Obama Will NOT Save The Country

Obama Will NOT Save The Country
Obama Will NOT Save The Country. First of all, he’s not eligible to be President of the United States. Here we have the Ambassador of Kenya confirming Barack Obama born in Kenya, making him ineligible. And second, Obama’s economic advisor is in the Skull and Bones secret society.
For those who think Skull and Bones is just a regular fraternity at Yale University, think again. Yale graduate and New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Robbins interviewed over 100 Bonesmen for her book “Secrets of the Tomb”.
A few excerpts:
… Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members to the most powerful political position in the world. And its power is only increasing - the 2004 Presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society now, as one historian admonishes, is "'an international mafia' . . . unregulated and all but unknown." In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, Skull and Bones has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years.
… During initiation, which involves ritualistic psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten - this stage of the ceremony represents their "death" to the world as they have known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society their innermost sexual secrets. … It is during this initiation that the new members are introduced to the artifacts in the tomb, among them Nazi memorabilia - including a set of Hitler's silverware - dozens of skulls, and an assortment of decorative tchochkes: coffins, skeletons, and innards. They are also introduced to "the Bones whore," the tomb's only full-time resident, who helps to ensure that the Bonesmen leave the tomb more mature than when they entered.
... Bonesmen are automatically offered jobs at the many investment banks and law firms dominated by their secret society brothers. They are also given exclusive access to the Skull and Bones island, a lush retreat built for millionaires, with a lavish mansion and a bevy of women at the members disposal.
… Several Bonesmen have been senators, congressmen, Supreme Court justices, and cabinet officials. There is a Bones cell in the CIA, which uses Skull and Bones as a recruiting ground because the members are so obviously adept at keeping secrets. Society members dominate financial institutions such as J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and Brown Brothers Harriman, where at one time more than a third of the partners were Bonesmen. Through these companies, Skull and Bones provided financial backing to Adolf Hitler because the society then followed a Nazi - and now follows a neo-Nazi - doctrine. At least one dozen Bonesmen have been linked to the Federal Reserve, including the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve. Skull and Bones members control the wealth of the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford families.
Skull and Bones has also taken steps to control the American media. Two of its members founded the law firm that represents the New York Times. Plans for both Time and Newsweek magazines were hatched in the Skull and Bones tomb. The society has controlled publishing houses such as Farrar, Straus, & Giroux. In the 1880s, Skull and Bones created the American Historical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Economic Association so that the society could ensure that history would be written under its terms and promote its objectives. The society then installed its own members as the presidents of these associations.
More excerpts available here.
Watch this ABC News clip from 1981 for information on the Global Elite’s “hangout”, Bohemian Grove.
Do you know these people worship a stone owl? Watch the ABC video.
Here’s a quote from former presidential advisor David Gergen concerning the $700 billion bailout.
Notice how he protects the criminals (last two sentences):
It seemed for -- to a lot of people at a grassroots level, this is $700 billion for rich people, to bail them out for their mistakes and to help them through things.
In fact, these toxic assets are there in part because there was some misdeeds. And I think that, yes, but we have also got to be careful how we describe it. I think we have to make -- not make this just about villains.
The truth is, one of the reasons we got into this is that incomes in this country have been going sideways and down, and a lot of people couldn't afford houses. they couldn't afford the down payments on homes.
And, so, they were in trouble. And the real issue is, how do you restore good jobs in this country, good jobs, at the grassroots level, so middle-income Americans can in fact afford homing -- homes again?
That is -- that is as much the villain here as anything else. So, I don't think it benefits us to say it's simply a bunch of scalawags or crooks who got us into this trouble. I think it's a much deeper, more pervasive problem than that.
The Truth is Gergen attended the Bohemian Grove’s owl worshiping ritual.
Here’s the video of Gergen’s own admission! At least Gergen told the Washington Times that he did NOT run around the woods naked with the others at Bohemian Grove.
Christopher Story, Editor and Publisher of International Currency Review, explains the $700 billion bailout was nothing more than on-the-books cash for the criminals’ new trading platform:
Latest False Prospectus From 'Paulson's' Treasury
Deceitful Transfer Of Bank Assets To Buyer Without Recourse
Secondary Sausages From The D.C. Sausage Machine
Washington Theatre Diverts Attention From The Primary Sausages
The bailout bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Obama voted FOR the unconstitutional bailout. Incidentally, he also voted FOR the Patriot Act.
See this link for more “dirt” on Obama:
Why I FEAR Obama like no other, like no other
Why didn’t CNN/FOX see to it that every American knew the following information?
