US District Court Unseals Second 9/11 'Inside Job' Case

US District Court Unseals Second 9/11 ‘Inside Job’ Case
Developments regarding Dr Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, and Dr Morgan Reynolds, the former Chief Economist of the US Department of Labor. Both Wood and Reynolds are represented by mainstream attorney Jerry Leaphart.
Those following developments in 9/11 “inside job” legal proceedings are aware that the US District Court in Southern New York unsealed a complaint filed by Dr Morgan Reynolds against private contractors hired by the government. This lawsuit alleges that the contractors supplied bogus analyses for the NIST Report of an aluminum airplane with a plastic nosecone gliding through a steel and concrete building . Information pertaining to this lawsuit, including a PDF of the unsealed complaint, can be found on Reynolds website:
More recently however, September 12, 2007 to be exact, the Southern New York District Court unsealed a second “inside job” case. This second complaint was filed by Dr Judy Wood against the same private contractors, alleging the World Trade Center was destroyed by Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and not airplane strikes, jet fuel fires, or gravity. Wood’s unsealed complaint is available here (in the Qui Tam section):
Dr James Fetzer, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, interviewed Dr Wood and Mr Leaphart on his October 11th Dynamic Duo radio show to discuss the new unsealed complaint. An MP3 of this broadcast is downloadable at this link:
Dr Fetzer also submitted a press release for this wonderful news. Read it and learn that NIST admitted to Dr Wood (in writing) that they did not analyze the “collapse” of the towers!
One of the Defendants, Applied Research Associates (ARA), is a manufacturer of directed energy weapons :
ARA is also a Silver Level Founding Sponsor of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS). Founded in 1999, DEPS put out their first newsletter one year before 9/11, containing the following excerpt:
"Lasers in space, lasers in the stratosphere, lasers
on and over the battlefield - we're at the
beginning of an evolutionary new wave of
Dr Wood has also discovered that the "Capabilities - National Defense and Aerospace" section of ARA's website contains an image depicting a simulation with the following characteristics:
1. A building (in the foreground) having damage similar to that of WTC 6 and the Murrah Building in OK City.
2. A building (behind the red building) with the same cosmetic design as WTC 3.
3. A building (in the background) turning to dust similar to the Twin Towers.
Here's the image:

See pages 3 and 4 of Dr Wood’s Appeal to NIST for information regarding that photo:
Here are pages 3 and 4:

Those skeptical of the directed energy weapon theory often ask how such a weapon could eject steel beams horizontally from the towers, as seem in some of the videos and photographs. Dr Wood says the DEW didn’t destroy the towers itself, but instead activated chemical clouds that were released from within the buildings; much like how light activates photographic film. Dr Wood has discovered photographic evidence of these chemical clouds coming from the towers, as well as WTC 7:
The Evidence for Directed Energy Weapons is Very Strong!
**Let's take this Vertical Cut on WTC 4 as an example.
The building material on the other side of the cut is "missing".
Where'd it go?

**Has anyone noticed... the WTC 4 cut is in the same path as the South Tower's north wall?
The South Tower is also "missing".

**How about these Cylindrical Holes in WTC 5 and WTC 6?
What, if not a beam weapon, could make these?

**How about this video of the Steel Core Turning to Dust and trickling down?
**What type of weapon could destroy car engine blocks, yet leave unexploded gas tanks?

**This police car looks too weird.

**These cleanup workers certainly look puzzled.
What happened here?

**About 20 minutes before the South Tower is destroyed, the FAA orders all aircraft to land.
Two minutes after the North Tower is destroyed, the FAA allows military craft back up.

One must wonder... where did the towers go?
Look at these two comparisons. What happened?

