The Israeli Take on McCain
The Israeli government backs McCain and remains weary of any change to the status quo Neo-Con domination of our foreign policy.
Palin's detractors have already floated the little tidbit that she wore a Pat Buchanan button when he made a presidential campaign stop to Wasilla, Alaska, in 1999, where she was mayor, a tidbit that won't make Jews happy, but may seem less toxic than Obama's longtime affiliation and friendship with his own former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.
But Palin's obscurity, her lack of any record on Israel, or even statements on Israel issues, has not changed the overall sentiment in Jerusalem toward the race, and a lack of public endorsement of a ticket doesn't mean a lack of preference. Privately, the prevalent feeling in Jerusalem's corridors of power is that in the Obama-McCain race, "more of the same," the epithet Obama is throwing at McCain, is not that bad.
When it comes to the Middle East, Jerusalem - or at least the current government - is not only unafraid of more of the same, but would actually embrace it from the next White House. The government likes what has come from the Bush administration over the last number of years and is in no hurry to see any change there.
The Israeli government backs McCain and remains weary of any change to the status quo Neo-Con domination of our foreign policy.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
Surely the JPost is not so naive in its reporting as to underestimate the support Obama and Biden have to offer Israel?
Perhaps, since Jerusalem Post was never one of the real big rags, it never received the ownership attention of the true "Zionists". However, you would think now , considering their current "partnership" with Rupert Murdoch's newly acquired Wall Street Journal, that they would be able to "see" that point.
Or maybe the fear on the inside really is that Obama thinks he could some how be a Maverick, and thus the concern in this article. Although I personally think the evidence suggests strongly that its just more of the same with a prettier face and quicker tongue.
So far, all Obama has publicly offered is a restructuring of current middle east deployments. I don't see any fundamental change that would concern me (in the shoes of an Israeli) regarding a break from "more of the same".
Perhaps Obama brings a more "progressive" approach to American imperialist doctrine. On a superficial level, maybe even a more multilateral (or at least, less unilateral) position.
One thing i know is Brzezinski is no fucking dummy, and i see no reason why TPTB would take concern with a man both tapped by Z-Big directly in the 80's, and who takes advisory consult from him currently.
For those interested in the assertion that Obama has been under the tutelage and grooming of Brzezinski since the 80's, check out this WG Tarpley article: Behind The Copied Speeches - Governor Deval Patrick Is Brzezinski's Spare Obama ...
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I want to know what happened to the Bush peace accords. One thing I liked about Bush was that he seemed adamant about the necessity of creating an independent Palestinian state. What happened to that idea? Although I don't think it would solve all the problems in the Middle East, I think it would do a world of good.
If you mean, do I expect him to act as a honest broker? It's not one of the things about him that I'm sure of, but I think he'd act as an honest broker far more than McCain. He said nothing in the AIPAC speech that promoted Israel's interests over other nations, it was just kiss-ass. Could Obama be criticized for that? Sure he could. Every politican kisses ass to the Israeli lobby. I think Obama is one of the finest politicans and most inspirational leaders in recent memory, but he isn't perfect. However, he, like Bush, recommends a Palestinian state, and I think other nations besides Israel view him less as being in the pocket of that lobby than they consider Israel.
Seriously, an independent Palestinian state needs to happen, sooner rather than later.
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