Why are white preachers given lots of political leeway, but black preachers aren't?

Drawing from the two articles linked below:
McCain's friend & supporter Rev. Hagee called the Catholic church the "Great Whore". Where's all the the public outrage? He's also said that New Orleans was God's punishment for homosexuality. Pat Robertson called for the assasination of a foreign head of state. Still a powerful force in the Republican religious right. Jerry The AntiChrist Fallwell said that 9/11 was God's judgement for having been "driven out" of schools and the public square. McCain once called him an "agent of intolerance", then sought his endorsement. Yet the press gives all of these assholes a pass. Hmmm. I wonder WHY?
I think we need to really take a look at ourselves as a nation and acknowledge that there is, indeed, a double standard, and that racism is rampant, even among those who dare to think of themselves as evolved. Golly, even some people HERE behave this way! Imagine that.
McCain's friend & supporter Rev. Hagee called the Catholic church the "Great Whore". Where's all the the public outrage? He's also said that New Orleans was God's punishment for homosexuality. Pat Robertson called for the assasination of a foreign head of state. Still a powerful force in the Republican religious right. Jerry The AntiChrist Fallwell said that 9/11 was God's judgement for having been "driven out" of schools and the public square. McCain once called him an "agent of intolerance", then sought his endorsement. Yet the press gives all of these assholes a pass. Hmmm. I wonder WHY?
I think we need to really take a look at ourselves as a nation and acknowledge that there is, indeed, a double standard, and that racism is rampant, even among those who dare to think of themselves as evolved. Golly, even some people HERE behave this way! Imagine that.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Post edited by Unknown User on
Half the hispanic radio stations in the country are called The Race (La Raza) That couldn't happen with White People.
Basically it just depends on who you ask and their opinion on the matter. Aparently a large part of the republican voting base is really really into moral supremacy so they like people like Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.
A large part of the Democratic Base aparently likes or empathises with people like Jerimiah Wright.
I personally liked that Obama came out and said... whoa... we need to have realistic open discussions about race. Individually, we're pretty cool with it, the macro level is the problem...
All of these megalomaniac fundamentalists are a huge problem. Seeing people as individuals instead of a huge part of some "evil" group makes a lot more sense it's just less galvanizing and less easy to get thousands of people to send thier money to you for your books and CD's and giant churches.
Most people I know generally regard people like Falwell or Robertson or Wright as moonbats, it has nothing to do with color.
Huh? So you believe that whites invented AIDS as a way to commit genocide on the black population? And that the white man introduced drugs into the black community so they could lock them up? Jesus, that's out there.
How about Wright and Hagee and Robertson and Fallwell are all first class douchebags, spreading hate under the guise of their mythologies.
Dems are too nice
None of those white Prechers got a pass. You're memory is either short or betraying you.
Hagee received plenty of backlash for his comments regarding the Catholic Church. And his comments regarding the New Orleans tragedy is simply downright moronic and he certainly got ripped for that, in the media.
But his comments on the CC are rather accurate and the Catholic Church has only itself to blame. The Catholic Church certainly has earned the criticism. They have operated and behaved irresponsibily for a long, long time. The Catholic Church has just about always been about money, power and control.
They've routinely been duplicitous and down right sinister in their handling and dealings with child molestation/sexual abuse and rape. Their outrageous policy of protecting, sheltering the people who commit these crimes and hiding these crimes; is dispicable. They are as corrupt as it gets.
As for Robertson and Fallwell, their comments were equally absurd and moronic. And they received plenty of bad press and media attention. Hell, it was all over the news channels, news print and talk shows; as they all ripped those guys.
Look at that Fred and Shirley Phelps and their merry band of genetic mishaps, from Westboro Baptist Church . They've been ripped inside out, outside in, upside down and downside up; for their braindead comments and opinions on homosexuals and their absurd activities.
Wright's comments are sometimes accurate and sometimes as moronic as the others mentioned, here. Sometimes, racist.
For a long time black leaders, preachers and others have been making comments that are racist, hateful and ignorant. And a high majority of their comments just slide right by and barely anyone raises a peep about it.
