7 year old boy feeds live zoo animals to crocodile...

The parents of a seven-year-old boy who broke into an Outback zoo and fed a string of small animals to its resident crocodile are likely to be sued after police said the boy was too young to be held responsible.
A turtle, four western blue tongue lizards, two bearded dragons, two thorny devil lizards and a 1.8 metre adult female Spencer's goanna were fed or led into the jaws of a three-metre, 200kg saltwater crocodile named "Terry".
Security camera footage at the Alice Springs Reptile Centre showed the smiling youngster also bludgeoning to death a small blue tongue lizard and two more thorny devils during a half-hour of breakfast-time havoc last Wednesday.
"The fact a seven-year-old can wreak so much havoc in such a short time, it's unbelievable. In my day he'd get a big boot up the arse," centre director Rex Neindorf said.
"Police found him, but in the Northern Territory here he can't be accountable if he's under 10 years of age."
Neindorf said many of the animals fed to the croc were rare or mature and would be difficult to replace.
The boy was unknown at the centre and had "clammed up" when questioned by police on what sparked the rampage, he said.
Neindorf said he was now looking at suing the parents of the pint-sized terror, who could easily have been taken by Terry himself as he fed the croc from a small landing at his enclosure.
"We'll be looking at suing the parents, who were supposedly in control of him at the time," he said.
I agree the parents should be held responsible. It's not like it happened ina split second. What were they doing while he was feeding the 10 animals to the croc...or while he was bludgeoning to death three others.
That kid needs serious help.
A turtle, four western blue tongue lizards, two bearded dragons, two thorny devil lizards and a 1.8 metre adult female Spencer's goanna were fed or led into the jaws of a three-metre, 200kg saltwater crocodile named "Terry".
Security camera footage at the Alice Springs Reptile Centre showed the smiling youngster also bludgeoning to death a small blue tongue lizard and two more thorny devils during a half-hour of breakfast-time havoc last Wednesday.
"The fact a seven-year-old can wreak so much havoc in such a short time, it's unbelievable. In my day he'd get a big boot up the arse," centre director Rex Neindorf said.
"Police found him, but in the Northern Territory here he can't be accountable if he's under 10 years of age."
Neindorf said many of the animals fed to the croc were rare or mature and would be difficult to replace.
The boy was unknown at the centre and had "clammed up" when questioned by police on what sparked the rampage, he said.
Neindorf said he was now looking at suing the parents of the pint-sized terror, who could easily have been taken by Terry himself as he fed the croc from a small landing at his enclosure.
"We'll be looking at suing the parents, who were supposedly in control of him at the time," he said.
I agree the parents should be held responsible. It's not like it happened ina split second. What were they doing while he was feeding the 10 animals to the croc...or while he was bludgeoning to death three others.
That kid needs serious help.
Post edited by Unknown User on
That boy needs help, serious help.
Didn't Dahmer start by torturing and killing small animals with a smile on his face?
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
There's no place like home.
This is a future serial killer. No joke. It wasn't just Dahmer who started that way, many serial killers do.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmgphotos/4731512142/" title="PJ Banner2 by Mister J Photography, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1135/4731512142_258f2d6ab4_b.jpg" width="630" height="112" alt="PJ Banner2" /></a>
He was. It's how many people who go on to harm others start.
I personally think this kid needs some kind of psyciactric assessment done - he's obviously very troubled. What also needs addressing is how he came to end up with such obvious problems and why this wasn't spotted earlier. Like others, i'm also questioning where his parents were and what they were doing to enable such a brutal and seemingly easy rampage to happen.
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
where in the hell were his parents when he was playing with a FUCKING CROCODILE?!?!?!
How many of those did you bludgeon to death first?
... and I still think Drive-By Truckers are better.
i could see how a kid would be fascinated with watching a crocodile eat lizards. the torturing is another story.
but i really, REALLY want to know where the parents and zookeepers were.
or his parents need help too