Posts: 298
rest in peace
its ok
Post edited by Unknown User on
rest in peace
VT is in my thoughts and prayers and let us hope that we can raise enough awareness that things like this might stop,...
we've got to stop all this killing yall. send some love,...
~Ron Burgundy
33. What the young man did was heinous, but if nothing else, it was indicative that he was indeed a tormented soul. One definitely in need of the P in the "RIP"s we like to throw around.
remember 33
I noticed that. Penn State is having its spring football game over the weekend and everyone might wear maroon and orange instead of blue and white.
Everyone in the college community seems to be pulling together.
The Sentence Above Is False
And the faculty
It was very thoughtful of you to do this.
I made a tribute video for the victims. You can watch/download the full video above in .mpg format to use if you wish.
I also spent time collating various articles about the victims, and put them together. It's updated from the previous links I posted. You can download them here:
The students
The faculty
Fair warning--it's a LOT to read.
RIP, all of them.
Evil exists. It can influence you. stay strong
So, I don't really see it as this guy killing 33 people. I see it as the bullies in his high school killing these 33 people. And the accomplices were the people who stood by and laughed or did nothing as this bullying took place.
I just can't understand why it is that bullying even happens and why it is allowed to happen. And it confuses me even more to think of how we as a society tend to ignore the fact that we have serious problems with bullying in our schools. It has nothing to do with how "evil" this guy is. It has to do with how complacent our school system is when it comes to teaching students how to respect one another.