Menawhile, some white guy makes racist, hateful and ignorant comments and the whole country explodes into a hissy-fit.
There's been a double standard for a very long time. Maybe the tide is turning. Just as I said it would.
I personally don't have a problem with anyone making public comments. I feel like we all have the right to express ourselves no matter how stupid or smart. I feel like it's a good way to listen to what people are saying, trying to understand where they are coming from, learning and hopefully find away to reach a happy common ground.
But don't cry foul and play the race card or victim when the backlash comes or when others make their ignorant comments.
Burying one's head in the sand or attempting to shut others up, accomplishes nothing. It stifles the mind, heart and soul. We lose information and insight to what may be causing and leading to people thinking, feeling and saying such things.
Racism still lives in the hearts and minds of many people in this country. people of all races, colors and religions. Not just white people.
Whites, Blacks, Asians, Mexicans, Latinos, Christians, Catholics, Jews, Muslims.....you name it them; they just about all have a percentage of their population that are racist, hateful, discriminatory and bigoted.
As I have been saying for years now. This whole mindset of being overly-sensitive to what anything some white person says and going nuts over it, while at the same time being ovelry-permissive and tolerant of anything said by non-whites; will only lead to one thing..... The continuation of the hateful and vicious cycle of racism, right back to square one.
Only through communication and the freedom to speak, can we learn what's going on in the minds, lives and hearts of others. No matter how accurate, inacurate or absurd. There's something to be learned, if we take the time to think about what is really being said, the context of how and why it was said and where it's coming from. If we're honest with ourselves, we can learn something. And if the people who are saying it can be honest with themselves, then, we would make some progress.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm intolerant of lactose.
Call me a racist.
yet mccain hasn't received a single minute of critical coverage for his close ties to this screwball. and not only has he not distanced himself from the guy, he's EMBRACED him. interesting.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
so, it's settled. if only more people thought like you- and me- we'd all be in a better place. just as i've always thought.
problem is, most people DON'T, and certainly the mainstream media DOESN'T, and most people get their news from mainstream media. hence the vicious cycle of ignorance.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I avoided most of the coverage of this since to me it was mostly a non-issue. If Wright said those things then he's full of shit, but most of his rants that I heard were based on fact. And for the record, I'm no fan of the guy, I just think it's absurd to bash Obama for what his preacher said. I don't care how close they were in the past.
What's settled?
uh boy:rolleyes:
And what way of thinking would that be? That all non-whites who make dumbass comments should be tolerated and given a pass; while any whites making equally ignorant comments should be burned at the stake?:rolleyes:
Or is it the way of thinking that routinely overlooks the fact that McCain is treated with kid gloves, because he's considered a war hero. The media in general walks on egg shells with McCain because of what he went through as a solider and POW. And that's really all there is to it.
I'm not saying it's right. Just saying it's a fact. Which is significantly different than the message and point you're trying sell.
You're ignoring pertinent facts and realities to boost yourself up into some kind of self-righteous, self-congratulatory double-jointed.... masturbatory self indulgence.
A high majority of Americans already think all those guys ( white and black) are nutjobs. And Wright is no different. He makes some valid and factual points in his rants, but, he then drifts into Whacko Inaccurate and Delusional World; with many of his other comments.
And you're aiding in the perpetration of that vicious cycle. You are focusing on color and ignoring important facts, in support of your heavily-leaning bias.
And that's all you come away with, after reading my post:rolleyes:
That in itself speaks volumes.
This guy?
Latest bravenewfilms video
McCain's Spiritual Guide
He's quite a strong speaker, well trained. Scary.
it's settled: you're a dolt. obviously, i meant that to be TONGUE IN CHEEK.
and i can roll my eyes as well as you, and i'm not even a racist!
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
No, I'm a prick and a dolt. get it right.:D
Oh you were just kidding. I see. The internet can be a difficult place to detect sarcasm or tongue in cheek......sometimes. May want to be a wee-bit clearer on that.
Not from from I stand and from my point of view.