I would never want to see another human being tortured or killed. I don't excuse those things unconditionally. People that justify these things need to take a look at what they actually believe.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
as long as he is alive he should just be made to live in the dark no windows never allowed outside no tv nothing just silence just him and hi's evil thoughts just die and if there is a hell this fucker should be burried face down so he can see where hi's headed .............
as long as he is alive he should just be made to live in the dark no windows never allowed outside no tv nothing just silence just him and hi's evil thoughts just die and if there is a hell this fucker should be burried face down so he can see where hi's headed .............
so, illegal solitary confinement? old fashioned but effective.
as long as he is alive he should just be made to live in the dark no windows never allowed outside no tv nothing just silence just him and hi's evil thoughts just die and if there is a hell this fucker should be burried face down so he can see where hi's headed .............
Would that make you feel good?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
not as good as knowing he will get hi's due from some higher being if you believe in that sort of thing wich i have a hard time believing at the moment ,so tell me what would you do as the judge of this case ? ....
i guess, what would you suggest ? just plain jail term 3 meals a day cable access to gym and get monthly check ups by the prison doctor .... :eek:
also we shouldn't forget that he has used to abusing and raping.....so in the eyes of the law he is sort of an addict...and addicts need help to kick their habit, therefore they should provide him with few hookers every now and again, cause we can't have him go cold turkey, it would be against his human rights
also we shouldn't forget that he has used to abusing and raping.....so in the eyes of the law he is sort of an addict...and addicts need help to kick their habit, therefore they should provide him with few hookers every now and again, cause we can't have him go cold turkey, it would be against his human rights
exactly he needs therapy to get him to be a contributing citizen so he can start over again mean while the poor daughter get's totally fucked over and her kids are totally emotionally wrecked ,so we should feel pitty on this man excuse me but i have a hard time with that concept he now becomes the victim ......not to me
not as good as knowing he will get hi's due from some higher being if you believe in that sort of thing wich i have a hard time believing at the moment ,so tell me what would you do as the judge of this case ? ....
Rehabilitation, restrict him from the rest of society...things like that. The guy is obviously disturbed with plenty of mental problems. You agree with that, right?
And I don't believe in a god who shows human flaws such as vengeance, hate and uses violence as a method of solving problems. To me, that thought is sick, ridiculous and illogical. God's love is unconditional(whatever god is) and would not stoop to human crimes to make a point.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i guess, what would you suggest ? just plain jail term 3 meals a day cable access to gym and get monthly check ups by the prison doctor .... :eek:
i wasnt slagging your suggestion. imo that would be the ideal punishment for this crime. no matter how long a prison sentence he could get, he wouldnt be subjected to the same awful conditions that his victims were if he was in a regular jail.
its a tough one. it doesnt feel like jail time is serving enough of a penalty in his case.
ive even found myself (unrealistically) thinking that subtle forms of torture, like removing his nails, genitals and teeth could be done too!
exactly he needs therapy to get him to be a contributing citizen so he can start over again mean while the poor daughter get's totally fucked over and her kids are totally emotionally wrecked ,so we should feel pitty on this man excuse me but i have a hard time with that concept he now becomes the victim ......not to me
Excusing him would mean that I think what he did is within reason and that it is okay because of that. No one has said that. The problem needs to be addressed....just not with more problems and crimes, imo. That makes you no better than him.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Rehabilitation, restrict him from the rest of society...things like that. The guy is obviously disturbed with plenty of mental problems. You agree with that, right?
And I don't believe in a god who shows human flaws such as vengeance, hate and uses violence as a method of solving problems. To me, that thought is sick, ridiculous and illogical. God's love is unconditional(whatever god is) and would not stoop to human crimes to make a point.
in fairness - rehabilitate a 73 year old rapist? thats not exactly a successful business you know.
give him meds and drug him up....
i also believe that while he will receive his punishment after death etc, he also needs to be given a pennance/sentence that reflects the severity of his crime.
Realistically, he should never be released from prison, so is rehabilitating worthwhile? (im not asking you as a challenge, im genuinely unsure myself)
in fairness - rehabilitate a 73 year old rapist? thats not exactly a successful business you know.
give him meds and drug him up....
i also believe that while he will receive his punishment after death etc, he also needs to be given a pennance/sentence that reflects the severity of his crime.
