Obama is Approaching

Most of Pearl Jam's press regarding Bonnaroo stated that Eddie made comments about change but didn't mention Obama by name. I was there and I didn't think he did either. However, I just picked up on this from the Bonnaroo boot. Towards the end of the All along the Watchtower during the part where Eddie is repeating "two riders were approaching" @ 3:22 to be exact Eddie says "Obama is approaching." Not a big deal just kinda cool that he snuck that in.
**Note, I got my CD boot yesterday and I was sure that I couldn't be the first one to notice this and I haven't been here in a while. So, if this is old news, don't flame me, just tell me nicely and we can let the post fade into oblivion. I did do a search though with no results. :-)
**Note, I got my CD boot yesterday and I was sure that I couldn't be the first one to notice this and I haven't been here in a while. So, if this is old news, don't flame me, just tell me nicely and we can let the post fade into oblivion. I did do a search though with no results. :-)
Post edited by Unknown User on
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
With the next line in that wishlist tag, at long last, Ed lays out his case for Obama: Apparently, you see, Barack is magic.
"He'll put an end to future wars."
Apparently, Barack will just wave his magic wand and say the magic word "change, change change" (if you're doing it right, it sounds just like the end of Bushleaguer) ...
then, the lions will lay down with lambs, the Israelis and Palestinians will shake hands, and James Carville and Newt Gingrich will tongue-kiss.
I should point out, however, that Ed's grasp of the constitution is a bit shoddy. Elsewhere in this wishlist tag: "Put an end to future wars ... that's what a president is for." I don't remember "power to cause peace on earth" as being enumerated in Article 2. Maybe there is an amendment I'm unaware of
for the least they could possibly do
The big, giant Obama banner he kept hauling out at his West Coast solo shows was another subtle hint
for the least they could possibly do
yes, yes he did!
have you listened to the boot? was great being there and great reliving it. what a show! and for me, nice to hear ed be so hopeful. almost all the shows, DC and at least one of the MSGs, it was wonderful to witness such optimism.
and i was quite amused.
it's funny, i don't really remember that at the time. perhaps i did, and just so many shows, plus i had a bit of an accident, kinda made it all a blur. hearing it on the boots tho i was like - wow! what a suprise. there were a few little lyric drops in a few tunes, politically related and not thruout the tour. always makes the boots extra special.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
awesome for you!
"hail, hail the lucky ones...i refer to those in front!"
that was a great lyric drop of his a few shows. good stuff.
none the less, i enjoyed hearing it in person, albeit from a greater distance...but i also enjoy relistening to the boots, you recapture so much.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
He kept spitting on me during the show at MSG night one. Perhaps he was not a fan of my Nader shirt and me flashing him my
Nader/Gonzalez button.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
i'm as skeptical about Obama as can be, but let's face some obvious facts. John McCain is all about war. the man still thinks Vietnam was a just war, and that we should have fought it harder. and he thinks if we keeping fighting the war in Iraq, something will actually be accomplished there. he made a psychopathic joke about bombing Iran, and not many people know this, but he made a unbelievably insensitive joke about the Washington DC sniper years ago, stunning the Daily Show audience at the time. the man is fucking crazy. he really is. so while Barack Obama is not Jesus Christ by any fucking means, let's admit there is at least a notable difference between Obama and McCain on the issue of war and peace.
all that said, i think Ed's line "he'll put an end to future wars" is a bit silly.
Well tell us what the differences are, please.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
McCain (and the rest of Congress) were wrong about going into Iraq in the first place. Although, faced with the "intelligence" they were given by the Bush Administration, maybe they felt like they had to.
Looking at Iraq today as compared to two years ago, I'd say McCain was right about staying there. The place is *almost* a functioning country again.
Obama, in retrospect, was right about not going there in the first place. Wrong about the surge. I suppose if you had to choose one thing to be right about, the former is more important than the latter.
That's really all I'm getting at really. I was having fun at Ed's expense. He can sound so naive sometimes, God (who he doesn't believe in) love him
for the least they could possibly do