24 pisses off Muslims

Muslims think that they aren't overwhelmingly implicated in terrorist activities across the world.
Muslims think that they aren't overwhelmingly implicated in terrorist activities across the world.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
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"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Regardless of any association of Muslims with terrorist activities, I would hope that the majority of people can seperate the actions of a minority of extreemists with the rest of the muslim population.
Does it not seem slightly ridiculous for Muslims to be angry about 24 depicting Muslim extremists as the terrorists, considering recent world events?
-Enoch Powell
" 24 pisses off Muslims "
What else is new.
The quotes in that article, in that foxnews.com link are ridiculous. These Muslims need to get a freakin' life and maybe they should spend as much energy and time discouraging Extremist Islamic ideology; as they spend getting offended, whining and attempting to manipulate everyone around them.
Oh fuck them. It's a fuckin' TV show, for Christ's sake. Get a grip!
I haven't seen the show, but if it is depicting a terrorist as a muslim extremist that would seem ok, as long as it was not suggesting anything wider.
I think people of all nations and religions across the world appear to be looking for an excuse to get pissed off about TV. It seems to be a common characteristic of the human race -complain about what is on the telivision. (at least in those that have them).
Of course it's ridiculous.
But that's what Muslims are all about.
Certainly you didn't hear or see any Muslims complaining, protesting or attempting to bully Fox Studios into portraying the American President in a more positive light; when "24" had the character of the President Of The United States Of America ...... as a vicious, duplicitous, murderous criminal.
This nothing but standard Muslim bullying. Now they want to control the content of american TV shows. Fuck off.
and it's not ridiculous to get upset with people getting upset about the content of a TV show?
I'll give you an example:
If 24 depicted Christian terrorists, something like a bunch of Westboro Baptist Church a-holes, bombing abortion clinics around the U.S. and threatening to nuke a city, you know what I'd say?
"Shit, those guys are fucking nuts!"
I would not identify with them at all. I would find no similarities in my beliefs with those of the "Christians" in the movie. You know why? Because I know those people really aren't Christians. They don't speak for me at all.
So, why don't these Muslims have the same reaction? Why can't they be regular Americans who think that the Muslims extremists are fucking assholes and they're nothing like us. 9/11 and terrorist attacks around the world have been perpetrated by Muslim extremists. Any good Muslim should just, "Hey, they sure as hell don't speak for me, and I'm not going to protest 24 if they want to depict what real life events are going on."
If I were a Muslim, there would be no way that I would ever oppose 24's depiction of those Muslims.
-Enoch Powell
I'm not in agreement with the protests, my post was pretty much just saying that protesting the show is a waste of time and being upset at people protesting the show is a waste of time.
But to answer your post, it would be nice to see muslims not always in the same role, I mean we get the terrorist part, but it would be nice to see them as a lead character in a sitcom or whatever else, it's not exactly like hollywood treats them like regular americans. They need to balance it out.
Maybe...Muslims can come from all sorts of different ethnic backgrounds.
I know Kumar from "Harold and Kumar" was on 24. That "Harold and Kumar" was so money.
-Enoch Powell
ummm, he's Hindu.
Welllll they all look the same am I right???
Ehh???? Haha, just kidding, folks. Don't get mad at me, mods.
-Enoch Powell
including an american president
i understand this year the angle is abit different with the camps and the "labeling" and whatever else happens but give it a rest
exactly, it's always been pretty mixed, next season they just need to involve israel and have them being the terrorists. Blowing things up in LA but trying to blame everyone else. I'm sure jewish groups would not mind.
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