this one's for the naderettes

here's one one you can really sink your teeth into. and while you're at it, try and laugh at yourselves. you'd be amazed at how good it feels not to take yourselves sooooo seriously, 24/7.
PS- this is ALL IN FUN. (even if you don't see the humor, trust me, it's there.) don't get your thongs in a knot over it! (that means you, too, kabong...
32 Short Thoughts About Ralph Nader
By Will Durst, AlterNet
Posted on March 4, 2008, Printed on April 27, 2008
Ralph Nader. Officially threw his hat in the ring for president. Again. His fourth attempt. Shouldn't three strikes apply here?
Ralph Nader. The Doctor Kevorkian of presidential politics.
Ralph Nader. Like a lefter Dennis Kucinich minus the hot wife and massive groundswell of public support.
Ralph Nader. Liberal response: Good message. Bad delivery. Awful timing.
Ralph Nader. Conservative response: If you need any help with ballot access, let us know.
Ralph Nader. A retired two term ex President if hippies ruled the world.
Ralph Nader. Still serving life without parole if General Motors ruled the world.
Ralph Nader. First name is colloquial synonym for the rapid expulsion of stomach contents as a result of a series of involuntary muscle spasms whose appearance generally signals the host is sick or drunk. Not that that means anything.
Ralph Nader. Surname is homonym of nadir: which means lowest point possible. The opposite of zenith. Not that that means anything.
Ralph Nader. Makes Barack Hussein Obama look like a centrist.
Ralph Nader. Makes John Sidney McCain look vivacious.
Ralph Nader. Middle name is Moral Victory.
Ralph Nader. In '00, saw no difference between Al Gore and George Bush. Still denies missing repeated optometrist appointments.
Ralph Nader. Fervently believes the truth can affect change. Has yet to learn the American electorate would rather drink unfiltered haggis juice straight from the tap with their hands tied behind their backs with live copperhead snakes than confront the truth.
Ralph Nader. A Pisces.
Ralph Nader. Born in a Year of the Dog.
Ralph Nader. Not a Socialist. But not unlike one either.
Ralph Nader. Older than John McCain. Whiter than Barack Obama. More Y chromosomes than Hillary Clinton. But all three were close.
Ralph Nader. Three time recipient of the "Tony Orlando Coasting on Your Decades Old Reputation" Award.
Ralph Nader. Michael Moore -- 19 years and 10 months hence.
Ralph Nader. When Bad Things Happen to Good People in Sears and Roebuck Suits.
Ralph Nader. Made the cars we drive safer and George Bush president. That's what you call your trade-off.
Ralph Nader. Yet to hold electoral office. Apparently not complicit with that whole "presidency should not be an entry level position" cabal.
Ralph Nader. Like a scowling Ross Perot with a Harvard Law degree.
Ralph Nader. A saint, a visionary and a genius.
Ralph Nader. A fool with the same common sense that god gave a bucket of claw hammers.
Ralph Nader. Harold Stassen for the MTV generation.
Ralph Nader. Unsafe at Any Speed is now him in a crosswalk.
Ralph Nader. Possesses the sense of humor of an end table.
Ralph Nader. Would rather be right in public than left at home.
Ralph Nader. People's lobbyist or Judas Goat?
Ralph Nader. Dramatically intones that if America is to become better, it first has to get worse. NEWS FLASH. It's worse! We don't want worser. This is worsest we can stand.
Will Durst is a political comic, syndicated columnist, AM radio talk show host and defense liability.
PS- this is ALL IN FUN. (even if you don't see the humor, trust me, it's there.) don't get your thongs in a knot over it! (that means you, too, kabong...

32 Short Thoughts About Ralph Nader
By Will Durst, AlterNet
Posted on March 4, 2008, Printed on April 27, 2008
Ralph Nader. Officially threw his hat in the ring for president. Again. His fourth attempt. Shouldn't three strikes apply here?
