Do you ever

Get sick of all the bad news all the time and the constant negativity of some people who seem to thrive on this. The one's who's glass is always half empty. Never half full.
Today i think 'fuck it.' I'm not listening to negative people. Tell someone else today. I'm putting my hands over my ears and screaming 'i'm not listening'. Like when i was a kid. Damn i wish i was a little kid again sometimes.
Do you think the frequency of the bad news eventually sucks us into a spiral of negative emotions?
Today i think 'fuck it.' I'm not listening to negative people. Tell someone else today. I'm putting my hands over my ears and screaming 'i'm not listening'. Like when i was a kid. Damn i wish i was a little kid again sometimes.
Do you think the frequency of the bad news eventually sucks us into a spiral of negative emotions?
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Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
With this thread being in the AMT, if figure it's directed at people who see our political system negatively or maybe world events, the state of the world?.... maybe not though. But people can be pessimistic about anything...their love life, social life, career, financial status or their name it.
Just because someone happens to see our current political system as a mess, which I do, doesn't not equate with being a negative person overall. Actually, I think it shows that I'm quite hopeful to still striving towards making it better instead of being apathetic about it all and giving up.
And if this is not what you had in mind when you started this thread then just ignore this.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I have dealt with so many messed up people and things lately, (work), and i am usually really good at staying positive, but today it has not been as easy to do that.
I think i just need a hug. Waaah! Ok, all better now
No. Life's too short.
I can be negative about things (mostly political stuff) so I was just wondering what or whom you were considering to qualify for the spiral of negativity suckers. Hehehe
But yeah, I feel ya about how it manages to suck us all in at times. We have to watch where and how often we tread these waters...and know when to detach, do all you can do individually and hope for the best.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It can affect some people in that way but it's all state of mind. You either hear something and think how to solve the problem or you here it and tune out because you can't deal with it.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
Kids had the mornin' news show on
Bryant Gumbel was talkin' 'bout the fighting in Lebanon
Some senator was squawkin' 'bout the bad economy
It's gonna get worse you see, we need a change in policy
There's a local paper rolled up in a rubber band
One more sad story's one more than I can stand
Just once how I'd like to see the headline say
"Not much to print today, can't find nothin' bad to say", because
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
I'll come home this evenin'
I'll bet that the news will be the same
Somebody takes a hostage, somebody steals a plane
How I wanna hear the anchor man talk about a county fair
And how we cleaned up the air, how everybody learned to care
Whoa, tell me
Nobody was assassinated in the whole Third World today
And in the streets of Ireland, all the children had to do was play
And everybody loves everybody in the good old USA
We sure could use a little good news today
Nobody robbed a liquor store on the lower part of town
Nobody OD'ed, nobody burned a single buildin' down
Nobody fired a shot in anger, nobody had to die in vain
We sure could use a little good news today
no, but see, THAT is the difference. You can feel that there are a lot of fucked up things. And damn, there are. Too many fucked up things that are awful awful and cannot be ignored as if they didn't exist nor are our own to try to better. But what I mean is the people that go in every situation trying to look for the worse in it all. That is (I think??) the thread starter's point.
right Pj_gurl?
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
Thanks for the input everyone.
But, when I can't shine any more light on them, then I just use their negativity to entertain myself. I just laugh. Sometimes it's evil, but I'm not going to let that negativity into my life.
that's the best you can do and if it ever gets under your skin and you can no longer see the joy in life, then do all you can to get the hell out of there.......
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........
yeah, I use to as well (read the news daily) but I started to wonder why the hell no one was putting anything good that happened in there; I was sure that there had to be good things. And I thought it a good idea to level it with one of each but in the end, I guess people love drama ....well most people (not me) and it probably doesn't sell.
Together we will float like angels.........
In the moment that you left the room, the album started skipping, goodbye to beauty shared with the ones that you love.........