Pius XII and the Holocaust

Many people seem to have this strange idea that the Pope was silent during the holocaust. They are not informed on the issue, clearly.
For your edification:
For your edification:
All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.
-Enoch Powell
-Enoch Powell
Post edited by Unknown User on
I still say he could have done more.
"Hallowed are the Ori"
http://www.freewebs.com/alnkirk - it ain't shabby!
Read the article before you say anything silly.
-Enoch Powell
A Jewish Rabbi? Wow.
-Enoch Powell
Well obviously neither a website called "catholicleague" nor a jewish rabbi for author. More like an independant scholar of some sort.
LOL you people are too easy.
About The Author
Rabbi David G. Dalin, a widely-published scholar of American Judaism and the history of Christian-Jewish Relations, is the author or co-author of five books, including Religion and State in the American Jewish Experience, published by the University of Notre Dame Press in 1997 and, most recently, The President of the United States and the Jews. His article, "Pius XII and the Jews," was published in the February 26, 2001 issue of the Weekly Standard, and was reprinted in the August-September issue of Inside the Vatican, published in Rome. Rabbi Dalin is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the journal First Things, and a member of the Board of Governors of Sacred Heart University's Center for Christian Jewish understanding. He is now writing a new book, tentatively entitled: Two Popes and the Jews: Pius XII and John Paul II.
-Enoch Powell
I don't think you understood my point. Choosing such a source for your argument is like choosing an article from a greenpeace activist on "stopglobalwarmingnow.com" to support the argument that global warming is manmade. These people know what they're talking about but it's hard to believe they aren't biaised.
The worst part is that the point is interesting, because indeed I was taught that pius was at best silent during the war. It's just that it would have been interesting to have an article by an historian whose religion/religious beliefs stayed unknown.
Well, you find someone who disagrees and we can make it a legitimate debate!
-Enoch Powell
Amercians sure didn't give too much concern until Pearl harbor was bombed. Half of Europe was too scared to do anything, as were many Germans for that matter. We don't get involved in genocide unless it serves our strategic interests.
There were some really hard choices the people back then faced, I would not want to have been in anyone's shoes back then. If a german helped jews they suffered the same fate. What would you have done...REALLY?
I am not being an apologist either, I am asking a serious question. Put yourself back then, and there...what would you have done if faced with the choices they had(not the Nazis mind you, I am talking about everyone else)
The source is somewhat biased alright. Without a source that is entirely neutral and unopinionated then the true truth cannot be known.
"Hallowed are the Ori"
http://www.freewebs.com/alnkirk - it ain't shabby!
Ah yes, the true truth. Better yet, the true true truth. When we can know that, things will be much better off.
-Enoch Powell
Good comeback.
Your mom goes to college...
-Napoleon Dynamite
-Enoch Powell