrrr."
we are not beating the war drums for the sauds, but we are with iran. hence the criticism of the iranians and not the sauds. think about it.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
you think that huh?
what a 'tard
Shouldn't you be fucking your sister 'bout now, Clem?
Hail, Hail!!!
We should kill them!!!!! :rolleyes:
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)