1 or 2 tickets 100?? + if we take your car I drive your car I pay all gas or drive to Elma get to my house by 4:30 AM TO 5AM for 8 hour drive ++ Hotel maybe 140 we split. drinks food extras stuff? YOU maybe 100 ---ME maybe lucky 500$ === ===SO YOU 340 $$ ME 1000 $$
11/06/91 - The Haunt: Ithaca, NY
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
you crazy bastard, the more i think about it, the more i wanna go
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No
Alive + Smells Like Teen Spirit + Saying No