See, we have made them more like us

Just saw this little tidbit on the New York Times' Web site. My favorite part of the story, Iraq Quietly Dismisses Its Anticorruption Officials, is found in the lede:
"...officials who were installed to fight corruption in Iraqi ministries by order of the American occupation administration, which had hoped to bring Western standards of accountability to the notoriously opaque and graft-ridden bureaucracy here."
Seems to me Iraqi government officials already have a firm grasp on "Western standards of accountability".
"...officials who were installed to fight corruption in Iraqi ministries by order of the American occupation administration, which had hoped to bring Western standards of accountability to the notoriously opaque and graft-ridden bureaucracy here."
Seems to me Iraqi government officials already have a firm grasp on "Western standards of accountability".
"Almost all those politicians took money from Enron, and there they are holding hearings. That's like O.J. Simpson getting in the Rae Carruth jury pool." -- Charles Barkley