May 5, 2008 - New York Times
Government Intensifies Mortgage Investigation
June 19, 2008 - CBS/Associated Press
FBI Cracks Down On Mortgage Fraud
400 Real Estate Industry Players Indicted; Victims Lost More Than $1 Billion In Various Scheme
June 19, 2008 - CBS/Associated Press
Bear Stearns Pair Surrenders To Feds
Ex-Hedge Fund Managers Face Criminal Charges Over Misleading Investors On Subprime Market
(Misleading title. They did not voluntarily surrender, they were forcibly arrested!)
September 23, 2008 - CNN
FBI probing bailout firms
Investigators start to search for fraud at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG, sources say.
September 29, 2008 - Associated Press
Fannie, Freddie disclose subpoenas, investigations
October 28, 2008 - New York Times
F.B.I. Struggles to Handle Financial Fraud Cases
June 2, 2008 - UK Telegraph
Safety deposit box raids yield £1bn of drugs, cash and guns
Police have seized a potential £1 billion “treasure trove” of cash, drugs and guns in an unprecedented raid on concrete vaults holding 7,000 safety deposit boxes.
June 13, 2008 - UK Telegraph
Police seize £53 million in security box raids
Detectives have seized £53.5 million in cash, four guns and a large number of gold bars after unprecedented raids on concrete vaults holding almost 7,000 safety deposit boxes
October 31, 2008 - World Reports Limited
Blair Has ‘Rolled Over’ To Avoid Arrest And Jail
‘Shops’ The Pope, Merkel, Deutsche Bank, Hungary And The Octopus
With Americans continuing their silly left vs right debates, the Global Elite dominate and control. Their plan? A New World Order, as George Bush Sr called for in a speech to a Joint Session of Congress on September 11, 1990. Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and even GrandDaddy Prescott Bush are all on the membership roster of Skull and Bones. John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also in Skull and Bones. John Bolton, who worked with numerous Republican presidential administrations, is a Bonesman. So is Obama’s economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee. The same with Washington Post editor Dana Milbank.
How much worse will this country need to get before YOU do something?
The retail industry is collapsing:
Circuit City is closing 155 of its 700 stores.
Linens 'n Things and The Sharper Image are closing ALL stores.
What will save the country? Distribution of the multi-trillion dollar Settlement package.
See Christopher Story’s article below. It is important to note that even though Obama is publicly pushing for the Settlement package, he really works with the Global Elite. The Global Elite run both democrats AND republicans. Obama has his own agenda!
December 3, 2008 - World Reports Limited
Washington Exposed As Secretly Financing Al-Qaeda
* Biggest Terrorism Scandal In World History Unfolding Before Our Eyes
* Secret Room Inside Morgan Stanley Funding Al-Qaeda And Global Terrorism
* Cover-Up Operations 'Blown': Washington Has Been Financing Global Terror
(Note: Story’s claim that NESARA is dead is false. See here for info.)
So, what can you do to help the country? Simple. Check here and here and DO it. Encourage others as well.
Don’t waste time - just do it!
Obama Will NOT Save The Country. First of all, he’s not eligible to be President of the United States. Here we have the Ambassador of Kenya confirming Barack Obama born in Kenya, making him ineligible. And second, Obama’s economic advisor is in the Skull and Bones secret society.
For those who think Skull and Bones is just a regular fraternity at Yale University, think again. Yale graduate and New York Times bestselling author Alexandra Robbins interviewed over 100 Bonesmen for her book “Secrets of the Tomb”.
A few excerpts:
… Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every reach of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members to the most powerful political position in the world. And its power is only increasing - the 2004 Presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society now, as one historian admonishes, is "'an international mafia' . . . unregulated and all but unknown." In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, Skull and Bones has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years.
… During initiation, which involves ritualistic psychological conditioning, the juniors wrestle in mud and are physically beaten - this stage of the ceremony represents their "death" to the world as they have known it. They then lie naked in coffins, masturbate, and reveal to the society their innermost sexual secrets. … It is during this initiation that the new members are introduced to the artifacts in the tomb, among them Nazi memorabilia - including a set of Hitler's silverware - dozens of skulls, and an assortment of decorative tchochkes: coffins, skeletons, and innards. They are also introduced to "the Bones whore," the tomb's only full-time resident, who helps to ensure that the Bonesmen leave the tomb more mature than when they entered.
