It has begun!!!

Hello All,
Winter Soldier has begun!
[Note: The website is being overloaded by the huge number of
people coming to learn about Winter Soldier. We are working to expand
our capacity as quickly as possible. If you have trouble accessing the
website, please try back soon. Thank you for your patience.]
Today, hundreds of our members are traveling from all over the country
to Silver Spring, MD for Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan, which
begins in just a few hours. At the same time thousands, including many
of you, are preparing to watch and listen to our testimony in homes,
houses of worship, on college campuses, and on military bases around
the world to bear witness to these stories via live broadcast.
Winter Soldier is the first event in an ongoing public awareness and
outreach effort by IVAW. No longer will public debate on the "Global
War on Terror" be framed solely by politicians and pundits. Winter
Soldier will bring accounts of the real, first-hand experiences of
veterans and civilian survivors into the discussion of the occupations
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
IVAW will use the ongoing Winter Soldier project to spread awareness
of G.I. resistance among veterans and active duty troops and build
strategic alliances with the labor, student and other allied movements
to broaden and strengthen our strategy to end the Iraq occupation.
Over 250 of us will arrive here in the next 24 hours. You're invited
to join us - every panel, every minute of testimony, will be broadcast
live and will be available to watch in an online on-demand library.
To find out how to watch on our website, on a local cable channel, by
satellite TV, through internet radio, or a local radio station, go to
our How to Watch page.
There are hundreds of viewing events planned around the world - in
Africa, the Middle East, Europe and across North America - where
people will gather to watch testimony. It's not too late to organize
an event in your area. You can post the location of your event on our
In just a few hours, servicemembers and veterans will begin to tell
the full story of what is happening in the occupations of Iraq and
Afghanistan. We're speaking up, and we need your help to get the word
out, so take a minute now to email your friends, colleagues, and
family to let them know how they can tune in to this historic event.
Below is the schedule for this weekend.
All times below are Eastern Time. Schedule subject to change.
Thursday, March 13 Streaming video only
7:00PM-9:00PM - Winter Soldier and the legacy of GI Resistance
Friday, March 14 Satellite TV, internet video, internet audio, radio
9:00AM - 10:45AM - Rules of Engagement: Part One
11:00AM - 12:30PM -The Crisis in Veterans' Heathcare
2:00PM - 3:30PM -Corporate Pillaging and Military Contractors
4:00PM - 6:00PM -Rules of Engagement: Part Two
7:00PM - 8:30PM -Aims of the Global War on Terror: the
Political, Legal, and
Context of Iraq and Afghanistan
Saturday, March 15 Satellite TV, internet video, internet audio, radio
9:00AM - 10:30AM -Divide To Conquer: Gender and Sexuality in the
11:00AM - 1:00PM -Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the
Enemy: Part One
2:00PM - 3:30PM -Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the
Enemy: Part Two
4:00PM - 6PM -Civilian Testimony: The Cost of War in Iraq
and Afghanistan
7:00PM - 8:30PM -The Cost of the War at Home
Sunday, March 16 Internet video, internet audio, radio
10:00AM - 1:00PM -The Breakdown of the Military
2:00PM - 3:15PM -The Future of GI Resistance
To test your browser to see if its compatible to stream the video go
To watch the testimonials live go here
Tyler Zabel
P.S. Broadcasting Winter Soldier around the world is important, and
it's also expensive. Please make a donation today to help us pay for
this important event.
IVAW is proud to receive our 501(c)-3 tax exempt status through the
sponsorship of Veterans For Peace:
Visit the Iraq Veterans Against the War website
Winter Soldier has begun!
[Note: The website is being overloaded by the huge number of
people coming to learn about Winter Soldier. We are working to expand
our capacity as quickly as possible. If you have trouble accessing the
website, please try back soon. Thank you for your patience.]
Today, hundreds of our members are traveling from all over the country
to Silver Spring, MD for Winter Soldier: Iraq & Afghanistan, which
begins in just a few hours. At the same time thousands, including many
of you, are preparing to watch and listen to our testimony in homes,
houses of worship, on college campuses, and on military bases around
the world to bear witness to these stories via live broadcast.
Winter Soldier is the first event in an ongoing public awareness and
outreach effort by IVAW. No longer will public debate on the "Global
War on Terror" be framed solely by politicians and pundits. Winter
Soldier will bring accounts of the real, first-hand experiences of
veterans and civilian survivors into the discussion of the occupations
in Iraq and Afghanistan.
IVAW will use the ongoing Winter Soldier project to spread awareness
of G.I. resistance among veterans and active duty troops and build
strategic alliances with the labor, student and other allied movements
to broaden and strengthen our strategy to end the Iraq occupation.
Over 250 of us will arrive here in the next 24 hours. You're invited
to join us - every panel, every minute of testimony, will be broadcast
live and will be available to watch in an online on-demand library.
To find out how to watch on our website, on a local cable channel, by
satellite TV, through internet radio, or a local radio station, go to
our How to Watch page.
There are hundreds of viewing events planned around the world - in
Africa, the Middle East, Europe and across North America - where
people will gather to watch testimony. It's not too late to organize
an event in your area. You can post the location of your event on our
In just a few hours, servicemembers and veterans will begin to tell
the full story of what is happening in the occupations of Iraq and
Afghanistan. We're speaking up, and we need your help to get the word
out, so take a minute now to email your friends, colleagues, and
family to let them know how they can tune in to this historic event.
Below is the schedule for this weekend.
All times below are Eastern Time. Schedule subject to change.
Thursday, March 13 Streaming video only
7:00PM-9:00PM - Winter Soldier and the legacy of GI Resistance
Friday, March 14 Satellite TV, internet video, internet audio, radio
9:00AM - 10:45AM - Rules of Engagement: Part One
11:00AM - 12:30PM -The Crisis in Veterans' Heathcare
2:00PM - 3:30PM -Corporate Pillaging and Military Contractors
4:00PM - 6:00PM -Rules of Engagement: Part Two
7:00PM - 8:30PM -Aims of the Global War on Terror: the
Political, Legal, and
Context of Iraq and Afghanistan
Saturday, March 15 Satellite TV, internet video, internet audio, radio
9:00AM - 10:30AM -Divide To Conquer: Gender and Sexuality in the
11:00AM - 1:00PM -Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the
Enemy: Part One
2:00PM - 3:30PM -Racism and War: the Dehumanization of the
Enemy: Part Two
4:00PM - 6PM -Civilian Testimony: The Cost of War in Iraq
and Afghanistan
7:00PM - 8:30PM -The Cost of the War at Home
Sunday, March 16 Internet video, internet audio, radio
10:00AM - 1:00PM -The Breakdown of the Military
2:00PM - 3:15PM -The Future of GI Resistance
To test your browser to see if its compatible to stream the video go
To watch the testimonials live go here
Tyler Zabel
P.S. Broadcasting Winter Soldier around the world is important, and
it's also expensive. Please make a donation today to help us pay for
this important event.
IVAW is proud to receive our 501(c)-3 tax exempt status through the
sponsorship of Veterans For Peace:
Visit the Iraq Veterans Against the War website
"In this cause I too am prepared to die. There is no cause for which I am prepared to kill" -Gandhi
Iraq Veterans Against the War
Iraq Veterans Against the War
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Iraq Veterans Against the War