The REAL reason the GOP's going nuts over ACORN

These fucking people are at it again. They put so much energy into TRYING to discredit Obama, that if they channelled some of it into actually learning about the issues and trying to fix our problems, they wouldn't be doing so piss-poor in the polls to begin with.
Bottom line: ACORN has been successful in registering 1.3 million new voters, all poor, mostly black or latino. The GOP DOESN'T WANT THESE PEOPLE TO VOTE, because they know damned well that 99.9% of them are going to vote for Obama. YES, several ACORN employees submitted fraudulent registrations, but unless Tony Roma, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck show up to actually VOTE on election day, there's been ZERO impact on the election. And the chances are pretty slim/nonexistent that they will, since the reason these registrations were submitted is because a handful of ACORN employees decided to take the easy/lazy route and instead of pounding the hot Nevada pavement to register REAL voters, they made up names. They did a bad thing and should be punished. HOWEVER, this does not discredit ACORN's work as a whole, nor does it reflect poorly in any way on the Obama bid for the White House.
This is just another pathetic attempt by the GOP- with the kiss of approval from McShame- to keep Democratic voters away from the voting booth on November 4th. They're nervous. They're running scared. They're desperate. Just the kinda folks we want running the country, right?
Brings to mind something Ghandi said:
First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
OBAMA '08!!!
Bottom line: ACORN has been successful in registering 1.3 million new voters, all poor, mostly black or latino. The GOP DOESN'T WANT THESE PEOPLE TO VOTE, because they know damned well that 99.9% of them are going to vote for Obama. YES, several ACORN employees submitted fraudulent registrations, but unless Tony Roma, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck show up to actually VOTE on election day, there's been ZERO impact on the election. And the chances are pretty slim/nonexistent that they will, since the reason these registrations were submitted is because a handful of ACORN employees decided to take the easy/lazy route and instead of pounding the hot Nevada pavement to register REAL voters, they made up names. They did a bad thing and should be punished. HOWEVER, this does not discredit ACORN's work as a whole, nor does it reflect poorly in any way on the Obama bid for the White House.
This is just another pathetic attempt by the GOP- with the kiss of approval from McShame- to keep Democratic voters away from the voting booth on November 4th. They're nervous. They're running scared. They're desperate. Just the kinda folks we want running the country, right?
Brings to mind something Ghandi said:
First they ignore you. Then they mock you. Then they fight you. Then you win.
OBAMA '08!!!
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Post edited by Unknown User on
I have about as much in common with these people as I do with the Trump's of the world. I can't see myself siding with either.
"Get that? 1.3 million, including 148,000 in Pennsylvania, 152,000 in Florida, 217,000 in Michigan, and 238,000 in Ohio. No wonder the GOP is up in arms. They're scared of too many poor people preparing to vote this year.
In the last week, the right wing has tried to blame ACORN for the collapse of the globalized financial system--yeah, that's a viable argument. They got excited because they found a some possible fake registration forms in Florida, which predictably led to a bunch of whining from the party that stole an entire presidency from Al Gore by blocking vote counts, mischaracterizing voters as felons, refusing to recount entire counties, sending congressional staff down to riot and intimidate volunteer vote-counters, and topped it all off with the most partisan, badly-reasoned, illegitimate Supreme Court decision since Plessy v. Ferguson. A decision so illegitimate that the partisan majority, to their eternal discredit, themselves damned by writing into their own decision that it should never be used as a precedent for any other court ruling....
Obviously it's not right for a fake "Tony Romo" to be registered in Las Vegas, so someone was probably playing a not-very-funny joke, or trying to pad their registration numbers to get paid a little more money rather than doing the hard work in the hot Nevada sun that helping voters to register requires, or maybe a provocateur was setting up ACORN for some bad press. But remember the basic point--it's not voter fraud unless someone shows up at the voting booth on election day and tries to pass himself off as "Tony Romo." And who would try to do that? No one is going to be that stupid."
Jackson called ACORN the Willie Horton of this campaign. I think it's a damn insightful call.
It's been the other way around for the past 2 elections. Google 'republicans trying to suppress the black vote' if you're not familiar with the GOP's shenanigans.
The contest is to see if the the Dems can get more dead people, or phony people registered and voting absentee than the GOP can surpress.
Well like I said I have about as much in common with the 'black vote' as I do with the ultra-rich.
And I don't believe it is only the 'black vote', I think it is minorities in general. It is too bad there are some who ruin what could be a good cause.
Sad but true.
who says you're not allowed to "speak up against it"? go right ahead. the point is, that it was a handful of people and a comapratively small number of registrations. and let's try and keep in mind that REGISTRATION does NOT equal VOTES. unless someone tries to actually present themselves on election day using any of those fake names, it IS a non-issue, relatively speaking.
punish the people who did it and fucking MOVE ON.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7