... Bonesmen are automatically offered jobs at the many investment banks and law firms dominated by their secret society brothers. They are also given exclusive access to the Skull and Bones island, a lush retreat built for millionaires, with a lavish mansion and a bevy of women at the members disposal.
… Several Bonesmen have been senators, congressmen, Supreme Court justices, and cabinet officials. There is a Bones cell in the CIA, which uses Skull and Bones as a recruiting ground because the members are so obviously adept at keeping secrets. Society members dominate financial institutions such as J.P. Morgan, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter, and Brown Brothers Harriman, where at one time more than a third of the partners were Bonesmen. Through these companies, Skull and Bones provided financial backing to Adolf Hitler because the society then followed a Nazi - and now follows a neo-Nazi - doctrine. At least one dozen Bonesmen have been linked to the Federal Reserve, including the first Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve. Skull and Bones members control the wealth of the Rockefeller, Carnegie, and Ford families.
Skull and Bones has also taken steps to control the American media. Two of its members founded the law firm that represents the New York Times. Plans for both Time and Newsweek magazines were hatched in the Skull and Bones tomb. The society has controlled publishing houses such as Farrar, Straus, & Giroux. In the 1880s, Skull and Bones created the American Historical Association, the American Psychological Association, and the American Economic Association so that the society could ensure that history would be written under its terms and promote its objectives. The society then installed its own members as the presidents of these associations.
More excerpts available here.
Watch this ABC News clip from 1981 for information on the Global Elite’s “hangout”, Bohemian Grove.
Do you know these people worship a stone owl? Watch the ABC video.
Here’s a quote from former presidential advisor David Gergen concerning the $700 billion bailout.
Notice how he protects the criminals (last two sentences):
It seemed for -- to a lot of people at a grassroots level, this is $700 billion for rich people, to bail them out for their mistakes and to help them through things.
In fact, these toxic assets are there in part because there was some misdeeds. And I think that, yes, but we have also got to be careful how we describe it. I think we have to make -- not make this just about villains.
The truth is, one of the reasons we got into this is that incomes in this country have been going sideways and down, and a lot of people couldn't afford houses. they couldn't afford the down payments on homes.
And, so, they were in trouble. And the real issue is, how do you restore good jobs in this country, good jobs, at the grassroots level, so middle-income Americans can in fact afford homing -- homes again?
That is -- that is as much the villain here as anything else. So, I don't think it benefits us to say it's simply a bunch of scalawags or crooks who got us into this trouble. I think it's a much deeper, more pervasive problem than that.
The Truth is Gergen attended the Bohemian Grove’s owl worshiping ritual.
Here’s the video of Gergen’s own admission! At least Gergen told the Washington Times that he did NOT run around the woods naked with the others at Bohemian Grove.
Christopher Story, Editor and Publisher of International Currency Review, explains the $700 billion bailout was nothing more than on-the-books cash for the criminals’ new trading platform:
Latest False Prospectus From 'Paulson's' Treasury
Deceitful Transfer Of Bank Assets To Buyer Without Recourse
Secondary Sausages From The D.C. Sausage Machine
Washington Theatre Diverts Attention From The Primary Sausages
The bailout bill is UNCONSTITUTIONAL.
Obama voted FOR the unconstitutional bailout. Incidentally, he also voted FOR the Patriot Act.
See this link for more “dirt” on Obama:
Why I FEAR Obama like no other, like no other
Why didn’t CNN/FOX see to it that every American knew the following information?
May 5, 2008 - New York Times
Government Intensifies Mortgage Investigation
June 19, 2008 - CBS/Associated Press
FBI Cracks Down On Mortgage Fraud
400 Real Estate Industry Players Indicted; Victims Lost More Than $1 Billion In Various Scheme
June 19, 2008 - CBS/Associated Press
Bear Stearns Pair Surrenders To Feds
Ex-Hedge Fund Managers Face Criminal Charges Over Misleading Investors On Subprime Market
(Misleading title. They did not voluntarily surrender, they were forcibly arrested!)
September 23, 2008 - CNN
FBI probing bailout firms
Investigators start to search for fraud at Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lehman Brothers and AIG, sources say.
September 29, 2008 - Associated Press
Fannie, Freddie disclose subpoenas, investigations
October 28, 2008 - New York Times
F.B.I. Struggles to Handle Financial Fraud Cases
June 2, 2008 - UK Telegraph
Safety deposit box raids yield £1bn of drugs, cash and guns
Police have seized a potential £1 billion “treasure trove” of cash, drugs and guns in an unprecedented raid on concrete vaults holding 7,000 safety deposit boxes.
