are you a solar-topian?
just want to get the word out about this very important movement. some politicians lately are promoting nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. This is terribly inaccurate. nuclear power uses a ton of fossil fuels to generate power. it is in no way a green fuel like some, including jim cramer from CNN, have suggested. There are plans to build two new nuclear power plants in the US. This must not be allowed. It is far too dangerous.
A lot of people don't know this, but the second airplane that crashed into the pentagon on 9/11 flew over a nuclear power plant. Can you imagine what would have heppened if it had gone down a bit earlier? this is not safe at home and it s certainly not safe abroad with nations starting nuclear programs that thay insist are only for domestic power. It's kind of hard to tell Iran they can't have a nuclear plant while we are building them here and oh yeah, we also happen to have more nukes than every other nuclear power combined. We need to get over our addiction to king CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes, Gas ). renewable-resource technology — wind, solar and biomass, along with extreme techno-efficiency — can and will power the human race to a sustainable, prosperous and democratic future, in which healing can begin.
Just visit the site and take a gander. This is not pie-in-the-sky stuff, solar power is available, cheap, and effective. and there's more demand right now that the industry can meet. A TON of money can be made by companies supplying technologies such as solar panels, sloar roof shingles, etc. It could be a real boon for our economy but the energy powers that be would have you belive otherwise. visit the site and see for yourself. make up your own mind after you review the facts.
just want to get the word out about this very important movement. some politicians lately are promoting nuclear power as an alternative to fossil fuels. This is terribly inaccurate. nuclear power uses a ton of fossil fuels to generate power. it is in no way a green fuel like some, including jim cramer from CNN, have suggested. There are plans to build two new nuclear power plants in the US. This must not be allowed. It is far too dangerous.
A lot of people don't know this, but the second airplane that crashed into the pentagon on 9/11 flew over a nuclear power plant. Can you imagine what would have heppened if it had gone down a bit earlier? this is not safe at home and it s certainly not safe abroad with nations starting nuclear programs that thay insist are only for domestic power. It's kind of hard to tell Iran they can't have a nuclear plant while we are building them here and oh yeah, we also happen to have more nukes than every other nuclear power combined. We need to get over our addiction to king CONG (Coal, Oil, Nukes, Gas ). renewable-resource technology — wind, solar and biomass, along with extreme techno-efficiency — can and will power the human race to a sustainable, prosperous and democratic future, in which healing can begin.
Just visit the site and take a gander. This is not pie-in-the-sky stuff, solar power is available, cheap, and effective. and there's more demand right now that the industry can meet. A TON of money can be made by companies supplying technologies such as solar panels, sloar roof shingles, etc. It could be a real boon for our economy but the energy powers that be would have you belive otherwise. visit the site and see for yourself. make up your own mind after you review the facts.
"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."
"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Ben Franklin
"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Ben Franklin
Post edited by Unknown User on
nuclear power has a problem with waste. what do you think is going to happen when the ocean rises and floods that nuke plant? i've been 100% solar and power companies accross the us and europe have; and are building wind farms. the technologies are here but people don't like being inconvienced. they'll think more about it when they're wading through sea water mixed with sewage and nuclear waste.
If the plane flew into the nuclear plant probably nothing would have happened. You do realize that the building materials used to build a nuclear plant are a lot stronger than those used to build an office building like the pentagon. If a nuclear plant is dangerous because a plane could fly into it so is every hydroelectric dam in the world. Plus there would be a lot more damage if a plane flew into the Hoover dam and it burst than if one flew into a nuclear plant.
they still haven't figured out what to do with the waste after all these years
The waste is less radioactive than it was when we took it out of the ground. What is wrong with putting it back in the ground.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
but when an ounce of uranium produces thousands of gallons of heavy water; it doesn't really matter. that water contains enough radiation to kill. sure; we can bury it and contaminate our drinking water. most of it is already polluted with chemicals.
But in a heavy water you reuse the deuterium as your moderator. It is highly vaulable and not waste. Plus by itself deuterium isn't even toxic, unless you drink a ton of it in place of regular water.
i don't think that is necessarily true ... spent fuel doesn't necessarily mean less radioactive - just that the particular composition no longer supports nuclear fission ... i think the reaction also alters the nature of the uranium to the point that it creates isotopes that don't exist in nature without the reprocessing ...
i've been trying to reach a friend who used to work in a nuke plant. i don't have enough knowledge to discuss this and i'd rather keep my mouth shut and not look foolish. at this point; all i can say is i don't know enough about the subject matter to discuss it intelligently.
this is a first. i'm impressed. maybe we can start having civil conversations and real debate sometime.
this is not a first by any means. pay attention more often and you'll be surprised at what you learn.
i will try. but if i hear you claiming you were a pioneer in building the space station, we're right back where we started.
"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Ben Franklin
for sure ... however, we are dealing with humanity governed by selfishness and ruled by ignorance ...
nothing says "I love you" like something with a half-life
—Dorothy Parker
just remember... free energy is only a myth.
—Dorothy Parker
Says the sun to the solar panel.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
and how much energy do we humans expend trying to harness, store and transport that supposedly "free" source of energy?
—Dorothy Parker
the price of oil will get to be too prohibitive for economies to sustain so we have no choice but ween ourselves off of it. The big oil companies have to see this coming and they can transition to producers and servicers of cleaner fuels but they will not do it until can no longer profit from oil.
a similar thing happened around the time of the industrial revolution when it became unviable to keep using whale oil to supply the increasing demand for oil. Companies that were profiting for years on whale oil had to switch to petrolium. They will have to transition again at some point as the price of oil get's too prohibitive. It would be nice if they would just do it now because it's the right thing to do, but there will come a point where they will do it because it makes economic sense for them to do it.
It's our responsibility to get awareness out there now that we can begin transitioning. and the solartopia website offers good energy tips and things we can do to start living cleaner right now.
"Beer is living proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."
- Ben Franklin