So I'm making my last film at film school...

... and its working title is "All Those Yesterdays", its a chamberpiece about four people stuck in an library during en epedemic where people are turning into "zombie like creatures". Thought it was a cool title, and have a hard time finding a new one 
And my friends film about a girl whos boyfriend gets kiled in a traffic accident has the workingtitle "Alive"...
So yeah, meaningless thread but... if it turns out I stick with ATY, hopefully the band or their management will not sue the shit out of me

And my friends film about a girl whos boyfriend gets kiled in a traffic accident has the workingtitle "Alive"...
So yeah, meaningless thread but... if it turns out I stick with ATY, hopefully the band or their management will not sue the shit out of me

"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"