Ralph Nader. The Doctor Kevorkian of presidential politics.
Ralph Nader. Like a lefter Dennis Kucinich minus the hot wife and massive groundswell of public support.
Ralph Nader. Liberal response: Good message. Bad delivery. Awful timing.
Ralph Nader. Conservative response: If you need any help with ballot access, let us know.
Ralph Nader. A retired two term ex President if hippies ruled the world.
Ralph Nader. Still serving life without parole if General Motors ruled the world.
Ralph Nader. First name is colloquial synonym for the rapid expulsion of stomach contents as a result of a series of involuntary muscle spasms whose appearance generally signals the host is sick or drunk. Not that that means anything.
Ralph Nader. Surname is homonym of nadir: which means lowest point possible. The opposite of zenith. Not that that means anything.
Ralph Nader. Makes Barack Hussein Obama look like a centrist.
Ralph Nader. Makes John Sidney McCain look vivacious.
Ralph Nader. Middle name is Moral Victory.
Ralph Nader. In '00, saw no difference between Al Gore and George Bush. Still denies missing repeated optometrist appointments.
Ralph Nader. Fervently believes the truth can affect change. Has yet to learn the American electorate would rather drink unfiltered haggis juice straight from the tap with their hands tied behind their backs with live copperhead snakes than confront the truth.
Ralph Nader. A Pisces.
Ralph Nader. Born in a Year of the Dog.
Ralph Nader. Not a Socialist. But not unlike one either.
Ralph Nader. Older than John McCain. Whiter than Barack Obama. More Y chromosomes than Hillary Clinton. But all three were close.
Ralph Nader. Three time recipient of the "Tony Orlando Coasting on Your Decades Old Reputation" Award.
Ralph Nader. Michael Moore -- 19 years and 10 months hence.
Ralph Nader. When Bad Things Happen to Good People in Sears and Roebuck Suits.
Ralph Nader. Made the cars we drive safer and George Bush president. That's what you call your trade-off.
Ralph Nader. Yet to hold electoral office. Apparently not complicit with that whole "presidency should not be an entry level position" cabal.
Ralph Nader. Like a scowling Ross Perot with a Harvard Law degree.
Ralph Nader. A saint, a visionary and a genius.
Ralph Nader. A fool with the same common sense that god gave a bucket of claw hammers.
Ralph Nader. Harold Stassen for the MTV generation.
Ralph Nader. Unsafe at Any Speed is now him in a crosswalk.
Ralph Nader. Possesses the sense of humor of an end table.
Ralph Nader. Would rather be right in public than left at home.
Ralph Nader. People's lobbyist or Judas Goat?
Ralph Nader. Dramatically intones that if America is to become better, it first has to get worse. NEWS FLASH. It's worse! We don't want worser. This is worsest we can stand.
Will Durst is a political comic, syndicated columnist, AM radio talk show host and defense liability.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Post edited by Unknown User on
I LOVE IT!!!!!
these were funny
some of them make a good point though... i CANNOT vote for a 74 year old for president. he was my age, 29, in 1963!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which tells me he has absolutely zero clue about me and my generation. and thats not age discrimination, that is reality
or mayor
i know, right!? he just needs to be elected senator for one term (after making sure he runs unopposed in the senate race, first) then not even bother to vote on 1/3 of what are labeled important issues b/c he's on a non-stop media tour, then he will have all the experience you guys so crave!!
sorry, sweetpotato, but those were pretty lame, bill maher was funnier
i don't get what my2hands thought was so hillarious about
Ralph Nader is a pisces or what chinese year he was born in???
and my2hands, you seem to like howard zinn, are you saying you wouldn't vote for him?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
That's probably the worst reason I've heard to not vote for Nader.
Re: original post:
What's a naderette? Are you calling me a woman (that's a joke)? Maybe you mean "Naderite" (not that I've heard anyone use that either)?