Realistically, he should never be released from prison, so is rehabilitating worthwhile? (im not asking you as a challenge, im genuinely unsure myself)
Yeah in his case, he is so old. A mental facility of some sort would work, I suppose.
I was addressing this in more of a general sense, I guess.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Rehabilitation, restrict him from the rest of society...things like that. The guy is obviously disturbed with plenty of mental problems. You agree with that, right?
with this i agree but it should be confined he shouldn't have any access to any evryday things we all take for granted ,hell he deprived kids of sun light for yrs ....
with this i agree but it should be confined he shouldn't have any access to any evryday things we all take for granted ,hell he deprived kids of sun light for yrs ....
I don't think doing the same thing to him is going to solve anything. I do think it would make us monsters the same as he was.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
also we shouldn't forget that he has used to abusing and raping.....so in the eyes of the law he is sort of an addict...and addicts need help to kick their habit, therefore they should provide him with few hookers every now and again, cause we can't have him go cold turkey, it would be against his human rights
exactly he needs therapy to get him to be a contributing citizen so he can start over again mean while the poor daughter get's totally fucked over and her kids are totally emotionally wrecked ,so we should feel pitty on this man excuse me but i have a hard time with that concept he now becomes the victim ......not to me
Yeah, not you. But me neither. You are putting words into my mouth. Your "argument" is entirely based on something you fabricated.
I just believe when you punish a man by murder or by rape or by any horrible kind of torture, you are using the same methods he uses. You are doing the deeds you claim to hate. Why torture a man, cheer for his rape and eventual or slow death? Ah, because he tortured, and raped.
as long as he is alive he should just be made to live in the dark no windows never allowed outside no tv nothing just silence just him and hi's evil thoughts just die and if there is a hell this fucker should be burried face down so he can see where hi's headed .............
If hell is down, then isn't earth really in fact hell? So....hell is down...there is no hell on earth ....hell IS earth....?!
Actually every individual in history that has ever made reference to hell as being in a downwards direction while standing on earth itself, is essentially someone who is/was not yet able to fully comprehend their physical orientation within the universe. By saying hell is down, one automatically implicates earth as itself being hell. Reason being, if one walked all the way around the world pointing downwards it would all converge the exact dead center of this planet.
Basic logic tosses a wrench into the gears of reasoning..
Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
not as good as knowing he will get hi's due from some higher being if you believe in that sort of thing wich i have a hard time believing at the moment ,so tell me what would you do as the judge of this case ? ....
There is no way to make this good and make this right. Other than seeing life somehow return to these horribly hurt people.
... and the will to show I will always be better than before.
If hell is down, then isn't earth really in fact hell? So....hell is down...there is no hell on earth ....hell IS earth....?!
Actually every individual in history that has ever made reference to hell as being in a downwards direction while standing on earth itself, is essentially someone who is/was not yet able to fully comprehend their physical orientation within the universe. By saying hell is down, one automatically implicates earth as itself being hell. Reason being, if one walked all the way around the world pointing downwards it would all converge the exact dead center of this planet.
Basic logic tosses a wrench into the gears of reasoning..
Yeah in his case, he is so old. A mental facility of some sort would work, I suppose.
I was addressing this in more of a general sense, I guess.
you're probably right to address it like that though!
im just letting anger override my thoughts when i hear his name. treat him like prisoners deserve...
lock him up, try rehabiliate him, make him serve his sentence.
his name goes down in history as evil.
Yeah, not you. But me neither. You are putting words into my mouth. Your "argument" is entirely based on something you fabricated.
I just believe when you punish a man by murder or by rape or by any horrible kind of torture, you are using the same methods he uses. You are doing the deeds you claim to hate. Why torture a man, cheer for his rape and eventual or slow death? Ah, because he tortured, and raped.
so what do you oh your moral highness propose we should do?
this creep also was convicted of rape in 1967 and served time in jail :eek: ,guess what he couldn't be fixed for hi's next crime he wen't even further on hi's own daughter .....maybe if they would of put him away in a mental institution back then this could of been avoided ...to late now for the victims ..
The 15 years would be for rape, but the authorities are considering other charges too which carry longer sentences.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
so, illegal solitary confinement? old fashioned but effective.
Would that make you feel good?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
yeah, thought there would be more. it should be!
ill look that up! hah, people on here have very dark streaks in them
you can't, mods thought the thread was so bad that they deleted it
EDIT: sorry, my bad, they haven't it's still there
i guess, what would you suggest ? just plain jail term 3 meals a day cable access to gym and get monthly check ups by the prison doctor .... :eek:
not as good as knowing he will get hi's due from some higher being if you believe in that sort of thing wich i have a hard time believing at the moment ,so tell me what would you do as the judge of this case ? ....
exactly he needs therapy to get him to be a contributing citizen so he can start over again mean while the poor daughter get's totally fucked over and her kids are totally emotionally wrecked ,so we should feel pitty on this man excuse me but i have a hard time with that concept he now becomes the victim ......not to me
Rehabilitation, restrict him from the rest of society...things like that. The guy is obviously disturbed with plenty of mental problems. You agree with that, right?
And I don't believe in a god who shows human flaws such as vengeance, hate and uses violence as a method of solving problems. To me, that thought is sick, ridiculous and illogical. God's love is unconditional(whatever god is) and would not stoop to human crimes to make a point.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
i wasnt slagging your suggestion. imo that would be the ideal punishment for this crime. no matter how long a prison sentence he could get, he wouldnt be subjected to the same awful conditions that his victims were if he was in a regular jail.
its a tough one. it doesnt feel like jail time is serving enough of a penalty in his case.
ive even found myself (unrealistically) thinking that subtle forms of torture, like removing his nails, genitals and teeth could be done too!
Excusing him would mean that I think what he did is within reason and that it is okay because of that. No one has said that. The problem needs to be addressed....just not with more problems and crimes, imo. That makes you no better than him.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
in fairness - rehabilitate a 73 year old rapist? thats not exactly a successful business you know.
give him meds and drug him up....
i also believe that while he will receive his punishment after death etc, he also needs to be given a pennance/sentence that reflects the severity of his crime.
Realistically, he should never be released from prison, so is rehabilitating worthwhile? (im not asking you as a challenge, im genuinely unsure myself)
Yeah in his case, he is so old. A mental facility of some sort would work, I suppose.
I was addressing this in more of a general sense, I guess.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
with this i agree but it should be confined he shouldn't have any access to any evryday things we all take for granted ,hell he deprived kids of sun light for yrs ....
I don't think doing the same thing to him is going to solve anything. I do think it would make us monsters the same as he was.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yeah, not you. But me neither. You are putting words into my mouth. Your "argument" is entirely based on something you fabricated.
I just believe when you punish a man by murder or by rape or by any horrible kind of torture, you are using the same methods he uses. You are doing the deeds you claim to hate. Why torture a man, cheer for his rape and eventual or slow death? Ah, because he tortured, and raped.
naděje umírá poslední
If hell is down, then isn't earth really in fact hell? So....hell is down...there is no hell on earth ....hell IS earth....?!
Actually every individual in history that has ever made reference to hell as being in a downwards direction while standing on earth itself, is essentially someone who is/was not yet able to fully comprehend their physical orientation within the universe. By saying hell is down, one automatically implicates earth as itself being hell. Reason being, if one walked all the way around the world pointing downwards it would all converge the exact dead center of this planet.
Basic logic tosses a wrench into the gears of reasoning..
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
The truth is... you can't put a number of years to what he did.
There is no way to make this good and make this right. Other than seeing life somehow return to these horribly hurt people.
yeah, you are right.
These things cant be undone.
The fatc that the 5 year old boy was excited about driving in the ambulance was a twisted heartwarming aspect to the story
you're probably right to address it like that though!
im just letting anger override my thoughts when i hear his name. treat him like prisoners deserve...
lock him up, try rehabiliate him, make him serve his sentence.
his name goes down in history as evil.
the right way ot do it probably...
this fucker was totally evil he might be the devil indeed ...how can you do that to your own flesh & blood ......
so what do you oh your moral highness propose we should do?
your moral highness. Cute :rolleyes:
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