June 13, 2008 - UK Telegraph
Police seize £53 million in security box raids
Detectives have seized £53.5 million in cash, four guns and a large number of gold bars after unprecedented raids on concrete vaults holding almost 7,000 safety deposit boxes
October 31, 2008 - World Reports Limited
Blair Has ‘Rolled Over’ To Avoid Arrest And Jail
‘Shops’ The Pope, Merkel, Deutsche Bank, Hungary And The Octopus
With Americans continuing their silly left vs right debates, the Global Elite dominate and control. Their plan? A New World Order, as George Bush Sr called for in a speech to a Joint Session of Congress on September 11, 1990. Bush Sr, Bush Jr, and even GrandDaddy Prescott Bush are all on the membership roster of Skull and Bones. John Kerry, who ran against Bush in 2004, is also in Skull and Bones. John Bolton, who worked with numerous Republican presidential administrations, is a Bonesman. So is Obama’s economic adviser, Austan Goolsbee. The same with Washington Post editor Dana Milbank.
How much worse will this country need to get before YOU do something?
The retail industry is collapsing:
Circuit City is closing 155 of its 700 stores.
Linens 'n Things and The Sharper Image are closing ALL stores.
What will save the country? Distribution of the multi-trillion dollar Settlement package.
See Christopher Story’s article below. It is important to note that even though Obama is publicly pushing for the Settlement package, he really works with the Global Elite. The Global Elite run both democrats AND republicans. Obama has his own agenda!
December 3, 2008 - World Reports Limited
Washington Exposed As Secretly Financing Al-Qaeda
* Biggest Terrorism Scandal In World History Unfolding Before Our Eyes
* Secret Room Inside Morgan Stanley Funding Al-Qaeda And Global Terrorism
* Cover-Up Operations 'Blown': Washington Has Been Financing Global Terror
(Note: Story’s claim that NESARA is dead is false. See here for info.)
So, what can you do to help the country? Simple. Check here and here and DO it. Encourage others as well.
Don’t waste time - just do it!
Post edited by Unknown User on
for the least they could possibly do
jeebus that must have taken some time to put together
no shit...
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
Sounds awful. How do I join?
me too, but only if scarlett johansson is a member.
Took the words right out of my mouth, although my first thought was...."Cuckoo!"
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
I just want to know if he/she/it uses the same password for the dozens upon dozens (upon dozens) of forums he/she/it repeatedly posts the exact same posts in.
maybe it's just a bot...it's almost seems inhuman.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Too much information.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
Now I'm not sure about you, but lying naked in a coffin just isn't the right setting for masturbation.
don't knock it 'till you try it.
Sounds more like a scene from a dracula-related porn than a secret society.. maybe the thread starter got distracted while typing the OP.
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
Yeah, but there were a ton of people who voted for Obama for all the wrong reasons.
now, when the world is unhappy and everyone pushes each other.....there are secret societies/conspiracies and people are controlled????
irrational yet amazing...............people have lost their minds with the idea of "everyone is out to get me".
oh well.
6/30/2008 - Mansfield, MA.
5/17/2010 - Boston, MA
9/3/2011 - East Troy, WI (PJ20)
9/4/2011 - East Troy, WI (PJ20)
the saviour of the usa? that's giving him a little much credit, wouldn't you say? Let's wait until he makes a decision to lead to annoint him, up until now it seems like he's made decisions to win a game, NOT lead a nation. It is great that a minority can become president and I want him to succeed but lets save the accolades and proclomations until he does something as a leader.
This is called controlled opposition at best.
I hope you guys can see through this.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
NO you seem to have grabbed something out of my paragraph and lept on it without understanding what i'm saying!!!!
The saviour of the USA is that the people have demonstrated democracy at work, the people have voted for the peoples choice, wether Obama is the second fucking coming is another matter, personally i think the bloke has far too much presure on him to change things out of his control and from that position can only disapoint!
So just to reiterate a i seem to have to do a lot on here -
Obama = not the new Jesus or saviour of the world
The American people showing they aint racist and practice what they preach(DEMOCRACY) = The Saviour
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
thanks for clarifying.
While the American public did "vote for change", don't pretend race didn't play a part in his supporters or his detractors motives. With every election we practice a form of democracy in this country. So really what it comes down to is that the world wanted Obama to win and since it came out that way, then the OUTCOME is the saviour. The process is just as dirty as ever.
Maybe Obama won't save the country. He probably won't.. but geez.