Kucinich Not Invited to Debate!

Dennis Kucinich was not invited to participate in the Iowa Debate tomorrow because his Iowa Campaign center is not located in a rented store front.
This is not acceptable, the workers at a local newspaper decide who gets to voice their stance to the country based on a ridiculous and clause. Show your disappointment by emailing the editor at cwashburn@dmreg.com or sending a comment through http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/HELP/40507010
Here's some additional reading:
Six-term Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich is crying foul over tomorrow's Des Moines Register debate for Democratic presidential candidates. The campaign today issued a lengthy protest against his exclusion from the debate, the last before the Jan. 3 caucuses.
The newspaper's standards for participation include at least 1% in its statewide poll and an office and paid staff in Iowa. Republican Alan Keyes, who has not been in any debates this year and has done little if any campaigning, has made the cut for today's GOP debate, which we'll be live-blogging here at 2 p.m. ET.
Kucinich's campaign said today he has been excluded because "his Iowa field director operates from a home office rather than a rented storefront." The campaign quoted newspaper editor Carolyn Washburn as saying, "It was our determination that a person working out of his home did not meet our criteria for a campaign office and full-time paid staff in Iowa."
Kucinich's campaign says Marcos Rubinstein, its field director and state coordinator, runs the campaign from his home office in Dubuque, "bolstered by a dozen-or-so other senior campaign staff who have traveled the state over the past several months."
The campaign also notes that Kucinich is the top-ranked candidate in online polls conducted by Democracy For America and Progressive Democrats of America and both groups plan to advertise for him.
What do you think? Should Kucinich get an invitation? Should Mike Gravel get an invitation? Was it right to include Keyes in today's debate? We welcome your (polite, civil and thoughtful) comments.
This is not acceptable, the workers at a local newspaper decide who gets to voice their stance to the country based on a ridiculous and clause. Show your disappointment by emailing the editor at cwashburn@dmreg.com or sending a comment through http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/99999999/HELP/40507010
Here's some additional reading:
"Don't lose your inner heat...ever" - EV 5/13/06
Post edited by Unknown User on
You got to spend it all
I work out of my home instead of a traditional workplace. Does that mean I am not entitled to the same rights and benefits as those employees who work in a cubicle farm?
maybe b/c african americans can think for themselves and don't toe the line on every democratic issue (heaven forbid), or is that too forward thinking for you? I guess you prob are a person who can't figure out how conservatives can like pearl jam either.
what a dumb statement
i let them know how i felt, and how irresponsible, absurd and short sighted their decision is. thanks for the email and links
the game is rigged, but we all know that dont we? we just shrug it off and cheer on our "guy"
I suppose there are some wealthy African Americans who want to hang on to their wealth and who don't give a toss for the majority of their race who have no chance to succeed.
You sound like a typical liberal who think that African Americans are lazy and only looking for handouts. You act as if they should vote Democract so you can take care of them. Jesus Christ.
Some of us believe that they are unique and diverse just like the rest of us (imagine that!) - self-motivated and looking for opportunities to grow businesses, improve themselves, create great homes, etc...
Why are you so obsessed with race?
I actually agree with you on this one.
This is not a debate, it's a carefully crafted public appearance.
They don't want a debate... the last thing they want to do is be pinned on any tough question.
i don't live where you live, but i think Republicans are the same as Conservatives over here, therefore i don't see how they can be classified as "latter-day version of the klan". just because they're are conservatives doesn't mean they're rasict.
i tell you rasict party and that's BNP
So true. This is why people like Kucinich and Paul are largely ignored by mainstream media and the leading candidates. To engage them would give these men a platform to at least show that the other candidates are full of shit. The presidential election has become nothing more than a popularity contest.
You got to spend it all
American politics is such a joke, a sad joke. it's pathetic really.
The rules say the candidate must have campaign office in the state. Kucinich did have an office but it was run out of someone's home rather than a storefront.
Here are the official rules:
no one seemed to care when gravel wasn't invited ON THE FACT THAT HE HASNT RAISED 1 MILLION DOLLARS
lol he passed every other qualification...
so these are the people you will be voting for come november... people you say will stand up for you, but they wont even stand up to a TV company in support of a fellow party member... THEY ARE LYING TO YOU... ALL OF THEM INCLUDING RON PAUL..
Gravel Announced his running in 2006.. has visited EACH STATE at least 10 times (NO OTHER CANDIDATE HAS DONE THIS) has campained at colleges for free and has only 1000 dollars of the campaign money he has.. the rest he has used for transportation and food.. HE USED ALL OF IT
the other candidates are banking on your donations!!... you are sending money to OBAMA AND HILLARY and they are throwing themselves 1000000 dollar birthday parties..
just because the TV tells you OBAMA is in the lead doesnt mean anything
what candidate has nothing to gain from running
and your choices go very slim
one of them isnt running yet and its
one of them has created an entire web page dedicated to YOU
and wants to empower you, the people to make descisions..and not one person...He wants to be president so he can hand it over to the people
one has an old indian philosophy of.. NO WAR