Bush doesn't know history

"Bush: 'What every terrorist fears most is human freedom — societies where men and women make their own choices.'
Buchanan: Very American. But the truth is terrorists do not fear free societies, they flourish in them. The suicide bombers of 9-11, Madrid and London all plotted their atrocities in free societies. From the Red Brigades, who murdered Italy’s Aldo Mori, to the Baader-Meinhoff Gang, who tried to kill Al Haig, to the Basque ETA, the IRA and the Puerto Rican terrorists who tried to assassinate Harry Truman, free societies are where they do their most effective work.
Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany had no trouble with terrorists."
Terrorism is caused by the U.S. being in the middle east. The quick solution to end terrorism in the U.S. is to get out of the middle east. We should also kick out all non-citizens for a time until we can be sure what terrorist groups are inside our borders. Also, it should be more difficult to become a citizen.
Terrorism can be solved by sensible immigration policies. America should become a place for Americans - not for the world. American interests should dominate American policy and not the interests of Israel, Mexico, or China. Have a moratorium on immigration to combat terrorism - don't go across the world to a foreign land and attack them in their own country. That's like trying to fight a bees nest by running into it head first.
Buchanan: Very American. But the truth is terrorists do not fear free societies, they flourish in them. The suicide bombers of 9-11, Madrid and London all plotted their atrocities in free societies. From the Red Brigades, who murdered Italy’s Aldo Mori, to the Baader-Meinhoff Gang, who tried to kill Al Haig, to the Basque ETA, the IRA and the Puerto Rican terrorists who tried to assassinate Harry Truman, free societies are where they do their most effective work.
Stalin’s Russia and Nazi Germany had no trouble with terrorists."
Terrorism is caused by the U.S. being in the middle east. The quick solution to end terrorism in the U.S. is to get out of the middle east. We should also kick out all non-citizens for a time until we can be sure what terrorist groups are inside our borders. Also, it should be more difficult to become a citizen.
Terrorism can be solved by sensible immigration policies. America should become a place for Americans - not for the world. American interests should dominate American policy and not the interests of Israel, Mexico, or China. Have a moratorium on immigration to combat terrorism - don't go across the world to a foreign land and attack them in their own country. That's like trying to fight a bees nest by running into it head first.
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I'm gay for him.
-Enoch Powell
Nothing wrong with that. Is his butt saggy?
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
I remember getting into arguements with other Conservatives about this in the days leading up to the invasion of Iraq. Kinda odd that Buchanan and say the same things? Not really. I'm basically a moderate Conservative that is pissed off at Bush for driving my country into the ditch and fooled the other Conservatives into following him.
And yes... President Bush doesn't know history... too many words and not enough pictures in those books.
Hail, Hail!!!
Bush is responsible for all the policies of presidents before him? He inherited this mess, made some choices, some good, some bad. He played the hand he was dealt.
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
Bring it on cause I'm no victim
b nice loves pearl jam like ed vedder loves america
- Noam Chomsky
tell noam to stop hanging out with castro
Regardless of your feelings about Noam Chomsky is right about this. We have a long sad history or supporting and participating in terrorism. Even after the events of 9/11 we still have our hands in it by harboring 2 of the deadliest terrorists this continent has seen.
what 2 is that?
Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles. Bosch is currently living in Southern Florida, a free man. Posada is being detained because of illegal entry into this country but the US is refusing to extradite him to Venezuala to face trial for his envolvement in the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner that killed 73 people. Cuba also wants him to stand trial for the string of hotyal bombing he orchestrated in 1997 that resulted in the death of 1 Italian tourist. The two of them have also been implicated in the assasination of Orlando Letelier in 1976 at Dupont Circle in Washington D.C. There is also a long list of bombings, bombing attempts, assasinations and assasination attempts that the two have been linked to. I will post more information for you if you would like. Bosch was actually extracted from a Venezuelan prison and brought into the US with the help of Otto Reich. Bush Sr. then pardoneds him of all crimes mainly because most of his terrorist activities occured while Bosch was on the CIA payroll.
it's only terrorism if the person killec is white, or the airliner is filled w/ whit eppl, right miller?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I think you're not being fair here Kabong! I'm sure miller would be outraged as well if the people killed were any kind of Americans, white, black, hell maybe even hispanic.
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All Presidents inheirit the results of policies by previous administrations... why is this President any different? Carter had to deal with Nixon, Reagan with Carter, Bush with Reagan, Clinton with Reagan/Bush, Bush with Clinton.
The difference is... none of those presidents divided our country so serverly or gotten us into such a huge mess... basically on their own doing. He wasn't dealt any worse of a hand than any of his predecessors, but he played it with wrecklessness and we are the ones paying for it.
Hail, Hail!!!
Wouldn't that be an extreme example of "shooting sparrows with cannons"? I won't even go into what makes an american an american (although I have a pretty clear idea what he really means with that from elsewhere) and what these american interests would be. This sounds like the xenophobic rhetoric of extreme nationalist right-wingers across europe.
Anyway. It's no secret that I despise Buchanan and his opinions.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Buchanan has become an idiot. I use to think he made a lot of sense but now it seems he says crazy stuff just to get attention.
A few things;
1) We are not fighting terrorism, terrorism is a tactic, we are fighting radical islamists(sp?) but it is not political correct to say we are fighting radical islamists so we say we are fighting terrorism, global war on terrorism, and so on.
2) These radical islamists do fear human freedom, and men and woman making there own choices. There ideal socity is one which all choices are made for them by the Quran.
3) As far as the cause of radical islamists and the resulting terrorism against the US. The US being in the middle east is an easy excuse used buy the likes of Osama as a recruiting slogan, and to stir up desention in the US,(which is not nessicarily bad), so in that sense you could says it fuels terrorism, but it is not the cause, the cause is radical islam and the US is not the cause of radical islam, run on sentances are which, makes me guitly.
In my opinion, they do not fear human freedom. Or they fear it as much as anyone else.
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What observations of radical islamists led you to this opinion?
Think that Islam as well as other forms of religion (christianity included) know their beliefs are based on thoughts and beliefs that will ultimately be exposed for the farce they are...so are desperate and fighting to maintain what they can.
All religions were simply created as a means of control and now are pretty much obsolete. We've evolved to be able to figure out right and wrong on our own.
We all want to pursue our personal beliefs. This is basically human freedom. Radical islamists do the same, except their personal beliefs include oppression and murder of people who do not share their beliefs, which is unacceptable.
They don't hate freedom. Living according to the Quran is not fear of freedom, it's their choice to live under the Quran.
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