Drs Wood and Reynolds have filed legal challenges, which provides an excellent opportunity for a new investigation.
They deserve our full support.
It’s every American’s duty to remove corrupt elements in the government.
Please help by distributing the above information to your local media.
Developments regarding Dr Judy Wood, a former Professor of Mechanical Engineering from Clemson University, and Dr Morgan Reynolds, the former Chief Economist of the US Department of Labor. Both Wood and Reynolds are represented by mainstream attorney Jerry Leaphart.
Those following developments in 9/11 “inside job” legal proceedings are aware that the US District Court in Southern New York unsealed a complaint filed by Dr Morgan Reynolds against private contractors hired by the government. This lawsuit alleges that the contractors supplied bogus analyses for the NIST Report of an aluminum airplane with a plastic nosecone gliding through a steel and concrete building . Information pertaining to this lawsuit, including a PDF of the unsealed complaint, can be found on Reynolds website:
More recently however, September 12, 2007 to be exact, the Southern New York District Court unsealed a second “inside job” case. This second complaint was filed by Dr Judy Wood against the same private contractors, alleging the World Trade Center was destroyed by Directed Energy Weapons (DEW), and not airplane strikes, jet fuel fires, or gravity. Wood’s unsealed complaint is available here (in the Qui Tam section):
Dr James Fetzer, the founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, interviewed Dr Wood and Mr Leaphart on his October 11th Dynamic Duo radio show to discuss the new unsealed complaint. An MP3 of this broadcast is downloadable at this link:
Dr Fetzer also submitted a press release for this wonderful news. Read it and learn that NIST admitted to Dr Wood (in writing) that they did not analyze the “collapse” of the towers!
One of the Defendants, Applied Research Associates (ARA), is a manufacturer of directed energy weapons :
ARA is also a Silver Level Founding Sponsor of the Directed Energy Professional Society (DEPS). Founded in 1999, DEPS put out their first newsletter one year before 9/11, containing the following excerpt:
"Lasers in space, lasers in the stratosphere, lasers
on and over the battlefield - we're at the
beginning of an evolutionary new wave of
Dr Wood has also discovered that the "Capabilities - National Defense and Aerospace" section of ARA's website contains an image depicting a simulation with the following characteristics:
1. A building (in the foreground) having damage similar to that of WTC 6 and the Murrah Building in OK City.
2. A building (behind the red building) with the same cosmetic design as WTC 3.
3. A building (in the background) turning to dust similar to the Twin Towers.
Here's the image:

See pages 3 and 4 of Dr Wood’s Appeal to NIST for information regarding that photo:
Here are pages 3 and 4:

Those skeptical of the directed energy weapon theory often ask how such a weapon could eject steel beams horizontally from the towers, as seem in some of the videos and photographs. Dr Wood says the DEW didn’t destroy the towers itself, but instead activated chemical clouds that were released from within the buildings; much like how light activates photographic film. Dr Wood has discovered photographic evidence of these chemical clouds coming from the towers, as well as WTC 7:
The Evidence for Directed Energy Weapons is Very Strong!
**Let's take this Vertical Cut on WTC 4 as an example.
The building material on the other side of the cut is "missing".
Where'd it go?

**Has anyone noticed... the WTC 4 cut is in the same path as the South Tower's north wall?
The South Tower is also "missing".

**How about these Cylindrical Holes in WTC 5 and WTC 6?
What, if not a beam weapon, could make these?

**How about this video of the Steel Core Turning to Dust and trickling down?
**What type of weapon could destroy car engine blocks, yet leave unexploded gas tanks?

**This police car looks too weird.

**These cleanup workers certainly look puzzled.
What happened here?

**About 20 minutes before the South Tower is destroyed, the FAA orders all aircraft to land.
Two minutes after the North Tower is destroyed, the FAA allows military craft back up.

One must wonder... where did the towers go?
Look at these two comparisons. What happened?