And of course I see the humor in the article. They're jokes. The "safe cars/bush presidency tradeoff" one made me laugh a little.
The problem with that is they still attempt to reinforce incorrect conceptions about democracy and discredit the only viable candidate in the presidential race.
This one didn't really make me laugh, but it doesn't do anything to discredit Nader. Rather, it discredits candidates of the corporate-controlled parties and those who support them:
"Fervently believes the truth can affect change. Has yet to learn the American electorate would rather drink unfiltered haggis juice straight from the tap with their hands tied behind their backs with live copperhead snakes than confront the truth."
Nice post.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
that is correct, i would not vote for howard zinn. based strictly on his age. sorry, he CANNOT relate to me. at all. sorry, but it is the truth. and i LOVE the man.
i didnt say those were funny... i selected the ones i thought that were...
I can relate to Zinn's ideology and compassion waaay before I could relate myself to Obama based on age.
I don't believe in age discrimination and think it's a cop out here.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
yeah, well, i like to hang out in "reality" land... 74 is way to out of touch with 21st century america and my generation to be my president... sorry, thats the truth.
That might be your skewed reality...
Like I said, I can relate to someone who thinks like I do and has the same values much easier than someone who just happens to be closer to my age. This excuse is pretty weak.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
would you vote for a 12 year old for president? i didnt think so, and that would be age discrimination.
and it is not a "cop out"... it is how i feel, believe me i dont have to explain myself to anybody. i say how i feel. and thats how i feel.
Nader would be 82 in his last term, NO THANKS.
um, newsflash, i am not voting for obama based on his age.
i will NEVER vote for ANYONE over the age of 70 years old. thats just ridiculous, in my opinion.
It's ridiculous to be so closed minded to shut someone out based purely on age. And it is beyond shortsighted to believe that an older person is incapable of relating to you when his entire history of work has shown you just how much you two CAN and DO actually relate. :rolleyes:
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yeah, 12 year olds aren't adults.
Nader is much more intelligent, articulate and capable than almost every politician I've seen. He age doesn't mean shit.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
support your candidate, vote for who you like, but stop trying to sell ME on him. i am not buying, at all. thanks for the effort though, and i support your enthusiasm and your passion. i just dont support your candidate.
ok, 18... bet you wouldnt vote for him/her based strictly on age. FOR GOOD REASON
political correctness, is not always correct
Also, for your reading enjoyment, Nader's (as well as Bush and Kerry's) responses to questions posed by young people during the 2004 campaign:
it does to me.
it is called MY OPINION. we all have them, and guess what, they all wont be in line with your opinions. *gasp*
To post jokes that poke fun at a presidential candidate (however in good fun it is) and to not expect his supporters defending him is silly.
Like I said, I get the humor. I don't support the message the humor is trying to convey.
Just trying to engage in discourse here. You guys love to dish it out but whine like babies if someone has something to say about it. Grow up.
You do realize how the "pro Obama people who get their panies in a bunch whenever people try to discuss negative things about Obama" are seen as just as annoying and 'not fun' to some of us don't you? Probably seem only capable of tolerating your own views while pretending others shouldn't be voiced in opposition.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
you must be a hit at parties...
Isn't the point of this board to debate our differing opinions?
If ya can't take the heat....
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm a fucking ball at parties!
hailhail82 is, too...even I was impressed.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Shhh, you're not allowed to say such things in their hilarious threads. Only agreement posts, please.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes, let's get personal.
I tend to keep politics out of social situations unless I'm with good friends (most of whom do not support Nader). It's my OPINION (remember how important those are to you? see-that's a joke!) that political humor just usually is not that funny (Daily Show/Colbert excluded), almost always partisan, and usually ends with people in disagreement.
Sounds like a great party!
Come now, book, we can't have that getting out. We're all supposed to be workaholic curmudgeons who crash Obama rallies.
You're absolutely right.
*regains composure*
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde