guess who i met today

Ralph fucking Nader. I met him on the corner of L and 18th in downtown D.C. he was cool as shit. he gave me his email address and told me that if he decided to run in 08 I could help with his campaign. how fucking cool.
...if she's gone i can't go on feelin' 2 foot small...
Post edited by Unknown User on
That's cool...but tell him and the Green Party to stay home this time. Nothing against them...but we need to get the Republican party out of office this time and all the Green Party does at this point is take the Democrats' votes.
I do think Nadar has been the strongest Green Party candidate to date...but it's just too important this time. BTW...Matt Gonzalez 42 (an SF attorney) is a fast riser in the Green Party. Look for him in 2016.
Very cool.
I really like Ralph Nader, but don't want him running.
Ideally (and this is insane wishful thinking), I would like the Dems to control the Pres., House and Senate and just kick ass...make the Republican party a thing of the past (again...It will never happen but one can dream). At this point a Green Party type could legitimately run and have a chance without ruining it for EVERYONE!
Anyways, it's cool that you met him!
I have no problem with a women being President...especially one who's already been there before (in a sense).
I think that Obama could possibly beat her... and there is still time for an unknown candidate to surface.
This isn't the strongest group of dem candidates...but if Obama can put it together I think he is the man for the job.
i've met ralph nader tons of times though. really cool guy.
"It's nawwt a toohmah!!"
No...but the Governator would be the only Republican I could stomach because of his strong ties with the Kennedy's.
Arnie hasn't been the best Governor of Kali-phonia but at least he isn't the traditional old GOP member. He is kind of a hybrid of a "republicrat" if you will.
Most people who vote for Nader either vote for other Third Party candidates or don't vote at all. More registered democrats in florida voted for Bush than they did for Nader, Bush is a spoiler! As usual, partisan Dems base opinions on convictions instead of facts.
haha thats a tits middle name
a great american. up there with the best!!!
In the end, blame the Bush voters (and I voted for him in 2000, sorry about that. I tried unsuccessfully to make up for it in 2004).
thank you! more democrats voted for bush than nader. gore lost his own fucking state. gore didn't ask for a state wide recall.
blame the democrats who couldn't beat a fuckin moron like George W Bush!
Why is that chief? Because Eddie said so?
RUDY IN '08!!!!
If you have a chance take a look at either Ron Paul, or Mike Gravel.
Ron Paul-
Mike Gravel-
I think a lot of people on here might think that...but that is still better then supporting a clown like Rudy.
So why then?
If GW could run again, I would vote for him. Rudy is the next best thing.
Give me 5 reasons for why you believe that George W. Bush is a strong leader, and a worthy president.
Why? Rudy is nothing like GW.
There are more GW-like candidates then Rudy.
I will never understand wishful thinking that rids a government of any opposition.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Seat Belts
Crash Testing
Clean Water Act
Freedom of Information Act
Whistleblower laws
Nutrition/Warning Labeling
Just to name a few.
Rudy Guliani happened to be the mayor of a city that was attacked. That's about it. It was great to see Ron Paul make him look like an IDIOT in the debates when Paul said the reason the Bin Ladens of the world hate us is because we're over there and Guliani was flabbergasted and said he'd never heard that theory before, when it's a generally accepted one that Al Quada has stated MANY times before. If you're going to try and benefit off the fact that 3,000 people died under your watch, you should at least read up on the facts.
If you haven't, read "Grand Illusion: the Untold story of Guiliani and 9/11." Learned a lot.
Nader can't be trusted
and this false paradigm of democrats v.s. republican needs to stop,they are equally crooked and "owned".
Ron Paul is the only one who would actually make change for the better.
the rest of these fucking corporate whores are nothing but puppets for those trying to destroy our country.that includes OBAMA.
"I would rather die on my feet than to live on my knees."
Emiliano Zapata
Okay, that last one may not have actually been Guiliani.