Drs Wood and Reynolds have filed legal challenges, which provides an excellent opportunity for a new investigation.
They deserve our full support.
It’s every American’s duty to remove corrupt elements in the government.
Please help by distributing the above information to your local media.
Post edited by Unknown User on
The ol false flag classico..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
2 of every 3 don't, and believe that the 1 is a looney.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
Quick to name call are we?
Inside job has many connotations. Not necessarily explosives.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Incompetence isn't one of those connotations, but is a much more reasonable explanation.
i had no idea the conspiracy applied to oklahoma city too! were cheney and bush behind that one too? or was it clinton that time? are clinton and bush on the same team? if somehow the evil neocons and the left of middle dems have managed to build a secret governmental terrorist alliance designed to... uh... blow things up in america, who will save us? what must we do to stop this insidious evil? who will be our a-team in this, our most desperate hour of need?!!?!?!?!
these guys...
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
is the entire us government evil? or just the ones that happen to be in office whenever a catastrophic event killing many americans occurs?
Absolute power, oddly/sadly enough, does have the tendency of corrupting absolutely at moments in history.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
i see. so anytime something bad happens in the us, it's becos the people in office are evil, not becos someone else is?
osama didn't do 9/11, cheney did
mcveigh didn't do oklahoma city, clinton did
the japanese didn't do pearl harbor, fdr did
oswald had nothing to do with jfk, lbj did
Where are you getting that idea from?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
well, the implication in that article is that the oklahoma city building and wtc building 7 were destroyed by the same kind of blast. that means either mcveigh magically perpetrated 9/11 from beyond the grave or the feds did oklahoma too.
That's the first I've ever heard of it.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
it is the quoted text from the a-team post i made which you quoted. it looks like loose change is widening its reach!
Regarding the Global Elite's agenda, the answer is yes.
Their agenda:
Check out how George Bush Sr called for a New World Order on September 11, 1990:
Loose change or something. There's so much to choose from.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Only if you don't wear an explosive belt...otherwise...I think yes.
He's going to do Oprah eventually.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
sweet! who's the head of the secret organization and how do i get in? this is way cooler than the last dan brown novel or that movie 'the skulls.'
how can i see their membership list? do they wear hooded cloaks and do strange chants under the capitol building at night?
You have to go to Harvard and have a high tolerance for getting spanked.
August 2, 2004
The Use of Directed-Energy Weapons to Protect Critical Infrastructure
by Jack Spencer and James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.
Backgrounder #1783
...Although the United States is not currently prepared to protect domestic targets against these threats, it does have the technology to do so with directed-energy weapons (DEWs), which include lasers, microwaves, electromagnetic pulses, and high intensity radio frequency waves. In 2000, for example, the Army used the Tactical High Energy Laser to shoot down a rocket carrying a live warhead--the first time a laser has destroyed a missile in flight.
...In 1996, the U.S. Army and the Israeli Ministry of Defense began to develop a short-range tactical high energy laser (THEL), which has since become the most successful laser-based anti-missile program in history. It is the most advanced directed-energy technology that the American armed forces have available to protect critical infrastructure. Demonstrating the unique threat flexibility of laser weapons, THEL has intercepted dozens of threats and a growing list of different threat types, including a large number of Russian Katyusha rockets, five artillery shells, and, more recently, large caliber rockets. The Army is preparing to build a mobile prototype (Mobile THEL or MTHEL), which will add mobility and high operational readiness. MTHEL could protect against the kind of rocket and mortar threats that U.S. troops have been facing in Iraq and Afghanistan. HORNET (a slightly different, upgraded MTHEL configuration) could also protect an airport against a full range of MANPADs and other precision strike threats.
This not to imply that this weapon was used in NY or PA only that it does exist.
We are all DOOOOOOOOMED!!!!
we're getting closer and closer to the ufo theory.
This one is just common sense. Buildings are mostly empty space. I would guess that air takes up at least 80% of a building. To properly look at these pictures, you have to imagine the buildings to be 1/5 of their height or maybe shorter. Also a good deal of it became the huge cloud of debris that spread out for blocks. The pictures makes much more visual sense if you do that.
Does anyone dispute this? That larger theory aside this segment in particular is obvious BS?
They are actually, they were, are both controlled by the same people. You have to remeber they are just puppets.
It's the same in england too. Only our puppets don't come across as stupid as the guys you vote in.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
i applaud that much more than people just slurping up the "official" story and taking it for truth
the funny thing is most people still think it was the "19 hijackers" they saw flashed on their tv days after the attacks... they were proven bogus almost immediately