Can China defeat the US in a war?

With our nation already utilizing our troops in numerous conflicts, our intelligence overwhelmed by the threat of terrorists from the Middle East, and our extreme dependance on computer and satellite technology... could China defeat us if we engaged in a war to defend Taiwan? Not to mention that Russia and North Korea are both military allies of China..
Whoa, chill bro... you know you can't raise your voice like that when the lion's here.
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If the US govt is dumb enough to get involved in another war, pretty much ANY war...they might be defeated. But by themselves, not China. I get the impression that the US military is spread so thin, the morale so low, and the economy in so much trouble, that there will come a time that any aggression against an ally the US is 'obligated' to defend (no country will ever attack the US on home soil) could spell disaster. I hope I'm wrong. But if someone like China decided to fuck with you guys...........
But....really... to me, that article read like someone begging for more military funding.
I am glad that I came to that conclusion too. I thought maybe I was wierd or something. Keep the boogie man alive and kicking and the sheep like to vote in the big powers that spend their taxes on military instead of health, etc.
The crazy thing is that if they do boost military spending even more, the US budget is already in deficit every year so they it is not taxes they are spending it is credit. And from what I understand a ton of that credit comes from China.
Soooooo, no need to worry about a war with them then.
I guess as long as they keep paying the interest they won’t have to worry about Chinese Repo men trying to take back an aircraft carrier like it was a used car. Although if they were at war I think the Chinese would be less open to lending their enemy money.
If China invades Taiwan, then I believe the US will step in and try to flex our muscles like we always do. I would rather us let the UN handle it and watch from the sidelines, but what power do I have. Over the past year, China has been acting somewhat suspiciously.
First, one of their submarines trailed one of our aircraft carriers for many miles before rising to the surface. They were well within radar range, yet still remained undetected until they appeared on the surface and were spotted by patrolling aircraft from the carrier. Second, they shot down one of our satellites that was hovering above their country. I think it was an old satellite that was not in use anymore, but it still showed that they had developed a missle that could take out satellites. Third, many of the cyber attacks recently.. especially the one that hacked into the Pentagon and Robert Gates's personal computers.. were traced back to China. They've also conducted war games with Russia, both on land and at sea.
Finally, in an attempt to create better relations between the two countries.. our military allowed certain Chinese military figures access to previously off-limits sites which divulged military secrets. It was supposed to be a two-way deal, but to my knowledge China has now refused to allow us into their military bases after one of our drone spy planes was shot down.
Now I'm not saying that were innocent, we are obviously not.. or that any side is the right side. I'm just stating that it looks like China is preparing for a fight over Taiwan. They know that it is going to happen at sea, so they've shown us that they have technology now to hit us where it hurts. Disabling our communications system via satellites and computers would give them a great advantage if they were successful at it. Also, taking out our aircraft carriers would also devastate our options.
With that said, I'm sure we have many aces up our sleeves. While our military is currently stretched thin, we still have an enormous budget that allows for the research and development of weapons and defenses that "we" don't even know about. I'm just asking that if the scenerio did come to fruition, do you think it would escalate out of control and cause a world wide problem? One where Russia might join in with China and try to change the current world power situation?
—Dorothy Parker
And you're not leaving here without me, I don't wanna be without
My best... friend. Wake up, to see you could have it all
that would break China as well, and we would recover much quicker than them because there is no other country other than the US that would buy the billions upon billions of dollars of worthless shit that they export here each year.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That's pretty perceptive considering that Iraq posed zero threat to any US interests.
The US would probably still win a war with China. I don't think that the Chinese have stolen all that much in the way of weapons technology yet (they are fucking brutal when it comes to stealing technology) so while the Chinese have a huge manpower advantage, the US still has superior technology and I think that trumps the 1.7 billion give or take a few hundred million population of China in this day and age.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Like the coldwar with Russia, Nuclear weapons are the best anti-war thing there is. Let the movies explain how a conflict would go:
War Games- if the wopper can figure out there is no winner in nuclear conflict, maybe just maybe the republican and democrats can.
Red Dawn- Our high schools kids would whip any super power in a invasion WOLVERINES>> funnny if they invade Indiana are we going to yell out BOILERMAKERS or HOOSIERS!!
Rocky 4- If Rocky can whip Drago's ass he'd kick Yao Mings in a heartbeat
Space jam- we have MICHAEL JEFFERY JORDAN we can do anything
The Postman- Mailcarriers can be badasses- they are like a new army reserve.
Big Trouble in Little China- Jack has the secret to killing powerful Chineese dudes- Chicks with green eyes
Any Dinero film- We have ROBERT DINERO ON OUR TEAM TOO! If you mess with him, big trouble.